Barbarians Unite Pls. Nice People spotted :)

Just piss off wil ya.

Take your tables with ya as well.


Calm down it’s not worth it…

A: wasting my time by answering trolls and no lives who waste their time talking politely and philosophically about balance in an old game, but with no real arguments to back it up.


A few things to keep in mind:

  1. Mirco is twisting my post to Fluffy and ignoring context. In it, I was replying to a Necro expert who put forth a reasonable argument about his own class. I was not, and have never, advocated for nerfs to classes I don’t play. All I said was that his suggestions, given his level of expertise, seem spot-on.
  2. Balance is useless on its own. It’s a pipe dream. Every Season, one or two builds are super strong–sometimes even OP. If that’s Barb this Season, embrace it and have fun. If it’s not your thing, don’t ask for nerfs, because you’re taking away from the fun others might enjoy.
  3. Regarding point 2, the fact that there are one or two extra strong builds every Season does not in any way make the game less fun for you. It doesn’t take anything from you. Fun Police have no argument.
  4. Details about D4 have leaked and we’re likely to get a lot more post Blizzcon. If Barbs get a super OP season in the sun, we deserve it and it’s long overdue.

I hope you enjoy being the most hated forum poster by barbs along all the others who love nerfs so much if Blizz actually nerfs WW Rend, cause that’s what you’ll end up with…

Asking for a nerf to a build that hasn’t been tested for more than 6 days on live servers is just acting like a 1st class “dbag”…

Most builds that were nerfed were at least tested on live servers with some minor exeptions like the crusader build few years ago…

Asking to nerf a class that never had a build capable of clearing a GR140 even by the 1% of the playerbase is completely unfair to barbs or any other classes that were taking dust far behind all the ones that could clear a 140 GR or highier and never even made it to the META as a Damage dealer…

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What I find funny is the sense of self importance these guys have. They talk about it like they’re doing a great thing, like it’s relevant for society or something. All these beautiful sentences formulated to hide the vacuum of pi$$ and sh!t with the whole purpose of securing the “most powerful class” status.

Bug off, will ya?! You’re not important, you’re not doing a difference. You’re just a snowflake being an dbag

This is the literal definition of a double standard.

“Just because there are a few super strong OP builds does not make the game and other weaker builds less fun. Oh and now please buff my favorite builds because if they are not strong enough I can’t have fun with them.”

EDIT: Although I would like to see much better balance, I don’t really care about if Barbs are being super strong this season, but I don’t like that you guys try to defame people who wanna have (reasonable) balance.


No, it’s an admission of the state of the game.

In an ideal world, would all builds across all classes be within relative “balance”? Maybe. That tends to produce unexciting, if fair, gameplay. Remember, in a PvM game, fairness is not really the most important factor here.

But we don’t live in that ideal world, mah dude. The CG Team’s resources and time are limited. We’ll never get all classes in equilibrium. The only reasonable thing to do is work to get what you love buffed to the place you want it. That’s precisely what we did with the Barb Buff Proposal, and that’s precisely what we’re getting.

So, you take what you can get.


Clueso, are you still trying to say that if a class doesn’t have all of their builds strong, than they shouldn’t have any build strong?


Again, you yourself said that the devs have limited resources, so why should they buff at least dozens of builds to the level of the top builds when they just could nerf a few OP builds which then would have the effect that instead of 3 or 4 builds being the best ones, you suddenly had let’s say 20 builds at the top? And that would be done with significantly less effort than to buff everything…


I get it now. The idea of communism. Blizz the (governing force) should limit every class and every build to the same level. Remove any and all build diversity, power diversity, creativity, competition, and quite literally incentive to do anything.


Because those aren’t buffs. You don’t get to twist the definitions of words to make them mean what you want.

You don’t take food off everyone’s plate, then tell them that they got buffed to all have the same amount.

GR 140 is the current bar. We’ve seen most classes hit it or come very, very close in non-Season play. Barbs and Monks have, until now, been excluded. Now Barbs have finally achieved some level of cross-class balance, even if it is with only 1 spec.

Unlike you, we don’t wall want to clear GR 100 with all the builds in the same amount of time.

In an ideal world, all our builds would get elevated to be within +/- 3 GRs of one another based on the top performing build, but even then, you have to remember that 2 of those builds rely on gimmicky wall-charging, and 2 of the builds are HOTA, even if they’re radically different. Barbs have so many problems with their items that it’s never all going to be solved. Our proposal solved almost all of them, but obviously we were never going to get everything.

The best we’re ever going to get is Band-Aids. Let’s make sure they’re the biggest, most powerful Band-Aids ever.


Couldn’t agree more…

Some people don’t get that by nerfing the most powerful build you actually lower the highiest possible GR you can clear in the game.

If a build allows to max clear a 140 GR than if you nerf it you’ll be lucky to do a 130-135 GR max just to match the underperforming classes…

Instead of aiming highier and actually progress in clearing highier GRs in game you lower the maximum GR we can clear just to match the worse builds…

Just brilliant…

Games are about progressing after dedicatiing houndreds of hours into them, not being stuck for years without any chance of progression or beating the strongest boss or end game content…

If you deny players to advance to the highiest GR out there after years of playing than most players will just quit and play a different game instead…

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No, not really.

I have absolutely not problem with there being builds that are “the strongest” and I understand that there is a need for “the strongest” builds, since there are players who specifically wanna play those kinds of builds.

The issue is that, although here is no problem with “best builds”, that is only true as long the best builds are not significantly stronger than “average” builds. Why? because if you make the strongest builds too strong, you could say that “it takes away the fun away from people”, since now their “average” builds sucks.

And that ironically would make you “The Fun Police”.

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Of course, that is what nerfing does, but you act as if that would be innately a bad thing…

That is what season are for.

It seems like you do not understand a fundamental game mechanic of ARGP’s and many other games. There is a definitive end. Even in Diablo 2. Once you had all the best gear, your character wouldn’t get stronger in any way, since it has reached the top. And that is okay. And once that is done, you start a new season. And that works fine.

What you want to do is just creating the illusion of progress but not actual progress.

That’s not actually how communism works. Let’s keep the discussion focused.

Obviously, in an ideal game environment, what you’re describing sounds great. But–and I keep repeating this–you are not accepting the reality of D3.

The Reality

  • Per class, 1 or 2 builds are much stronger than others
  • GR 140 is the new bar for solo pushes
  • GR 150 is the bar for group pushes

That right there? That’s the game that exists. The one you keep talking about only exists in your head.

You nerf folks to prevent point one, you nerf the class’s potential, period.

Work for buffs for builds and classes you want. Never work for nerfs.

Powercreep is a false dichotomy–there is no either/or. In a game where DPS is based on weapon damage and layered multipliers, a game where the only end-game content is based on scaling difficulty per tier and ranked by time, a game where certain types of damage output are better suited to the aforementioned end-game environment, there is only one direction to go. Powercreep isn’t a problem or a symptom. It’s literally built into the bedrock of the game.

You don’t have to like it, but for the love of Sting, get over it and stop asking for nerfs of any kind.


I guess it’s more like “will I mind my own business, or will I’ll be a pain in the a of the barb community?”


The thing is barbs never ask for nerfs to other classes. That is why the buff requests. So nerfing strong classes in the name of balance is off limits for barbs.


Oh really? I thought D2 LoD ends with killing Baal on Hell or doing uber runs… :roll_eyes:

Besides ubers or the event where you sell SoJ to spawn Uber Diablo, the hardest monster to beat was 99 level Baal on hell, yet guess what, you could even SOLO him on ladders and you didn’t have to wait years to do it and how many players can SOLO a 150 GR Guradian in D3 RoS?

If you can’t clear a GR eventually than the whole GR system is pointless…

Leaderboards are there so you can compete against each other in clearing the highiest GRs possible… If you’re limited to just 130-140 GR for solo clears, than most players will get borred and stop playing the game…

Everyone always wants to beat his own personal best record and tries to reach the highiest possible GR in game, so GR150 should be also allowed to be completed even if only by the most dedicated players in game with highiest paragon and best items…

Whether it’s like how it works or not, that doesn’t change the fact that lowering the bar from 140 to 135 GR or lower to match the weakest builds is just beyond ridiculous…

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Read my post again: I didn’t say that nerfing the OP top builds is a buff. It obviously is a nerf and I never called it differently.

You still didn’t address my argument. How can you say that the devs only have a limited amout of resources and that people who play other classes shall ask for buffs (which would mean that at elast a fe dozen builds had to get buffed), when nerfing a few OP buids could do something similar with significantly less effort?!

And how bad that must feel for the 5+ other Barbarin specs that continue to suck…

I understand that, but what I am talking about has nothing to do with specific changes for Barbarians, but it is regarding the philosophy/the idea of “Always Buff, Never Nerf” that a lot of advocate for and that you are trying to defame and badmouth people who desire a more balanced state of the game.

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