New Wizard hydra set is too weak, it grants max 10000% damage increase, providing you are not hit.
It is comparable to bonus granted by LOD gem, where you can use more legendaries increasing damage and are not punished by getting hit and losing hydra heads.
Even Tal Rasha with 8000% damage increase might be better.
And those sets increase damage of all spells, so if Hydra set buffs only Hydra then it should buff it much more.
So what is the real point of using hydra set? I am aware there is not enough time to change how this set works, so my proposal is to increase 6 piece damage to 2500% more damage per hydra head resulting in total of 25000% damage increase.
If we are punished by losing hydra heads then you should compensate it by much bigger damage.
LoD Hydra is stonger than the acutal set that was made specifically for Hydra build! WHAT A MOCKERY. Someone from D3 upper management needs to evaluate all their employees again or something.
Your Hydras now periodically casts Frost Nova and deal 450-600% increased damage automatically cast your arcane spenders and deal 450-600% increased damage.
PTR sets start and 10,000% and goes from there. It’s the level of LoD/LoN and serves as a good base to see how the set mechanics work and how much they add to the capabilities of the build overall. So it serve as a great comparison and this is why it is a PTR.
If set started with 100,000% we would have to calculate how much it overkills instead and find a theoretical way og calculating what a correct value would be. So stop wasting posts on pointless topics, and do some proper feedback of how to make it compelling and interesting. Damage numbers are the simplest thing to change.
Also due to the 10,000% increase players were able to detect the bug that causes some bonuses to be applies twice which leads to the x10 bug in damage. This is exactly why a baseline is set that we test from and work from.
You completely miss the point. The set is heavily underperforming compared to other sets and especially vs LoN/LoD. Buffing or changing a synergy item ist buffing those other builds aswell while leaving the weak set behind.
I second the 25.000%ish 6piece bonus since it is not constant and it’s a comparable to other similar recent set bonuses such as the Heaven’s Fury Set from Crusader e.g.
You cannot compare one set with another, when they buff different skills. Abilities work differently, got different damage output and is affected by area damage and so forth differently.
It should be damaging as high as when you use channeling, just WITHOUT the channeling in it.
So that means none channeled builds needs at least 8 to 9x increase in damage to compete with channeling builds. The multiplier can be slightly less since survivability will be higher, but too little and no one will use it.
I don’t know what it will take. But, I think it would be better, remaking Dw and Es to buff meteors only, make a source for hydra to buff it’s damage.
And/or remake the set to “when using primary skills, buffing hydra damage with x percentage”. Or “when using mirror image, your hydras deal x amount more damage and each mirror image cast a spell or a hydra”
Hydra now cast Arcane Orb when you do. You may have 1 extra Hydra active. Summon maximum number of Hydra when cast.
Makes Unstable Scepter better than Deathwish, 3 hydras brings the set to 15,000%, and you get auto-attacks from hydra while moving/grouping/positioning, then focused attacks when set up.
This would open the meta for TV6, as well as LoN/D. (But frost 4 life maybe )
I want hydras to be dmg dealer of the build. Not meteor, orb or whatever. We need to get rid of the channeling crap and have variety of playstyles:
Channeling skills: standing still killing mobs supported with mirror images and shields.
Spenders: Meteor, FO, twisters, etc: we deal the dmg while trying to not die CCing mobs.
Hydras: we buff their dmg while trying to survive (with signature spells or MI or whatever)
Archon: Vyr + chantodo or MH.
That’s my vision of what the class should be.
Barbs, DH’s, Saders and monks have variety. Wizs are always the same: vyr or channeling. Very poor design.
I wouldn’t mind having another ability such as mirror images, black hole or something to buff them. So you don’t get a “cast hydras and that’s it” set.
But yeah, move away from channeling. That should be a meteor / lon manald heal thing
My suggestion for the set is to add magic missiles to buff the hydra dmg and regenerate heads, you can check it here:
Imo Mirror images would be excelent supporting channeling skills, with the images protecting the wizard and mirroring our attacks.
A signature spell let you buff the hydra dmg while avoiding dmg.
There needs to be a trade off for being able to fire and forget hydras. If not channeling then what? Being able to run willy nilly while hydras do the damage feels too OP. You should need to stand still, thus making you more vulnerable while your offense is boosted.
I get it, it feels like other channeling builds, but I kinda like it. Felt pretty good to me on the PTR.