Barbarians Unite Pls. Nice People spotted :)

I would think by now Free you would know my writing style and my analytical reasoning. Those posters are definitely not me. I am not an English professor, but our writing provides insights into our background. For example, you were most likely raised in the south as evidence by your frequent use of “Y’all”. Also, you likely live in a big city based on the colloquialism that you use.

Ooh, Ooh, Miss Flanagan! Do be so kind as to analyze my writing next.


Sorry. I’m only allowed to do one forensic writing analysis per day on the D3 forum. :laughing:
Free knows my writing style so…

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I’m going to take a go at this. Based on your style of writing, your middle aged man, who wears spectacle and fancies Brut cologne. In fact, you were in an old episode of “Cold Case Files” from 1984, I’m surprised you’re still around.

Now that wasn’t so hard.


You got two details right. :slight_smile:

All this ‘barb OP, pls nerf’ is nuts. Same thing happened to Blessed Shield Crusaders/Hammerdin. Flag the nerf posts as trolling and do as you do.

Leave barbs alone, let the boys play. Coming from a Crusader main. Do I play and enjoy WoTW? Yes to one, I still play it but it isn’t enjoyable. The current iteration is in desperate need of the ptr buffs we tested with. Not a reduced version.


You know that a difference in opinion is not trolling.

My suggestion is to decrease the lamentation buff from 150%-200% to a flat 100%. Is that really so awful?

That mob mentality though is real…:man_facepalming:

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I’d post the high five thing, but I’m not allowed lol

But I nearly spat my water out reading this :rofl:

That is becoming a genuine concern with some of the things I’ve read around here lately

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Glad I could provide a chuckle. God knows the chuckle heads in GD are doing the opposite.

For the record, though Micro denies it, GoodWillHunt and DarkKnight are, indeed, his alts–of this I’m very certain.


I took your advice and stopped reading everything he wrote, the forums are a lot less confusing place now. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I see you’re still kicking, that’s a shame.

Well, I was thinking an increase of 300 - 400%.


There is a problem with your hypothesis that you are dunking on my “alts” in general discussion. The two accounts you quoted have not posted in general discussion in many days if you use the search function.

As I told you, whatever accounts that you think are my alts in the thread linked below are definitely not mine.

P.S. Could you please provide a quote where I made any denials?

I would love to see the faces of everyone who was asking for a nerf if devs actually buffed lamentation from 200% to 300% and increased the 6 pieces damage bonus from 10000% to 15000% and suddenly barbs could solo GR150

Devs would also mention that they would like to keep it like that for at least 2 seasons :rofl:

The outrage on forums would be just ridiculous…

Everyone who asked for nerfs would be like this:


In this scenario, the forum reaction to barbarians would be intriguing. I wonder how monks would feel being behind by 16 GRs.

The ironic thing is even if they take my advice, my plan is to play barbarians next season. I am advocating for reasonable buffs for the class that my plan is to play. I currently have 3 barbs on my account: Gynormica, Warrior, and Menace. I suspect it will be a rebirth to “Warrior” and delete so that I can create a new more fun name.

I was thinking TableGuy. How many characters are we allowed again?

Monks along with other classes should do what Free did for barbs and if they work hard on making viable suggestions that will benfit everyone than I see no problem why can’t Monks or Crusaders or any other class that feels left behind also have builds capable of clearing GR140+ too…

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This is not a solution, it is a problem.

Why, because if “players” who are in favor of something stay the same just flag posters who think otherwise, it makes the “players” look biased, and then Blizzard acts.

Rather than flagging and moving on, either fight the fight, or simply mention once why they are wrong, and move onto the next conversation!

I think would go a long way to ensuring nerfs only happen when needed in the future.

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But you are aware that not having enough balance can take away fun as well?

Let just take this scenario where the most unfun build are the most powerful and efficient to play, or the scenario where there are builds that people like to play are significantly underperforming compared to the best builds.

That makes playing these underperforming builds less fun.


So why not try to balance all or at least most builds around for example GR125? Yeah, it would include nerfing this one Barbarian build, but also all of the other outlier builds, so I don’t see a problem with that. Then instead of 4 builds, suddenly 50 builds are viable (the number 50 is randomly chosen, just to illustrate the point). Then Barbarians can have fun, as well as DHs, Wizards, Monks and all the other classes.

How does it take away from ones feeling of empowerment if all (meta) builds are somewhat evenly balanced? You are still powerful, you just wouldn’t own everything else anymore, and in fact if you would be able to own with builds that are significantly stronger, than you are taking away the fun from those that like to play builds that are now significantly underpowered (wich ironically would turn you into “The Fun Police”).


inb4: I am fairly indifferent on whether or not the WW build gets nerfed or if it can clear a GR140 or a GR120 or whatever, but in general I think there should be a decent amount of balance, which tries to balance all meta builds around GR1xx and preferably has 0 outlier builds. I just think to call and defame people who desire such a state of balance as “The Fun Police” etc is not the best way to go about it either.


Hmm, haven’t seen too many Wizards and Necro’s suffering and not enjoying themselves because their OP’ness came at the expense of ‘balance’. Why has it been OK for them, but if there’s the slightest possibility that Barb’s could be OP, then its " OMG please nerf we must have balance in the meta"?

Do tell.


Hey Demon. I just want to point something out for you. Don’t ever read any of Micro’s posts. He’s a troll. All his information is skewed and manipulated by him. He barely plays the class and he’s been proven wrong multiple times by multiple people.

He said all he does is post the data. His “data” is word of mouth. The guy who cleared 140 said the build could do 146 which is a blatant and outright lie. I honestly think he was having fun messing with us and getting the forums all riled up. Although, Micro took that as the truth and has been incorporating it in his skewed data ever since, even after I took the time to show him how that was wrong using just basic common sense.

I don’t know the full story, but I think if you removed Micro from the equation and looked at what the real barbs are saying, you’ll see the truth and none of this drama will need to take place <3.