Called It: Fun Police Cry for DH Nerfs

Poor DHs. They’re getting a taste of what we know all too well.

It’s the usual suspect and alts, plus a few other folk who seem to be arguing that since Saders and WDs got nerfed, DHs should also be nerfed. Never mind the fact that DHs have been hot garbage for, well, years, and that they had to fight tooth and nail in the PTR to get their set to do anything worthwhile.

The Digital Karens are assembling. Things could get ugly.


I haven’t seen anyone asking to speak to a manager yet. :wink:

Give 'em five minutes and an itch to scratch.

Has our favorite table guy shown up yet?

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Yup. With alts. To talk about “balance.”

What’s his main again? Isn’t it wiz?

Excel. Dabbles in Docs but just barely.


Took me a second to understand this, but I actually got a chuckle out of this. Haha

DH, Barb and WD if I’m assuming the correct person y’all are talking about

I think the reasoning is… well I play dh and I want to be at the top. Clear 150 in 15 secs. If a nerf happens to my class that I play I will complain till the end of time. If another class comes close to what my class can do, it’s op and needs to be nerfed cuz I want to be on the top.
Sry but I’ve noticed that no one wants me be better anymore. They just want to bring ppl down to them just to make themselves Feel better.

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Andddd I’m dead. Well played

Oh, great, I have to clean up tea from all over my desk again!

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Iria has stated intent to conduct more testing, so hopefully we’ll get closer to a concrete answer. Meanwhile, anyone not instantly agreeing continues to get jumped on in those threads. Guess I found my nemeses already, huh?

Can’t we all just get along? :smiley:

EDIT: Caught that reference, Free. I was trying to figure out what kind of pun to follow it with, but I guess I don’t have anything funny enough.

Be careful with the karen comments many forums are deeming it as hate speech and its up to be deemed so legally so I wouldnt bother calling names. It really take away from any argument you might have had.

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No. Just no.

Also no, doubly so when the “arguments” under consideration are so friggin’ absurd.

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Here we go again…

Too bad I no longer have my TL3 status (guess some people can’t handle criticism), cause I would make some spicy memes…

“Hate Speech” is just a way to silence people who doesn’t fit their narrative and who dare to have their own opinion and doesn’t act like mindless sheep who agree with everything their told to agree with for financial gain…

If you dare to have your own opinion than you’re called all sorts of phobes, .ists, ch(u)ads or alt-right biggots living in their parents basement praising the current USA president to heavens and you get cancelled by the SJWs from twitter just beacause you exist…

Sure there are some people with messed up opinions, but right now it’s basically what I wrote above…


I see your point, but I think that’s a bit too simplistic. There certainly are people who weaponize the term “hate speech,” but some opinions are so dangerous that they have to be silenced. White supremacy, for example, has one goal: genocide. It goes without saying (I hope) that such a dangerous and destructive viewpoint should be silenced.

Point taken. There are a lot of very vocal extremists on both sides, but I think it’s important to not equate cancel culture with racism, homophobia, and other dangerous, bigoted stances. Cancel culture seeks to draw awareness to long-standing, often systemic problems in various fields, and to mobilize large-scale boycotting, workplace repercussion, and social accountability. It’s mostly (and correctly, I would argue) applied to people who profit from a lack of professional and social accountability, and it’s often done as a reaction to various problems, but it does have its problems, chiefly that it may not truly disrupt the dominance of economics as a determinant of social and political power.

Racism and homophobia are, on the contrary, much bigger problems with much bigger consequences. Cancelling J.K. Rowling cannot be compared with the recent protests over the deaths of folks like George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, and it certainly can’t be compared to the abundance of problems caused by the militarization of the USA’s police forces.

By the way, just to be clear, I understand you’re not making that comparison. I’m just using it as an example.


Well it beats the alternative of getting punched in the mouth because someone came out of the mouth with something they should not have said.

Having an opinion is nice but make no mistake, many times it should be kept to ones self as no one really cares.

It does, the minute you resort to insults you lose all standing.

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Some people just want to fight. I do not doubt that there are legitimate grievances, but they’re hard to find among the outcry from people who are just looking for someone to destroy; the cause bedamned.

Those people steal credibility from the groups who are actually trying to make things better, and are actively preventing global progress.

That depends. When someone like Richard Spencer mouths off, there aren’t enough punches in the mouth to give him what he’s got coming.

Zel, this kind of reductive, simplistic thinking isn’t worth the time it takes to type our a refutation. I also noticed that you don’t take your own advice. Some of the things you said to MissCheetah in the GD thread were completely unnecessary.

They’re “hard to find”? Are we talking about real world events? Because it’s not hard to find copious legitimate grievances that demand drastic action. There’s also a lot that should be destroyed (Confederate monuments, Confederate flags, unchecked white privilege, police abuse, etc – the list goes on and on).

If we’re talking about Diablo, that’s a different story. :rofl:

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