Not true. Just go to your preferences and then users. Enter battletag in the appropriate spot and it should auto-populate.
Just odd that someone that likes this predatory game so much would have so much free time to post in every conversation when they could be racing with the streamers for bankruptcy don’t you think?
Also isnt small according to everyone streaming pvp and considering quitting midstream.
For instance, Raxx was calling before the match that a whale on the other team would go 20-0 and his team had no chance, and of course it literally happened and he spent the entire match dying and running from the whale.
Whales are literally 3x your damage and health if you are the top free 2 play player in the game. If you’re just a regular free to play player, lol you’re just fodder for them they will one shot you accidentally with collateral damage.
pvp pay2win is far worse then expected. Dont believe me? Just go watch any non-whale pvp on twitch.
We still have clash of clans and clash royale… Even check the rest of netease games they too have paid options bot but not like this!!!
Blizzard managed to balance things out in Hearthstone I mean yes if I spend 2k on the game I can play all classes but even without paying I can play one class and have all it’s cards! In here it’s like ok we have 10 things you can but that each boosts you beyond the reach of everyone else! And you can buy more currency to directly purchase other things!
Personally I’d like to do that… I’m a blizzard fan but this is outrageous!!!
I don’t care who is this guy but I totally agree this s**t has ruined diablo for me!!! The game is already dead I had forced around 12 of my friends to play this. I’ve been waiting for like a couple of years for this and I already spent like 2 euroes and wanted to buy the battle pass but honestly I’ve changed my mind… I’d rather see this type of game die thank to play anything and I mean anything like this ever again! Specially in Diablo franchise. GG WP Blizzard!!!
Blizzard should make room at the Irvine campus for the new statue that will replace the Orc you know something that personafies their new business strategy
Something like 0.15% of players contribute 50% of the cash to these games, with the next noteworthy split being 20/80. In the end, it’s a few people ruining it for everyone else. Seems money is more a tyranny than a democracy, where even if that remaining 80% of no/low spenders quit/boycott, the devs are still walking away with a fat stack of cash.
the devs are still walking away with a fat stack of cash.
more like the CEO walks away the devs are getting peanuts
True enough.
Of the major mobile games, I’d pretty much say none are actually as good as their generated revenue suggests. I haven’t played them all, myself, often due to some level of disinterest, but enough.
The relative non-existence of, “I was a starving artist, but then I worked on XYZ and now I’m a multi-millionaire!” kind of stories is all the affirmation I need to know that profits most assuredly aren’t being shared, if not reinvested to the game in question in majority.
D:I might’ve had a larger dev pool than other games out there, but that doesn’t really help either case.
whats sad is Blizzard didnt even use their own inhouse mobile game development studio to create this game
King games the same dev studio that made candy crush is part of Activision but yet they still chose to outsource it to NetEase a chinese based mobile game studio and they are well known for aggressive and intrusive marketing in FTP games but due to the fact they are based in China they are outside US Jurisdiction and free of legal oversight thus they can basically do anything they want in regards to how they determine how much pressure to apply to make sales for premium ingame items
For those that cite Wudijo as proof that p2w is overcomeable by skill, he acknowledges that the power gap betwwen F2P and P2W players is too large and that he and his team are often stomped by whales.
In the end, you are respondable for your own actions. If a company deliberatly tries to make you an addict, then you would have a case. This is not one.
And there we have it. These games are designed in coordination with psychologists, neuroscientists, and other experts on human behavior, and psychology. They are intentionally designed and built around creating and fostering an addiction to the game, and more specifically, fostering the desire to constantly spend money on said addiction. Just like any good drug dealer, they even give you discounted or free tastes of the goods to encourage you to be willing to buy more.
None of your examples of other industries make this look any better. In each case, extensive litigation has produced massive amounts of evidence that they not only do it deliberately, it’s a primary focus.
Straight up, these microtransactions are gambling, and what’s worse, they’re unregulated gambling. Casinos aren’t allowed to have 12 year olds at the craps table, or 15 year olds laying down hundreds at the Texas Hold’em tournament. They also have numerous other limits on when and where they can operate, some are required to make certain disclosures or place limits on the use of credit to gamble, and almost every state requires they pay to provide messaging and advertising both on and off their premises regarding the dangers of gambling addiction.
The gaming industry has largely escaped these measures due to the fact that most judges and lawmakers are relatively technologically illiterate, and certainly gaming illiterate. That and the increasing amount of wealth they generate has allowed them to effectively stall legislation (at least in the U.S.) to bring them under proper regulation like the gambling industry they have become. There was a Senate bill introduced, even made it out of committee, but then died on the floor for lack of ultimate interest in holding a growing industry accountable for marketing gambling to children.
I honestly do not care, to an extent, if DI is p2w, except in so far as this will possibly encourage the spread of this feature into other game franchises or releases in this franchise. I DO care that, like much of gaming MTXs, it is unregulated gambling, and worse, marketed to people who ordinarily wouldn’t be allowed inside a casino, much less allowed to place bets.
I get why Activision/Blizzard, and other gaming companies make the disingenuous, and transparently self-serving arguments they make, and twist themselves into Gordian knots in an effort to gaslight everyone into believing this isn’t gambling when it clearly is. I DON’T get why ordinary people, with no significant stock shares in one of these companies carries their water for them.
For the metacritic critic scores, the 79 metascore is largely due to critics that only played early/mid game. It is until closer to end game that the progression and gear rate slows egregiously to promote buying things/p2w.
Also, few to none are addressing, or factoring in, the MTXs when issuing a rating or score. They are judging it on gameplay, story, graphics, UI, etc. That is largely the cause for the discrepancy between user scores and professional reviewer scores.
Some reviewers also seemed to decide not to give it a score at all, because of the P2W, and not having been able to test/experience that properly before release.
A mistake imo, they should just automatically give P2W games 0/10.
Diablo immortal evoltuion
2018: Did you guys not have phones?
2022: Did you guys not have money?
Actually I didn’t even consider the fact that these p2w games have no limitation. Regardless of age or mental condition, everyone is allowed to opt-in p2w purchases withoutr any boundaries. This makes p2w games the perfect gold mine, it’s like a casino on roids.
it’s like a casino on roids.
Seeing as you have zero chances of return, that’s a kind description.
it’s like a casino on roids.
Which are heavily regulated.