I have visited the forums over 90 days already and the only time I noticed anything about a chantodo or vyr’s nerf was in the Squirts necklace will need a nerf if thread.
If you find any other threads about anyone asking for a chantodo’s or vyr’s, archon nerf than go ahead and please post them.
Maybe someone mentioned something about a nerf in some other threads, but there was literaly NO threads that specifically asked for a nerf to chantodo’s, vyr’s or archon skill in title…
So please tell me why suddenly NOW you want to nerf WW Rend if you had no problem with chantodo’s vyr’s build being OP for 2 seasons, yet the WW Rend build isn’t even life yet and we won’t have any chance at all to test how strong it really is if it won’t make it as it is in current state to the official 2.6.7 patch notes…
You clearly haven’t even completed a 135 GR with this so called OP build (WW Rend), yet you want to nerf it based on (for the 1000th time) ONE player with over 10000 paragon argument…