Called It: Fun Police Cry for DH Nerfs

Yep. I can disagree with someone, without thinking less of them as a person, we just have different opinions.

There are some who come to these boards to incite, and be a part of the flame war.

Then there are others who incite, to step back and claim to be the good guy in it all.

To be honest, I’m not sure that either is more or less worse than the other.

The motivation behind an act is every bit as important as the act itself. I make no distinction whatsoever between the two people you describe. You are what you do. You know what you’re doing when you do it, you know you’re going to do it, and you know the effect it’s going to have. Feigning innocence is just an attempt to escape responsibility for the actions after they’re made.

Dealing with those people would be far easier if we had an ignore option. If there is one, I haven’t seen where it is or how to use it. Believe me when I tell you, that list would be quite long by now if I did.

So much this…

I believe there is one under the user settings, but it only lasts for 4 months, and I don’t think it works in every situation.


Large mugs of TEA beat all that coffee nonsense.
Must we dual over this? Pistols or swords? Consider the gauntlet thrown…


Phoneix…thank you. I will attempt to locate that function now. Just because it’s temporary doesn’t mean it won’t give me some sense of satisfaction as I do what the site’s moderators pretend to: Give silence to those who earn it.

Actually…there is a “forever” duration listed now. I just found the setting. Now, when a person is dissatisfied with a proper answer and attempts to force a new one, I can just BanHammer and be done with it. We’ll make this forum civil again.

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Well, then you’re really going to want to duel me.

…I drink both.

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Hopefully not in the same mug!


Certainly not! ~tooootally genuine offense~


No problem. Hope it helps your forum experience.

Edit - I just found this from Meteorblabe:

Ok, so I snorted a little at this exchange :joy:

I hear you there, I was flagging the balancers left, right and center a while back and liking posts that deserved a heart a lot and I ended up being a TL3. Now after not flagging anyone for a couple of months and just liking a few good posts that caught my eye here and there, I am now a TL2! Go figure! :thinking: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend: :shushing_face: :rofl:

I have to agree with that statement and get a bit of a chuckle too.
The Dev’s have never been too concerned about “balance” from day one and with the way the game has developed, with Paragon, cheating, exploits and “SUPER” OP Themes in Seasons the Dev’s have lost all control of any kind balance in Diablo III entirely. I will definitely be surprised if the Dev’s will even come close to a balanced game, because D3 wasn’t built that way.
Give me a Dark Roast, double-double with a shot of Crown Royal and I will be perfectly balanced! :balance_scale:

I think that your general rule is good. Frequently on the forum., it seems like a post was not read/comprehended fully leading to misperceptions and erroneous conclusions.

Class balance
There are many ways to make cross class comparisons using the non-season leaderboard (one region or all regions) to look at power balance that have been used/discussed on the forum. These include:

A. Average of Top GR solo clears (top 10, top 50, top 100, …, Top 1000)
B. Looking at specific rank on leaderboard (Rank # 10, rank # 50, etc…)
C. Greater rift efficiency of top 1000 or 2000
D. Actual GR clears for players of ~5K paragon
E. GR leaderboard clears scaled/transformed to 5K paragon (Blizzard game balance blog)

These methods differ in their computational intensity and in some cases, require downloading Blizzard’s leaderboard data through the API. Typically, the results for A-D are relatively consistent (a notable exception is necromancers during the thorns build era). The top 10 method was used in the barbarian buff proposal to determine that barbarians required a buff of 4.1 GRs. Although the top 10 metric is imperfect, it was good enough to illustrate a key feature of class imbalance. Personally, I think a quick inspection of the leaderboards is sufficient to see classes that are outliers, but it is good to have a quantitative measure.

Trust Level

Assuming no forum suspension, the two most common causes that lead a forum member to lose their TL3 are either not meeting the reading (20,000 posts) or like requirements. Both are seemingly taken with a 100 day rolling average.

Yeah, what you’re describing? I’ve seen it happen before. There is zero actual moderation here, and I suspect the folks who do have the power to silence, ban, etc, are overworked in the first place. But, you know, in the same year that Acti-Blizz makes record profits, they also lay off 800+ workers, so where on Earth would they get the money to hire people to do a jobby job???

Yes. 1000x yes.

When next we meet, good sir, it will be upon the field of honor, where your barbarous ways will be cast down in the mud, there to grovel in shame. May Folgers have mercy on your soul.

Well-said, Windigo. All one has to do is look at the current state of the game and where it’s been heading in terms of Season Themes. Balance is not a major concern, and I suspect that balance for the devs simply means some crude semblance of intra- and inter-class balance. That’s not going to be too difficult to achieve; mostly, it’s just about buffing multipliers on builds that aren’t up to par, though even that can cause some internal headaches due to the incredibly old tech they’re still using for D3 servers.

This forum is not worthy of you, but so help me God, we’re going to try. We’re going to try, damn it!

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For class balance, non-seasons are typically considered due to differential benefits that particular classes may have with the seasonal theme.

I would not use the current seasonal theme as a benchmark of the developer’s overall thoughts on power creep as discussed earlier in the thread.

Anyone who advocates for nerfs for any build, cause elite 5-10% of the playerbase can clear 140-150 GRs, while the casuals or players who don’t spend 10h+ grinding paragons in META groups needs help from a “specialist”…

I can’t stand people who ask for nerfs just because some PRO players or random guy with no life at all who just spends more than 10hours doing 4 man META runs or abuses an exploit clears a GR140-150…

I wouldn’t mind if the 4 META groups would be running 150 GRs in less than 3-2 minutes on 2nd or 3rd day of season with 1500-2000 paragon, barely any caldesans at all or only 110-120 rank legendaries

If we had all our builds balanced arround 140-150 GR at least we would have a CHOICE which we like to play the most, even if one build could clear 150 GR in 8 minutes while the other in 12-14 minutes…

Nerfing is the dumbest way to balance items and it only p1s5es people who don’t have time to play more than 2-6h a day off, because they know they will never even clear a 110 GR or 120 GR if all we get is constant and pointless nerfs hindering us from reaching our personal highiest GR clear JUST BECAUSE of usually ONE guy who clears 140-150 GR with a certain build. :man_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:

Thank God we didn’t have the current dev team in D2 LoD, cause than everyone who “dared” to reach to 99 level would have the items they used nerfed to the ground, cause we wouldn’t be allowed to reach 95-99 level in D2 LoD…


The term you’re looking for is “Punished For Performance”. It’s an absolutely terrible way to achieve balance, especially in a game where one or two tweaks to a build can mean all the difference, or a player who better understands how to employ strategy, or someone with faster reaction time…all can mean that a build which underperforms for most…overperforms for some.

Whatever you do, don’t do your best. Ever. If you start to succeed, there goes your build.


Only a true “Forum Warrior” would know these things :nerd_face:, maybe play the game a little more, you might figure out how this GAME actually works! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

My thoughts on that is they are only doing that to keep as many players playing as possible, to heck with the rest of the game, Non Seasons is nothing but a unfix-able mess now. :frowning_face:

:rofl: Now that is funny!
I do drink a fair amount of tea, Red Rose mostly, they tell me it is only available in Canada eh, “what a pity!”

Now that is a term most people don’t hear everyday, except in Diablo III by the Nerf Squad. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The TL system is completely broken.

It shows absolutely no common sense to who should, and should not, be trusted in anyway, shape or form.

Yep, and I basically managed to have this confirmed by a few people above that level as well.

Yeah, I quite often get asked how I survive without coffee. To which I reply, well not drinking coffee is how I survive. That’s pretty much Coffee Allergy and Staying Alive 101 :rofl:

There are a few posters I can think of that would have 90% of their posts greyed out for the absolute dribble that it is.

All this talk about game balance and all they’ve managed to do is nerf their own forums into oblivion.

Careful there, thats a very hard wall you’re trying to bang your head against.

Of more concern is the attitude of “Barbs are OP, they can clear 148!!! NERF NOW!!!”

No! 1 person cleared 148…once.

The average player is not clearing anywhere near that…the average player is not even clearing 130, let a lone 140 or higher.


You should read the conversation from the beginning to understand.

This is a leaderboard, and the numerical limit only serves to define who is below or above. There is NO difference in gameplay. Therefore, all builds, could be nerf to ~ 140 with their maximum potential, there is no real loss.

Now, think what the difference would be in doing what you say on a 150 or a 120.

Furthermore, as you say, many players like to feel powerful, and this is directly related to this cap … If the player reaches 150 solo without even reaching the maximum potential of his character, then, in the end we will have solo players @ 9-10k frustrated because they cannot go beyond 150 due to the CAP.

As I already explained in another post, it doesn’t make sense, there is an error in the design. It’s like putting a limit on a weightlifting competition.

That’s D3 in a nutshell. But nerfing builds isn’t going to magically inject new life into the game because the game is what it is: a fast-track to power via big 'ol multipliers. And the GR cap won’t be increased due to technical issues.

The game has been on pace to get here for a while now, and at this point, asking for nerfs is akin to putting an imaginary Band-Aid on a cut. Nerfs are not the answer. Focused buffs to underperforming builds are.

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That would take the skeleton crew of 1 Dev 7 years to figure out how to do that with every Build in the game when some builds that can’t even do GR 100 now! :smirk:

I guess that is why there is such a thing as “End Game” in this game and of course end game usually means ah, um, gee, end of game and it’s time to start over or move on.
I am a long ways away from that scenario and I am still having fun. :sunglasses:

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