Are they ashamed of Diablo Immortal?

What was missing in that list was…

Speaking incredibly condescendingly to a PC-centric audience, that had paid hundreds / thousands of dollars to be at Blizzcon in person, about their negative reaction to an announcement that the next Diablo game would only be released on phones.


Its hard to be truely ashamed when they have already probably broke $10 million in MICRO transactions. I wonder how much was from streamers. So many idiots throwing away money to “make a point” just feeding the system

well this was spoken back in 2007 by a former CM known as Tseric

What a misleading post. I am guessing you work for Blizzard. They have literally done nothing on twitter other then stroking their own egos. Nothing about all the bad press. Because the twitters are run by PR people who arent going to even acknowledge the people

They’re not ashamed of DI, but they should be. The more money it makes, the more successful they’ll think it is. Most of the profits come from whales like Rich Campbell.


You definitely have not been following my comments on D:I or California investigation into Blizzard. I am not an employee.

If you think Blizzard is immediately going to comment on the bad press, you do not understand the culture of media relations at large corporations. Did you see how Blizzard handled the investigation by California into sexual harassment and bad crap at Blizzard?


yeah but now theyre facing an international crisis which will make what california is doing look like nothing by comparison since several EU nations are all in agreement regarding their loot boxes EA is already catching all kinds of flak for it and you can bet if they pass this kind of regulation it will also be applied to any paid content game feature that utilizes such an item

Blizzard can bury their head in the sand all they want and pretend nothing is happening but it will only delay the inevitable

players are tired of seeing this kind of unchecked predatory treatment occuring by gaming companies acting like they are untouchable and governments are starting to pass laws to handle the situation

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He has been in semantic arguments on Twitter saying that Diablo Immortal is not selling gear so he doesn’t see it as pay to win. You know what I think is happening. I think he was told what to say on Twitter by his bosses. I don’t think that the devs have any say as to how Immortal is monetized. So I blame the higher ups that make those decisions. I just hope that the pay to win garbage doesn’t make its way into D4 or D3 and D2R. If it does make its way there then I will leave the Diablo franchise possibly forever.


God no, have you seen the incredible amount of money people are spending on it? For a long time now Blizzard has not cared a single bit about their player base. It’s clear they’re extremely proud of themselves with this one.

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Accepting DI predatory style is like begging for it to come to D4 unfortunately.

The most that anyone can do is go on the forums and criticize their putting that garbage in the other titles. Then leave never supporting Blizz again, by not buying any more games that they make. Nor keeping a sub to WoW if players are subbed to WoW as well as play diablo games.

That is not accepting it, and that is the only thing that we can do. Unless we get the government to step in. But do we want to trust those in power to actually get the job done right.

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It should cost like 20 bucks and the only thing paid for is cosmetics like Overwatch.

But, that’s not really how the mobile scene works. So, it’s tough for me blame them. And no, none of it will impact D4. D4 will cost money up front, and have paid for cosmetics. D4 isn’t a mobile game, Immortal is. The mobile scene is gross, and it’s not for everyone.

And this morning, this popped into my in-game inbox…

Genuinely curious how the “game is dying” brigade will spin this one.


My recollection was that the game had 15 million downloads before more countries in SEA went live.

I expect once it hits china there will be a fair amount more.

Again, the end game is predatory MTX for any progress.

The rest of of the game is solid and perfect for casual monster killing, stress relief, and has a ton more to do than D3.

It makes for serious conflicts.


Until/if server mergers and/or transfers become a thing the only thing that really matters is the health of your server. That varies wildly from server to server, even sometimes day to day.

For parts, like solo challenge rifts and PVP, absolutely. For a lot of people, that’s really a small part of what they’ll do.

Most of the PVE game is a simple gear check and while better legendary gems help expedite that, gear farming is still a valid method to reach those thresholds.

I really, truthfully and honestly, think two maxims of this game are overblown. That being the reliance of high end gems in the PVE game and the idea that doing anything more than playing a few minutes a day is pointless.

You can absolutely farm in this game. You won’t duplicate the efforts of high spenders just by farming, the way you can in other F2P titles. The game, as much as anything, is about setting and managing personal expectation.

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Say it’s not so I thought the game was dead. Who are all these people I see every time on log on?

China is the target market so I would like to see what the #s look like in a few weeks.

Regardless how good Immortal does (or how bad to some) I am in expectation for the D4 beta.

Where’s the Uninstalls prize box?

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They’re not ashamed or anything; why would they? They’re just busy and awaiting numbers after it releases at China. I don’t think it will have a big impact at the revenue and profit of D:I though. I mean, sure, they open up to a new audience yet I think it will not be better than their expectations and it could be even underwhelming. Possible that I’ll be proven wrong by time, but am okay with it. I just can’t believe if D:I gonna surpass CoD mobile.