Auto-Gold Pickup Radius Needs Increasing

I disagree. I personally like the feel of the pick up radius as is. I did notice that gold doesnt pick up some times, but I’ve noticed it while trying to interact with other things as well. It still needs some polish for sure.

I disagree. I would remove auto-gold pickup altogether.

It’s meant to save clicking, not make it an auto enable for everyone and buff the radius. Leave radius small. It’s fine.

So I’d like to piggyback off this controller comment considering I’m dealing with a physical disability that limits motor function of my right arm and hand. Apologies if you already had to answer this here or elsewhere, I haven’t read through the entire thread or the numerous others. And yes, I’m aware of your stance on the subject matter already, I’d just like an answer in response to a specific situation since everything everyone else is throwing around is hypothetical.

If being in support of the addition of being able to use a controller on PC, how does that translate to loot distribution in public games? I have physical limitations that dictate when I’m able to play (pain mostly) any game, this potentially limits my ability to join groups as I have no set schedule that I can play. The majority of my friends don’t play games like this or games in general. This forces me to play public multi-player games if I want to play with others. Considering I play on PC and refuse to buy a console (why when I already shelled out to build a PC prior to my injury?) why do I have to be at a disadvantage for drops in a group setting?

What impact would a QoL feature to alleviate a FFA loot scenario that is completely OPTIONAL to use (just like this auto gold pick up) that wouldn’t impact a “normal” player driven economy have on you or anyone else who is strongly in the “No Changes” camp? Sure, it could potentially be solved by mods but that would only work in a solo game. Why should we be forced to deal with a flawed system from 21 years ago when we have the technology and ability to offer a level playing field to everyone regardless of their physical limitations? If it’s something optional as others have suggested how would that impact you and others who don’t want that? I’m not saying that YOU should be forced to play the way I want to because I struggle playing the original way, just that the option should be available for myself and others in a similar situation.

Not looking to start an argument, would just like a genuine discussion on the accessibility issue. Because you can’t really cherry pick what can and can’t be added in the name of accessibility (not looking for “participation trophies”) if it’s truly about making the game accessible to the largest number of people possible. Gaming has come a long way since the original released and is now popular among so many groups of people that never would have fell into the gamer category. It’s easy to offer a straw man argument of being “true to the original” but what harm would there be to offer the ability to let anyone who actually wants to PLAY the game do so in an enjoyable fashion regardless of what limitations they may be facing? Keyword being PLAY…I don’t think any system that could potentially be implemented should reward in any way, shape or form anyone who simply wants to leech content.


Sucks that you got a disability mate… But disabilities sadly comes with down sides that in some situations just can’t be changed… Life sucks in that way sometimes… I got a disability too but mine is in the legs so i miss out when it comes to real life activities where rapid movements like running and jumping is involved… But i would never ask for people to change their sports or behaviors to fit my disability it is my “job” to either learn to live with my disability and the limitations that comes with it or to try and get better in any way possible to do the things i am limited to do from the natures side.

I totally get that! Let me understand you better though: you would technically use a controller? Because the whole loot story aside: you can use a controller on PC, idk if you knew that and ofc idk if that helps in any regard.

Now to the topic: I can not relate to your situation, which is why I can simply not understand, how you feel. So I will not even try to pretend, that I could imagine how frustrating it must be, that in a lot of games, no care is taken for accessibility.

That being said, I am all in for accessibility in modern games. I am not in though, to change the rules of an old game afterwards. Without wanting to be cold hearted, but you also can’t expect, soccer to change rules for people, who can’t run as fast, right? But sure, coming up with a new sport, you can design it, such that also people with a subset of disabilities has no disadvantage.

Now in D2, the looting system is one of these rules. A lot of people think, this merciless system is just old and flawed, but in fact it does serve a specific purpose:

For grinding exp, for going through hell, for doing ubers with most builds, you get advantages from playing in a party

Problem: in a party, you can leech all of that. You can literally join a 7 players game and just stand aside, to let the others do the work.

Now shared loot makes sure, that you can’t do that to get your gear. To efficiently farm gear, you have to play solo (or with friends). Personally, I am going to just do a ton of Mephisto runs, to acquire gear.

Even though, I could try to compete with 7 players for good gear in shared loot, I won’t. Even if you have no disadvantage, it is a very bad decision to try to hunt good gear against 7 people.

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I love how the ultimate reason is “Don’t touch my Diablo!”.

Yes, I’m aware that they added controller support to PC. For actually playing the game it’s a godsend. For looting it’s not and I’m not just talking in a multi-player setting either.

The issue is that all of these “Rules” are in no way defined by the game mechanics or the development team. They were cooked up by people like you who want your exclusivity. The game does not say grouping is only for EXP and story progression unless you’re with friends and clan members. Loot does not stop dropping during those games. I shouldn’t be forced to play solo if I don’t want to and I should still have an equal chance at whatever loot drops regardless of if I’m playing on a controller or if I’m using M+KB.

These arguments that were just made by the two of you are asinine. Guess what? Your soccer example is hot garbage. If someone with a disability that prevents them from playing normal soccer they have other options available to play soccer with people that are in a similar situation. They’re not told “tough, go do something else”. That’s all people are asking for…another option to enjoy the game that won’t impact your ridiculous notion of how this game should be because of your nostalgia and desire to continue dealing with an inherently flawed mechanic for however many years you spent playing the original. If they add it and you don’t like it then don’t play in that mode or select that option and play with other like minded individuals.


Agree, please increase gold auto pickup radius!

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Dude you as i have a disability and we have some natural limits learn to accept it even if it is hard sometimes… I did. Yes don’t touch our diablo 2 and i won’t touch something that you love but i can’t participate in. Sucks but life isn’t always fair.

Shame on you.

This is an absolutely foul, disgusting attitude to have. “No, you can’t play this great game because any optional accessibility changes that would allow you and countless others to enjoy it with the rest of the world will ruin my vision of it.”

I sincerely hope the Developers discount this kind of attitude with extreme prejudice. The more people who can play Diablo 2, the better. It’s a great game that everyone deserves the chance to play.

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Foul? Is it foul to talk straight out of the bag? I know how he feels i couldn’t play with the other boys in the school yard most of the time because of my disability i had to do other less physical stuff and learn that i was just not made for that kind of stuff… But hey i am the foul one here for pointing out that sometimes life just isn’t fair but that don’t mean that i or anyone else with disabilities should go around and ask for “normal” people to change everything to fit our different disabilities. A lot of stuff does get build to help people with disabilities we are lucky to live in an age where that luckily is possible but everything still can’t be “fixed”

This. Is. A. Video. Game.

Unlike life, a video game can be changed to be more accommodating and more accessible. There is absolutely no reason one shouldn’t be.

In this case it comes off more as, “this can get fixed but I don’t want it to.” That’s what is foul and disgusting.

Shame on you.

Let me add something here, aside from disabled players, a lot of other “normal” players also want to have Ploot as an option so he is not just asking for this change because he is disabled but he also share the same sentiments as a lot of other players.

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But hey i will take my deformed spine and my short leg and shut up apparently i have the wrong disability and i am just a foul person…

See…that’s the difference between you and I. Your mindset is “if you can’t do it my way then you don’t get to enjoy it” where my attitude toward the situation would be to find a way to make it something that could be enjoyed by both of us.

Yes there are most definitely physical limitations but they’ve already provided an accessibility feature that works for me. I’m only asking for some options to allow me to effectively use that feature for ALL aspects of the game. That would be like you being told you can’t take a walk through a park because your legs don’t work and hey…we have this wheel chair for you to use…but you can only use it to go from here to there but you can’t use it to wheel yourself over to get a drink.

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wtf are you talking about? you assume a lot from what i wrote… You know absolutely nothing about how i take care of my disability all i am saying i am not asking for anyone to change anything for me… If they do i am happy (if it actually helps) but if they don’t i couldn’t care less.

Yeah and even more players don’t want it… what is your point? And VV said they wouldn’t add it.

Maybe they can create a separate ladder later with private loot… but it will be released as close as it can be to the original Diablo 2… i got no problem if they make it for two separate ladders but it can’t be in the same ladder.

Well from what I am seeing on this forum, actually a lot more people are for it than against it, I had been on this forum for the past days now and I can actually see that. But lets not assume before there are actual statistics available shall we.

That is an idea that is actually constructive and I respect that, I also have my own suggestions regarding this. Ploot will have the same loot size as FFA, no more no less, loots will be randomly distributed among players that actually contribute to dps the monster (5-10%) so no leeching possible here. This way, economy stays the exact same and people that dont like it can always just play FFA without any impact on their experiences whatsoever and the others can have Ploot as their go to. See, win win no one has to compromise and the game essentially stay the exact same core/mechanic/balance wise.

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Would actually be fun to watch a separate ladder with ultra wide resolutions and private loot… i wonder how long that crap show would be popular HAHA! And you can take your shame on you and stick it where the sun don’t shine my fine man.