Blizzard this is ridiculous, crusader already at 148 GR solo after nerf

OP is obviously a wiz or necro troll :rofl:
Anybody who actually plays sader feels the nerf.

So if people with crystal balls predict solo saders doing 150 in S19, Iā€™ll predict all classes will do 150 with the season buffs. Why not ? We can all make $%!t up.

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Im 4.6k para and I did 136 solo saderā€¦

In what way does another class reaching high GR affect you? Just let people have their fun while they can, next season it might be your class thatā€™s borderline OP.


I am old enough to remember barbar players justifying WW outperforming everyone , because they were left in the cold for meta dps for long time and itā€™s okay they are top dog this coming season.

Cruzaders are not in any group meta ( any role) in ages, more than any other classes, but itā€™s not okay that sader is top dog for one season ?

Sure , the set maybe needing some nerf, but the season is starting less than a day and many sader players, returning sader players, first time sader players are excited to play sader again.

Nerfing it & knowing how bad Blizzard are at balancing, it now will be Debbie downer for many players if the build is nerf to the ground which is a high possibility & we have yet another season of wiz necro meta group!

I say keep as it is now, buff other builds, nerf it next patch.

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Should have left Chantodo alone and just bring every other class up.

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Hmm why would EasyFrank demand a Barbarian nerf, then demand a Crusader nerfā€¦all the while pointing to Wizard nerf.
Easy isnā€™t it Frank, Paragon 7740, Played: Barb 0%, Crusader 1%, DH 12%, Monk 0%, Necro 3%, WD 2% and Wizard 81%.
Purely for balance reasons right? Not self-interest?
Canā€™t remember any topics nerf Wizard its allot stronger than the other classes eventhough it clearly was.
Grow up and let others ride shotgun for a while.


I just skimmed through so probably missed something. I just see the same thing that happens every time. Wizard mains ā€œcriedā€ just as much and still do about nerfs to their builds and this was going on while they were still on top of leaderboards.

Barbs had every reason to complain as that class has been the bottom feeders almost the entire life of D3. Monks have been a very weird nitch play style build that only very few could play at high GR for a long time. Necros have had great success since their birth for high GR but always been a build that dies when a monster sneezes on them

Saders have been off and on with very little change through the seasons. Wizards have been at the top for a long time but did revolve around archon. DHā€¦not much has changed at all, just fortunate their old builds are still pretty powerful and useful. I would predict DH will be the next class to get a new set and buffs along with WD which has been lingering in the shadows. Same as DH, they just have good ol builds with the DoD coming in recently (which was an old build that just got buffed to be viable again) and love it.

I donā€™t see anything changing and each time there is a buff added, it will probably be too little or too much specially at the beginning. For many, like myself, I could care less. I probably wonā€™t even play much of the new builds unless it fun to play. I like my LoD blessed, LoD DoD, and Impale still even if they arenā€™t the strongestā€¦Iā€™ll still push them to the limit.

I see what you did there :sunglasses:


people talking about his paragon are ignorant as hellā€¦

10k para can clear gr 150 crus
10k para can clear 150 on any other class? NO so its not balanced at allā€¦

Not sure if there are any necros pushing right now, but they are way way behind crusader now :confused:

Well well wellā€¦ An EasyFrank post with Micro commentingā€¦ Guess Iā€™ll just schedule my chemotherapy and get out before start raining tables


FYI: Matthew Cedarquist responded to my post in the other thread. His response has relevance here.


Wow, this guy is awesome.

Letā€™s show our appreciation:


He certainly has been pretty active recently. It is good to have some feedback from Blizzardā€™s side, especially from the game producer.

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So funny, why DH should be 5 GR lower than Barb? Is it fair for DH main players? The balance should be between classes first, so we can choose the class we want to play. Otherwise, we are forced to play other classes we donā€™t like just for efficiency.
Definitely, it would be nice if we can have set balance, but the most important thing right now is to bring the balance between classes. Players are tired of complaining their main class is weak in solo or group GR.

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Iā€™d like to see a crusader clear a 130 with 1k paragon ā€¦ please post a video.

On paper AoV is going to be the best build in S19.

That being said it is not a particularly fast build so solo it is going to have a harder time utilizing the kill streak bonus that a WW Barb or other highly efficient trash killers with speed will.

Heck for all we know DoD or Jade WD may have some very high clears (if anyone bothers to level one) with the season theme.

What I am trying to say is watch out there may be some builds that surprise us and secondly just because a build works at high paragon does not mean itā€™s useful at low paragon.

Quite a few LoD builds are garbage until you have 1-2k paragon to bolster up damage or survivability.

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I would prefer set and class balance. Iā€™d like variety in classes and builds that are all viable.

That said, as a casual I still played DMO Wizard as thatā€™s what I enjoy. Of course it was trash and all the Chantodo wizards would just TP ahead and kill everything - but as long as they werenā€™t in the group it was fun.

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Why this rage against Crusaders right now?
Why I didnā€™t see the same with Chantodo, Bazooka and Necro Thorns? Perhaps because people cry about ā€œbalanceā€ only for the fear to loose their spot in META groups.

Wizard and Necro players should be in SILENCE right now.


If you didnā€™t see it when they were the top then you either werenā€™t on the forums or were blind. It was everywhere with OP wizards.

I played chantodo wizard in season 17 and it was completely busted. Was about 8 GRifts too strong.

Or just dedicate a 2nd comp to bot.

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