Boycott Pay to Win Games

Remember the days when you paid for a game and everything was open for you to achieve, explore, and experience? Remember when the playing field was level? Remember When games were good and shops didn’t even exist?

Stop playing these games. Stop supporting this model of games. Stop using your credit card to progress in a game. I mean how pathetic is this on a personal level? Not to mention that you are encouraging this type of game by participating.

Just boycott this madness. There are enough indie developers who don’t adopt this terrible model of games.


Remember when something was free and a company needs money to make these things, but they don’t force you to buy anything?


Yeah I remember. It was the downfall of good games.


I do recall quite a few such games that managed to prosper without introducing P2W elements.


Was it though? Fortnite being the most popular game for years now… Don’t need to spend a dime on it.
It works fine. If they lock content through money, there is an issue. Otherwise, you would need to pay in order to play.

And others like Fortnite is just fine with it.
If you would need to spend money on DI, people would just make posts about how unfair it is to pay for the game and the price.


Last I checked Fortnite only sell cosmetics, not power, ergo not P2W.


I would agree on that. Thankfully Immortal is not locking content behind money. We can do all of it without paying anything.

The money does make things go faster, but in we can get to the same end point for free.

I have moths in my pockets so that is what I will be doing.


Yes I think it was. That is my personal opinion.

If Fortnite was my type of game, I’d rather pay one fee for the game and unlock the thousands of skins through gameplay for instance than have a shop.

But, a skin shop, is only the first tier of where this is gone. Diablo Immortal and games like it is the lowest of the low. Paying thousands of dollars to make your character more power is absolutely gross and disgusting. And, I can’t see how anyone would try and defend such a gross, greedy, unfair and unfun system.


You can still have the same power in DI. You just buy them more/sooner than you can farm in game.
There is a difference in p2w, where they lock content / power for money only, and the mdoel they use, which is about you getting power more soon than you can farm.

You are not forced to do this unless you want to become the first. You can farm the content you can pay for as well.
There is a huge difference. If they locked the gems/power for money only, sure it was an unfair model. But that is not the case. Just like with Lost Ark, you can achieve the same, just need to play more.


You have fallen for their justification hook, line and sinker.

It’s really unbelievable to me that you have the actual victims of this system defending it.


No, you can’t, unless they changed stuff in the last what, 24 hours? To awaken gear you need Dawning Echo, which can only be obtained trough the store.


I have fallen for logic and reasoning.
I don’t defend the system. However, I will not go on a which hunt for something that is not true.
If power was a money thing only, then the model would be broken and unfair.
If money gives you power earlier than others that need to farm it. Well then that’s another case which is not that unfair, since you cannot expect to get a game for free. The company have servers, developers, people working in general to pay.

This was the case a week ago. It was changed since.

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It is great when people boycott P2W games. That is the only thing they deserve.
That said, as long as people don’t spent any money I care less whether they play, if they place they are spending server resources, while giving the devs no revenue, which is not so bad either.

In the end, I support devs ability to make a profit on their games.
Just do so by selling your game! Not by selling P2W nonsense.


There is a happy medium with microtransactions. D:I doesn’t just go after hundreds from you, tho. It is designed to go after thousands from you. Stuff like this should be illegal. No different than drugs.

It’s too bad because the base game looks real good.


Please link source for that.


Please link to where money is the only thing you can get power for. Wudijo made some videos about this and tips for free gameplay while having gems.

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So in other words, you’re full of bullcrap. I never mentioned gems, I mentioned Dawning Echo.


All talk about p2w in Diablo Immortal. It is to buy legendary crest items for your rifts, so you are quaranteed some items.
Those can ALSO be obtained by playing the game. For example getting Platinum
So you might want to research before speaking up. You can play the game, get the legendary crests OR you can pay for them to have an easier way… Either way… You can just play the game and get what others got, without paying for it.

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Are you blind? I never mentioned friggin gems, I mentioned Dawning Echo, the thing you need in CONJUCTION with gems to awaken gear, which can only be obtained trough the store, bought by Eternal Orbs which can only be acquired by actual money.