Diablo 4 - Who want to hear more about PVP?

As someone who wants and enjoys pvp, I agree with this.


Yeah, it’s not like myself or anyone else is utterly against having PvP. It just depends on how it’s implemented. There’s nothing wrong in principle for having a working PvP for those who like it. D3 failed in this department so D4 could fix this thing.

However if what Kilometer said about PoE and its PvP is true, that is somewhat telling. Can PvP in D4 gain enough popularity? How much resources is it worth to pour into it?


It was not advertised as PvP game from the beginning.

Also, there is a reason why most popular games in the world are PvP games.

The only reason I still play Diablo 3 from time to time is to compete vs others on Leaderboards. There are way better ways to compete vs other players in Diablo universe.


Maybe if Blizzard decides to balance PvP around 1v1 for a change (instead of focusing on team-play and class roles always), that might serve as a good foundation, and benefit team PvP by default (as you can expect the occasional duel anyway), and we’ll see what is the bigger misfit for this legendary series (between PvP, and endless searching for parts).

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I would like to hear more about PvP, but imo

  • Talents
  • Itemization
  • and Active Skills

… are more important, at least for me.


Hopefully in a few hours we will have this one. :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree: :evergreen_tree:

4thQ blog for this one.

And lots to talk about in February.

But when they tell you about this you want to know if you are goging to use it in PVE, PVP or both.

Something can seem awesome for PvE and really not good for PVP.

Taken from PoE forum and PoE Reddit.


A vocal minority was asking for pvp. GGG spent resources doing exactly that but ultimately the majority of the community ignored that content. Why would they do the same mistake again spending anything on pvp?


The short answer is no. They made a sincere effort to make PvP good, with ladders, tourneys, and a PvP-specific balance overhaul, but it fell flat because of your “what I hate” bullet point. They eventually gave up and said that they don’t believe there’s a market for Diablo 2-style PvP anymore, and that the fully-developed version of the RPG “vs. mode” is the MOBA now.

If Poe fans themselves agreed that PoE PVP is dead, who are we to disagree with them?


Good that is the way it should be.

Don’t really care. Spend the time, money and resources on the larger aspects of the game.

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If there is no PvP I don’t really care also. But since they said there is, just lets us know more about it.


You might just get your wish at the online event in February.

They did not mention it as part of the next 2 updates.

That is exactly why I ask for some updates/blogs on PvP. Ask now, and hope to get some info in 6 months or so.


I can’t say anything regarding Path of Exile as I never played that game (at best I’ve seen comparison images and videos on it and such). However I do know that even now there are people in Diablo 2 that still pvp; about a few months ago there were about 4 pvp rooms up in the Diablo 2 europe non-ladder lobby. So there’s still merits to attempting to have pvp in Diablo 4.

That said, I don’t want the pve aspects of the game to suffer due to pvp.


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: THIS. :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

I do not want to spend anytime fighting off dweebs who think that is is fun to go hostile on others. Keep it in a defined zone for the players who want it. Don’t force it on others.


I am ready for that.

Sure, but still if I had to choose a blog that is either about PvP or Itemization, I definitely would choose the Itemization Blog.

How did PvP work in PoE?

Was it a separate gamemode where skills and items work differently than in PvE and the numbers were adjusted to the PvP Mode like it worked with D3’s PvP Arenas?

Because if not, it must have been a balancing nightmare.

I would totally have loved it if they have put the PvP Arenas in D3, even if they were not totally balanced. Well, in a way the PvP Arenas are in D3 as Bounty Grounds, aka The Red Portals that you can find during Bounties, but there is no PvP in there.

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Going hostile on lowbies and unsuspecting PvE’rs is not PvP. It’s PK’ing - that’s what most of you “PvP” advocates want.


With Diablo 3 they made the crap PvP, and then they doubled it.

We need to make sure they are not going to do the same with Diablo 4.

Give us some info about PvP when it is ready.

All of this was dropped because they could not balance around PVE and PVP at a same time. That is how I remember it.

It depends on how it is designed.

PvP in WoW

In WoW, you can choose to either play with PvP enabled or disabled.
When it is enabled, you get swapped to another server or instance and you can swap everytime you want.

And even then, when you kill a low level player, you gain some sort of disadvantage. I think when you have too many “Dishonorable Kills”, you get marked on the maps of other players and when they kill you, they gain additional bonus points or a reward, which makes you a high value target for them.

PvP in Diablo 3

In Diablo 3, PvP Arenas were a separate gamemode from Story Mode and Adventure Mode, and items, skills, passives, etc were supposed to work differently and have their numbers adjusted in PvP Arenas.

But they did not implement PvP Arenas into Diablo 3 (yet).

PvP in Diablo 4 (presumably)

In Diablo 4 there will presumably be specific PvP zones. There, and only there you can do PvP, but nowhere else.


Let’s be honest here. Do you think D3 GoD DH design will make it into D4 if D4 is PVP oriented game? How many ridiculous overpowered set item designs and legendary items that altering your build or skills will make it to D4 if PVP is the core of the D4?

Just take a look at D3 Demon Hunter, Crusader, Wizard, Barbarian, Necromancer VS Heroes of the Storm Demon Hunter, Crusader, Wizard and Barbarian and Necromancer and you can see how watered down was HoTS D3 heroes in that game because of PVP balance. First of all, HoTS heroes’ skills aren’t flashy and ridiculous like D3 heroes.


I admit that there was (and perhaps still is) a lot of pking and nking that went around in Diablo 2, which is why I ask that pve players be allowed to not participate in pvp if they so choose. If they do pvp zones properly such as making sure that there be no need for a pve player to go to a pvp zone as well as giving any players a warning if they get too close to a pvp zone, then it should be possible.

I don’t see why not, Diablo 2 had an assassin hybrid build that allowed the assassin to use the barbarians ww skill as well as her lightning traps and while it was powerful, it wasn’t op by any means especially compared to other builds. That said, it would just depends on how some skills translate into pvp. Sure if Diablo 4 just put pvp in without reducing players damage towards one another (like they did with Diablo 3 brawl), then yeah pvp in Diablo 4 wouldn’t last long.

Another thing to keep in mind, is that while some builds are powerful in pve, they may not be as effective in pvp. Such examples are zeal-type builds (Zeal Paladins, non-poison Wolf Druids, non-ele Spearzon, etc.), but that’s also due to the existence of stats like attack rating and defense rating (stats that most likely aren’t returning in Diablo 4).

But if players deal reduced damage towards one another and certain skills had reduced effectiveness while in the pvp zones, then it may very well be possible for pvp in Diablo 4 to be actively played as it is in Diablo 2 and perhaps even more so.