More troubling Blizzard News

There are now reports of alleged malfeasance from the head of ATVI and an explanation why the newly appointed co-lead of Blizzard announced her resignation.



Kotick said Blizzard are entering a new age, give them some time, she might come back.


Nov 16, 2021

Today, Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick shared a video message with the company’s employees. Here is the transcript of his remarks:


"I want to talk with you today about our future and reiterate my conviction to create the most welcoming and inclusive workplace.

Over the last few months, so many of you have generously and candidly shared your experiences and your insights about the type of company you want us to be.

We’ve taken meaningful actions to improve our company and our culture. But there is more to do. To become the model workplace we all aspire to be, more change is required. But I am so confident we will get there.

There will, of course, be continued media attention about us and our industry over the next few months. In fact, there’s an article today that paints an inaccurate and misleading view of our company, of me personally, and my leadership.

I want to say two important things about this:

First, we are incredibly fortunate to have the most talented people in our industry all so committed to constant improvement. And I share this commitment.

The second thing I want to say is that anyone who doubts my conviction to be the most welcoming, inclusive workplace doesn’t really appreciate how important this is to me.

Creativity and inspiration thrives best in a safe, welcoming, respectful environment. There is no substitute for that. And staying true to our values, without exceptions, is the best way to retain our talent and to attract the new talent we need to achieve our great potential.

As I have made clear, we are moving forward with a new zero tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior – and zero means zero. Any reprehensible conduct is simply unacceptable.

We have a chance to further enhance our culture and be the example other companies will follow. And we are so incredibly fortunate. Connecting and engaging the world through joy and fun is a powerful mission. Accomplishing this in a welcoming, inclusive workplace ensures we will achieve our mission with excellence.

Over the last few years our industry has had an uncomfortable spotlight that’s been illuminating opportunities for us to change. And we must all, including me, embrace this need for change, so we can bring our very best selves to the very best place to work.

Thank you for your commitment to a culture of respect, your appreciation for the unique talents we each possess, and for maintaining the very best environment for all of us to work.

For that, I am truly grateful."

That’s the Blizzard I want to see - people on a mission to advance the gaming to new heights setting the bar so high that those looking at it would shiver from the thought of copy pasting it.


I totally read that transcript in a Bill Clinton voice, with my hand in a fist, thumb out, pointing to iterate “I want you to believe I feel your pain” manner.

Ah, good times.


Actually I read the transcript in Trumps voice. We’re very similar.


I could hear that, except it uses the word “grateful” like 5 times.

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Twitter thread by the WSJ author with some excerpts for those who are behind the pay wall.

Bottom line - Kotick knew he had issues at Activision, knew he had issues at the Activision owned studios, had been accused of poor behavior and settled out of court for those. He was aware of, and approved settlements at Activision owned studios for sexual harassment and assault, including rape. He hid it from the Board. The bad news today is not about Blizzard (for once), it is about Kotick, Activision, and Activision studios.

Jen Oneal was harassed earlier in her career when she worked at Activision. She was then paid less when she was chosen to come to Blizzard and be the Co-Leader. I assume Kotick and ATVI make the decisions on who leads the Studios/pay levels.

Here is the tweet with the excerpt about Jen Oneal. Read that one for details…and a 2007 party with stripper poles.

Ms. Oneal said in the email she had been sexually harassed earlier in her career at Activision, and she was paid less than her male counterpart at the helm of Blizzard, and wanted to discuss her resignation. “I have been tokenism, marginalized, and discriminated against.”

She is leaving for all the reasons we thought. ATVI/Kotick is in charge still and he has no reason to change. This is common among those with money and power. They play by different rules and are rarely held accountable. The whole industry (and many others) needs to clean up. Stop treating workers like garbage and women like toys.


And you guys called me a Troll and a LIAR.

I think an apology is in order.


Both are true though. That you managed to have a tirade that ended up somewhat related to reality doesn’t change that.


This thread is not about you. This thread is about Bobby Kotick, Activision, and Activision owned studios. It is also about why Jen Oneal left, after spending 20 years working for Activision, Activision owned Vicarious Visions, and eventually a few months at Blizzard.

On topic, this Twitter thread has screenshots of the full article for those without a WSJ sub or means to read it.


I wonder if it might be time for BK to go, get some new LEADERSHIP.

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We shall see. The problem is anyone who replaces him is likely to be just as bad. Powerful people who care about stockholders, not the workers who make the products, run the businesses in this country (and most countries).

They will do what they have to do for optics and to keep the stockholders happy. They will keep staff just happy enough to avoid them leaving. Same for almost any business. Pay enough to attract workers and keep them compliant. Pay them little enough that they HAVE to keep working there or risk not being able to pay bills. Paycheck to paycheck is essentially a wage slave.

Freedom is enough money to tell a company to stuff it and go do something else. Most people in America don’t have that freedom. They don’t have the savings. Money does not buy happiness, just the freedom to seek it on your terms.


Jen’s open letter was an open book. Anyone who has some wits to read between the lines could see what she actually meant on there. Looking what Kotick said, it’s whole lotta nothing but playing it for the investors.
Saying thanks for talented people, simply giving message to the stockholders that they still have workers under his bidding and everything is under control. He’s here to stay still though. No kind of union could budge his position and he knows it.


The board of directors still love Bobby K :point_down:

SANTA MONICA, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Nov. 16, 2021-- The Activision Blizzard (Nasdaq: ATVI) Board of Directors released the following statement responding to recent media stories.

“The Activision Blizzard Board remains committed to the goal of making Activision Blizzard the most welcoming and inclusive company in the industry. Under Bobby Kotick’s leadership the Company is already implementing industry leading changes including a zero tolerance harassment policy, a dedication to achieving significant increases to the percentages of women and non-binary people in our workforce and significant internal and external investments to accelerate opportunities for diverse talent. The Board remains confident that Bobby Kotick appropriately addressed workplace issues brought to his attention.

The goals we have set for ourselves are both critical and ambitious. The Board remains confident in Bobby Kotick’s leadership, commitment and ability to achieve these goals.”

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Well that did not take long to circle the wagons


Does that include the D3 devs? Does that mean s25 is going to be delayed?

The precise date of season 25 start is small potatoes in the larger picture.

P.S. I think Activision-Blizzard a few days ago gave their employees Thanksgiving week off. I think they were originally scheduled M-W.

Both are true so no apologies.