Look, I get it. Personal loot would ruin the economy. Fine! Okay. I understand.
But can we please, for the love of God, get a way to distribute legendary/unique items that ISN’T using bots or autoclickers? Because you know that’s what it’s gonna come down to.
There are people with disabilities, people who aren’t hardcore clickers, people with wrist or hand or assorted motor issues, people who’ll be playing on controller, there’s a big wide list of reasons why someone might not be willing or even able to outclick 7 other people in a game.
And that’s without getting into the plague of third party software that will be made to collect drops for you. And they WILL be made, no matter how hard Blizzard tries to stop it.
I’m not saying there’s a perfect solution, but there has to be something better than “everyone just click like a madman and pray”. Because that’s not fun, or fair.
Timed loot is an intermediate option between FFA and personal loot (see PoE where all 3 are choices)
Timed loot? I don’t play PoE, explain?
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All drops are global like in D2. Each drop for a short time is assigned to one player in that multiplayer game where it is only visible and collectable by that player. After a smidgen of time, any drops not collected by that player are now visible to all as FFA as in D2.
That sounds a lot fairer than “lol just get good at clicking lol”.
I don’t care about personal loot I just care about being able to play with other people but also not needing to worry about Mr. Ninjalooter6969 taking everything.
Exactly. In PoE, you can choose amongst 3 options. Like D2, FFA. Like personal loot, pick that. Timed loot pick that. The game creator sets the loot drop system for everyone in the party.
Yeah that sounds like the best way to do it. Just have loot settings when creating a game. Bam, done. You wanna be hardcore, fine, make a game with FFA setting. But don’t sh*t on people for wanting qualify of life improvements.
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I would be fine with any choice but not multiple different choices on the same server… that’s just stupid.
Choices should be per-game and not per-player. So if you join an FFA game, that’s it, loot is FFA. If you join a timed loot game, then all loot is like that.
That is exactly how it works. It is per game.
It should be FFA. That’s how you accidentally come across Eaglehorn and Windforce in Cow Level, because somebody was too busy killing cows to see that they dropped. There’s no other way you’ll ever come across these weapons.
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IF personal loot comes, it needs to be party based and only to party members in the same general area where the monster death occurs.
That is how it works in most modern aRPGs.
Also just thinking about how many people I alone carried, I would never do personal drops and bring people with me, they literally did nothing in the first place, now they still can do nothing but are guaranteed a drop. Now this is being extreme because I always did do runs for anyone and let them have drops but why would anyone strong bother with weak players, they would team-up and only team up because otherwise your destroying their efficiency. So many factors you got to change to make this work and it is nothing like diablo 2 at that point which is the point of this. I dunno I get it but at best I would want personal found server and FFA server.
I honestly think the big reason a lot of people don’t want personal loot is they won’t be able to control the market. (with or without bots) If personal loot comes, the market will evenly stabilize on its own.
There’s a lot of elitism involved in not wanting personal loot, yes.
But personally all I care about is looting not being about who can click fastest or who’s using a bot/cheat/software to pick up loot.
I don’t care if loot is still shared as long as the drops are fair.
I do that all the time. Being generous and kind is its own reward. It also breaks the whole I need to be efficient and grind monotony.
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If personal loot doesn’t come, I’ll keep doing what I’ve been doing:
1: Solo play.
2: Ninjaing chaos/baal games.
3: Playing with friends.
I WILL NOT ninja questing games. That’s a Richard cranium move.
You will have players using level restrictions and criticizing build choices of players who join their games.
With the hostile and party functions, you will actually have to leave. It would actually be interesting how much this would backfire.
your in here ruining the drop rates and really not doing anything, well your gone!