Thanks for the information. I know that we can ignore posters here but I don’t know that they made a change that allow you to permanent ignoring their existence, which is a great move.
Ignore was added in a forum update for ALL the forums in March. I made a thread about it at the time with links to the WoW forums that had some screen shots. There are two ways to do it. One via your own preferences, and one from the avatar on the posting thread. It does work on the Classic WoW forums too. Just be sure to ignore the posting char there you want to ignore.
The latest update added the longer and perm duration on the ignore. Very nice.
The old forums had an ignore feature for years. The new forums, just over a year old, got the option to do ignores (for up to four months) a couple of months ago, and then about a week ago they got the option to do ignores forever. That means in the last few years there were maybe about 10 months when ignores weren’t available.
So, which years? (Are you going to claim 2019 and 2020, as a technicality?)
If you are using a modern browser such as Chrome or Firefox, you can use an extension such as Stylebot and accomplish this easily on the new forums as well like this:
And continue to add more as you see fit. You can find the user ids by right-clicking someones name/avatar and inspecting the element/viewing the source of the page. Look a little above the avatar/name div’s and you should see an ‘article’ element which will contain the user id in the ‘data-user-id’ attribute of the tag.
Makes completely removing nonsense by people you dislike easy.