I’ve already reached out, asking @FiltheeRich and our human tank @Pezradar if they would be willing to do something community-driven for Blizzcon, like some sort of take on Design-a-legendary. No response.
This has been done twice. It works best once a game is released and players can see the near term results of their input.
The first time was done as a multi week engagement and voting campaign here on the main D3 website. The second time was done IRL at Blizzcon 2014 with a group of players pulled from the crowd (who agreed to be on camera). It was a bit awkward and hard to follow for anyone not there. They were all talking and brainstorming at once, mostly with backs to the camera. The result of that was CoE though which people do like.
Not sure a community item or set design activity would be relevant at this stage for D3, and it would be way too early for D4.
Now, brainstorm a Season Theme - that might have more traction.
I’m kind of hoping for some D2 related news during this BlizzConline. Regardless if it happens or not, I anticipate something is eventually coming. The reason being, there’s a huge thread in the D2 support forums about not running on MacOS Catalina due being restricted to 64bit only applications. Blizzard reps have only stated that they’re “working on it”, so that leads me to believe something is in the works.
I will hold off on my purchase of the ticket until I see the Diablo IV panels listed first.
If it is all about D:I, I will pass. I also do not really care for a lot of the other stuff at BC.
I would avoid doing dog piling on them. That has been known to push people off games and make them walk away from the community permanently.
With the push for more of a digital world (is everyone ready for Ready Player one?) I think the big news will be Immortal. Which to be honest is the bigger news. With mobile devices being able to compete head to head with desk tops and game streaming becoming the next way to game. I see Immortal most likely even being a deeper game with more to it then the 4th Diablo.
I wish there would be something for Creative Writing.
I would write a short story that would be a re-imagining of Cain’s Death for Reaper of Souls, where Cain gets “Thanos’ed / Snapped” by Malthael and the Black Soulstone at the end of RoS, instead of by Magdha, and send that story in.
Revised RoS Ending Cinematic
Tyrael and Cain talk about something in Westmarch, while a few soldiers and civilians are nearby in the background.
Suddenly Tyrael notices that one of the soldiers turns to dust.
Then other soldiers and civilians in the Survivors Enclave turn to dust.
He looks at Cain, who looks at his hands, which start to turn to dust.
Cain completely evaporates into dust and Tyrael is just shocked and says nothing.
Then all over the city of Westmarch, dust is going up in the air.
Malthael’s plan to kill 50% of humanity via the Black Soulstone has succeeded.
A worthy end for Cain.
Maybe someone wants to turn this into a Short Film
If D2:R even exists, they’re running out of time to release it. The whole point of D2:R is to tide us over until D4. If people are craving D2:R after D4 releases, it would mean that D4 has failed again.
I posted something similar in this thread here yesterday:
… but it also was just a rewrite of Cains Story so that he survives till the end of RoS so that he can get Thanos-Snapped, because that sounded like a much better, more shocking and more impactful end to his character than him getting killed by the Butterfly Lady.
The major game annoucements during Opening Ceremonies have always been free online. It is the deep dive and Q&A panels that go into detail that require paid access. The concert, costume contest, and talent show also requires paid access. Digital goodies also come with the paid access.
The actual adverts as you call them, are broadcast free. I expect that won’t change.
Pretty sure the Talent show portion used to include writing and such. Explore the Community Contests as we get more info going forward.
"We’re inviting original acts (solo or group) to showcase their special talent—musical, physical, magical, whimsical, or otherwise.
To be considered for this online exhibition, simply submit a video of you or your group performing, singing, dancing, or doing whatever it is you do, and you may be selected to be featured on the BlizzConline broadcast."
This doesn’t sound like writing is included or that it would fit in there.
But maybe something gets added later…
Thanks for the info btw.
Your movie short with voice over/voice acting would likely count in the Movie contest category. So, if you teamed with people your team could write (you), produce, voice over, write a score maybe? Whatever you want.
Might want to look up past submissions and details from past years. Keep in mind that machinma has been allowed in past years so there are ways to do this besides live acting. Animation can work too I think.