Blizzcon will be better than it has been in like 10 years

Ya, they made a little, but Blizz isn’t chasing pennies, they are chasing dollars and Chinese mobile gold. WOW gets major xpacs every other year, OW, Pokemon-Stone gets constant content. Why? because they are cash cows. They make a ton of money for Blizz, so they get all the attention. This is why Diablo for PC has only gotten a game, xpac, and dlc in the last 17 years. It is not a huge, consistent money maker for Blizz which is why it gets red-headed stepchild treatment.

We will get the D2 remaster at this Blizzcon because it is the only one of their classic games left to get one. They will coattail D:I releason on the D2 remaster, hoping if they make the PC crowd happy, they won’t jump all over D:I. If those 2 projects make huge, consistent money, they will make other games, otherwise they will continue to see Diablo as a huge moneypit.

Uh, no. They made that video for their “multiple projects” for which the lore book is a small one of them, but it still is one. Notice how closely they chose their words. If projects meant games, they would have said “multiple games” because that would get their fan base the most excited. They chose projects instead. If they are putting resources and marketing into something, then, yes, it is a project and they did put resources and marketing into the lore book.

This is why a large portions of their fans do not trust any hype that comes out of their pie holes. For the past several years, they over-hype and massively under-deliver for the hype.

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I have had all kinds of predictions for Blizzcon. The only one that I got totally sidelined by out of left field was last year’s Blizzcon. Sure my predictions are not spot on the majority of the time. But still I am not disappointed.

It is part of human nature to speculate and anticipate what will be next for your game. Will it be an expansion or a sequel.

I have made my predictions and will wait to see if I am right for a change. I can still make predictions based on what I already know and a gut feeling saying that now is the right time for them to have D4 ready to be revealed. Otherwise they could be light years behind GGG’s game Path of Exile 4.0 if they are not ready to reveal it.

I am sure that they got more than enough from the sales of NS along with PC and Console versions that they can work on D4 without waiting till their mobile version pulls in money. Also Blizz knows full well that they can make a ton of money off of D4. David Brevik has said so in interviews with Rhykker in the past. I agree with Mr. Brevik, since Blizz loves money they will no doubt want to chase after that money by having multiple teams working on D4 and maybe D2 remastered.

D2 remaster is gonna be a tough job according to David Brevik. It is all due to how sprites are rendered in that game. It will be very hard for Blizz to recapture the feel of D2 in a remastered version. So the chances of them announcing it are still there. But I say that it is more likely that D4 will be announced. Due to the fact that they could wind up being light years behind GGG’s Path of Exile 4.0 if they fail to announce D4 and release it ASAP.

Most of the hype has been coming from players themselves. Their speculations is what generates most of the hype. More so when Blizz is being vague, which is most of the time.

Forges. Burning. Hot.
Multiple. Projects.


You are right ‘‘project’’ could mean anything but with this video it really feels like they are giving us hope for the franchise and new games are coming.

Yes those games keeps getting content because of the monthly subscriptions, loot boxes and card packs.

Diablo 3 sold out a lot, one of the most sold game of all time because diablo 2 was so good. Diablo 4 hopefully would sell like Diablo 3 but prolly a lot of people dont trust activision Blizzard to make a good game anymore. But if Diablo 4 sell like Diablo 3, that will make good starting money and then they could keep getting money with Diablo 4 by putting in game microtransactions for stash tabs, cosmetics (wings, pets, etc…) Diablo could make similar money like overwatch with loot boxes.

Again those lines are too vague. That is why players speculate as to the interpretation of what those lines mean.

It is the interpretation that some put on it that gives hype. Now if Brandy had said that we would be getting mobile game in that video there would be no need for speculating on it. Of course we would’ve had a lot of boos. Along with possibly the outcry being worse than it was when we were blindsided at Blizzcon by that mobile game.

D3 wasn’t totally riding the coat tales of D2. There are no doubt a lot of players playing this game that never played either D1 or D2. So they know nothing about the game. Some of them purchased it through WoW subs IIRC. Then you might have had some that just like the general direction that the game was going in.

I would dare say that there has to be a good team developing D4. Along with being given the freedom to develop it according to the team’s vision. Then the vision they have must be good. Till I see the announcement along with knowing who is gonna work on D4 I will reserve judgement of whether D4 will be good or not.

Nice try. More like 5-6 weeks when you don’t know the end of the current Season and I didn’t know these.

Don’t expect any more replies from me. You’ve just made my troll list.

It’s highly possible they included D1 HD in their “project list”. As for the book and the D3 updates, I definitely don’t consider these “projects”.

This means we are expecting at least 1 more Diablo project reveal at Blizzcon based on their “Quick Word” reply that you linked.

We continue to read feedback and our internal discussions are ongoing. We have many plans for Diablo across multiple projects which we’ll be revealing over the course of the coming year. We are eager to share more about all of our projects, but some will have to wait as we prefer to show you, rather than tell you, about them. It's going to take some time as we strive to meet your expectations, but now, more than ever, we are committed to delivering Diablo experiences the community can be proud of.

That’s my biggest fear. I expect same situation as with D3 - great engine, but bad developers. Also, D4 devs will have to deal with the marketing team and it may all become one big mess at some point.

make it stoooooop!!!


Starting with Season 5, all seasons going forward will last approximately three months.

Sure, it was so difficult to take the start date of a season, add 90 days, find the closest Sunday to that for the end of the season, then speculate as to whether the immediate next Friday, or the Friday after that would be the next season’s start date.


Yeah, all Seasons lasted 90 days, sure…

Btw some of you remember the video with the CM and the suit guy?

Approximately, they did… Diablo 3 Seasons Overview

S5 - 92 days
S6 - 85 days
S7 - 70 days
S8 - 71 days
S9 - 71 days
S10 - 85 days
S11 - 92 days
S12 - 94 days
S13 - 100 days
S14 - 93 days
S15 - 107 days
S16 - 114 days
S17 - 93 days

1167 days in 13 seasons = 89.769 days per season

Do you not consider 89.769 days to be approximately 90 days?


Good to know the mean, but you look at the deviation when you make a prediction too.

Let’s say I have to guess the number of weeks next Season will last. I first look at largest deviation in the past and I start from there (which is 24 days or little more than 3 weeks).

The span of my prediction will therefore be 6 weeks, as I wrote you, not 2.

You might find a course in statistics helpful. You show interest in that field. Good luck!

That would be a big troll towards the fans :smiley:

But I think the release of DI and to ease that news up, the introduction of D4 as future project.

Guys, they are NEVER releasing DI news at Blizzcon without one of these at least:

  • D4
  • D2 HD
  • Another Diablo project (Witcher-like game or Diablo World MMO)

The Blizzcon art pretty much places Diablo in the central place, so we get DI news thus one of the above three at least.

That’s correct if you make your guess for when Season X+1 will start at the start of Season X. If you make your guess after the end date for Season X has been announced, it’s a lot easier to guess the date for Season X+1.

So, when did you make your guesses?

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After PTR releases and before Season end date announce. I would never do/count a prediction on my guess list after a published Season end date. No fun in that at all. I like the challenge of odds against me.

The PTRs are generally a month before the current season ends so that gives you a pretty good indication of the season end date.

So, anyway, when’s Season 19 starting then?

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I am not following D3 that closely as before. My guesses were around S4-10. But, unofficially, just for the old good times, I can always make one more for D3 if you truly need it, however.

They love to troll us and do exactly the opposite we want… most of the time… :roll_eyes:


Get over yourself, Skelos. Your replies aren’t hot cakes, nobody is waiting on them.

So I’m a troll because I disagree with you. That’s a fantastic definition. You should put it on a T-shirt.

We’ve both been on the forums for a long time, replied to each other and read posts by the other. If I were a troll you would have noticed long before now, right? The only difference here is that I happen to really dislike what you’re doing and your view on the subject.

Or, in other words, you only think I’m a troll because I’m posting specifically against what you wrote. You might want to rethink that.


This is classic projection from one who has claimed multiple times they have quit this game but hide their profile and play the forums.