Where is the balance? What was the point in nerfing Chantodo Wizard and Thorns Necro if you made crus to solo 150 easily?
You should change 2-piece bonus from buffing Heavens Fury to buff Fist of the Heavens instead or lower it from 100% to 20% per stack. This way crusader will be in line with other classes.
or you know, let people have fun.
The balance is that these players have 10k + paragon, so getting close to GR150 makes sense imho.
I think venturing near the max difficulty in a 7 year old game is a good thing, and other builds should be brought up to this point as well.
Stop with this paragon nonsense, if build is OP then it is OP at any paragon level. Guy which cleared 148 GR solo in Korea was 8k+ paragon and did this after just one day. Wiz and Necro were far away from 150 solo with paragon 10k+ after many months of fishing. People will easily clear 150 solo with crusader even with half of this paragon.
After nerfing Wiz and Necro it seemed that Blizzard was trying to balance classes at about 140-142 GR, but after making Crus so OP it seems they are clueless about balancing.
Can’t make this stuff up.
And people moaned like hell that this nerf would kill the AoV build when the Shield of Fury stacks were capped at 20.
hello ,
i want to see a video of a player who can do a 150 solo with 4 or 5 k paragon.
Please stop whining… Wow. 8k + paragon and high augments is why people can do 140+ GRs. I have 4.8k paragon and can’t do higher then a 125 after nerf patch. Before the nerf patch I could do a GR 130. I have the same gear and setup with way less level of augments and gems. I have copied players exact gear and skill setups from the leader boards and I struggle while doing a GR125. I can tell and see the difference after the nerf patch. I no longer see the monsters health bar drop like crazy with the cap on the shield.
No matter what changes are made to any class, gear, skills, and such, you will almost always have a few people who can still out preform and be in the top of the leader-boards.
I lost 5 GR levels, 130 to 125. Currently the top sader on the americas leader-board did a 143, the top before the nerf patch was a 148. A five level difference…
Just because you aren’t good with the build or you don’t have the proper gear doesn’t mean the build is bad. If everything was similar from this current character to let’s say a demon Hunter your 125 would be a 110.
The build is still way too strong and needs about an 80% damage nerf
If someone clears GR150 solo because of their overly massive paragon level then that should be okay. The build it self is not OP, it’s the large amount of paragon levels that these youtubers and streamers have. Don’t expect to do “120+,130+,140+” like they inform in thier video during seasons.
If your a player who dedicated their life to the game to get 11,000 paragon levels then you deserve to be able to do GR150 Solo honestly.
Name another build that is solo 150 capable in Patch 2.6.7. Besides Bazooka Wiz which never actually cleared 150 (it did 148) and is actively being worked on by Blizzard, likely to be killed off next patch.
I’ll be waiting.
Tell me, when is it OK according to you that the top paragon botters i mean players can do 150?
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It’s not because of their Paragon. It’s because of the OP build.
Crusader clears 150 at 10k Paragon
Wizard now clears about 144? at 10k Paragon
Other classes clear around 135 to 140 at 10k Paragon
Looks like they maybe undershot in this case. Is it any surprise that Blizzard has become the gang that can’t shoot straight?
You probably play a necro or wiz as your main…
If so then you are just mad because a melee class can be on par with a magic/caster class.
If you main another class, cant be a sader though, you probably are butt hurt because your main class has not gotten any changes yet and has to wait a few months. I admit I could be wrong though…
I have mained a sader since D3 came out. I have played all the builds for the sader. I know how to play the class. I have been through all the so called balancing and nerf patchs. Sure I got pissed that they nerfed the sader years ago and its been a low GR class for years.
I am glad that Blizz is looking to change up the “meta” aspect of the game. All classes should be considered for trying high level GRs…
Nah, they just want to make sure their favorite classes can be #1 uncontested. If it’s not one of the 3 favorites it can’t be too strong.
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The nerf to the shield was necessary, however all it did is slow down the steamroller. Without the nerf, the Sader was able to push real high, without Stricken, freeing up a slot for a Gogok. Now with the nerf, they are forced to go back to a Stricken. Now it just takes them longer to build stacks and they don’t get dodge.
You do realize the post is about crusaders right? During PTR testing the new set cleared GR150… That’s why there was a nerf for it… And my point is that it was only possible cause of the paragon levels, they had somewhere about 10K paragons I believe.
EDIt: After the PTR testing* When it went live with the new buffed set.
Build should have been changed to re-iterate that it was suppose to be a FotH build, instead of randomly dumping a 80k multiplier on Heaven’s Fury.
The Sad part about all this is the FotH component of this still blatantly OP set is still woefully undertuned.
The Heaven’s Fury part needs about a 50% damage shave still, while the FotH damage part still needs like a 300-400% buff.
What are you talking about? During PTR this set was practically useless since it didn’t have the HF component, the 150 GR clear was once patch was dropped in 2.6.7 live