Blizzcon will be better than it has been in like 10 years

Says the guy that has 200+ posts in THIS THREAD ALONE :roll_eyes:


You are at least 113 posts short, just look under the first post that started this thread. You will see he has 87 posts as of the writing of this post.

How about a bet about how D4 will be a raging disappointment? I think at this point anything else is highly unlikely.

We are 3 years away from release. Things may change a lot during this time from beta testers feedback.

Beta testers wonā€™t have any affect on the vision or direction of a game. All beta testers will do is report bugs. They would never be able to influence good or bad decisions. Not really.

I think what you mean is focus groups. Now they would absolutely affect the direction of the game, and Blizzard needs to be very careful in their selection process.

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Kids, donā€™t do drugs.


Andā€¦ you want to get excited over the potential announcement of a game you think is 3 years away from releaseā€¦ why?


Hey, it canā€™t do worse than D3ā€¦ Right?


Call it whatever you like. As long as there are dedicated gamers who test the game before release and their feedback is seriously taken into consideration, major design aspects could get changed.

What testers can NOT influence however is marketing decisions. That is why we donā€™t have to worry only for D4 devs, we have to worry for D4 marketing team too. Itā€™s getting more complicated than D3 for sure.

Wow, this is the biggest troll post iā€™ve seen in a while. Good job feeding folks! :rofl:


Which one you mean? Mine posts are all serious and I challenged multiple times people who said otherwise (read the thread).

Uhh, YOURS actuallyā€¦ and no, iā€™m not sharing any of my popcorn with you fool, theyā€™re MINE!


Many said that and many run away from a bet.

Is this a real life bet or some little kiddy fantasy of yours boy?


For you itā€™s a popcorn bet.

Was it exciting ten years ago?

Give me a game that is purely an MMORPG and not a RPG/Bejeweled hybrid and Iā€™ll consider it.

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Google what a focus group is, in relation to game development. They donā€™t operate that way, and they can often do more harm than good, depending on the pool.


Orrion was right in not taking you up on an internet bet. Dont act like it makes you right. It makes him smart.


If you want a MMORPG just play WoWā€¦


Who? Dedicated alpha/beta testers? Right now TL:F is changing and evolving depending on that player base feedback.