BlizzConline February 19-20, Mark your calendars!

“We still have a lot of planning to do, and it’ll be some time before we’re ready to share more details—but we wanted to provide a heads-up on how you can be a part of the online fun.”

Hopefully as the date gets closer Diablo news will be included. - Avalon


How sad that a non Blizzard employee had to post it in the Diablo forum, because they totally ignore this place for weeks on end.


I am calling it now - Diablo 4 public testing starts March/April 2021!


Calling it now; another class gets announced for D4, but no public testing :smiley:


It might be to early for that. Maybe some streamers will get to try some new areas.

I think you might be correct on this one.

Yup, I’ll add to another class with more info.


Is my math correct? A D4 update in the next few days, another one in the 4thQ and even more news in February with this online event? Me so happy, I might have a few of these :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


And then another at the end of March.

No Blizzard… Blizzcon, in whatever form it might take, is not a quarterly blog! :stuck_out_tongue:

Though if they are at the quality of previous blog posts, it is not making hope for much.

You get your phones already?


It been almost 2 years and immortal has no valuable news yet.
Expect the same for D4.

We don’t know which one has a higher priority though

We are getting 2 of these in Q4 - the standard one and the itemization update.

I don’t really care about D:I.

We already had these with more on the way. Should have another one in a few days.


Game is at pre-alpha, public tests start at beta versions. You don’t get a full retail version in a single day. I say give it one more year for a closed beta. And yes, it first starts with closed beta, you don’t get public test without a closed beta first and no dedicated site or forum exist yet.


I think Ryker said something about alpha testing. because of an App update? :man_shrugging:t4:

I’d love to have your optimism as well.

But imo, when they show D:I, it already has everything they updated with D4. And I believe they still think D:I will generate more $$ for them as, undeniably, mobile game has bigger player base. Still, they will give us, here, more D4 “news” to get us calm.

But again, hopefully I’m wrong and they focus on making D4 more than D:I. Because if not, and D:I doesn’t have anything out yet still, D4 has a longggg way to go :confused:

No need to mark anything. Between then and now you’ll make 40+ more threads about it, counting down the hours…


Diablo 4 and Diablo Immortal are developing by different teams so don’t worry :wink:

Why does this need to be posted in any forum? I mean honestly, they sent out emails to everyone about this, and it is posted on their general page.

Some people man, you do not even believe yourself, and you know it. So put down the latte and get back to work!

All you needed to do was click the News tab at the top and their post is right there –

It’s a bummer we can’t see each other in-person, but there is lots to talk about! Looking forward to everyone tuning in and joining in on the festivities. :slight_smile:

"lots to talk about!"

Bring it.

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