Are they ashamed of Diablo Immortal?

Now they have 20 million downloads.

They are very, very happy about D:I.

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they should be. and with xi accepting immoral over there, he will henceforth be known as xinni the poo to me too.

From a business point of view for a f2p/p2w game, happiness is not defined by dowloads but by revenue versus game development/ ongoing maintenance costs that define profit.

they are literally only ashamed it didnt work.

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The game has made over $100 million and has over 30 million downloads, probably more by now.

I think Blizzard and NetEase are happy with the financial success from a business point of view. D:I has been a reputational failure for Blizzard.

Also, tbe 30 millions installs is impressive; however on Match 29, Blizzard announced 30 million pre-registrations. Blizzard had an additional 2 montbs to get even more pre-registrations prior to D:I release in select markets on June 2.

I think some only pre-registered once but installed on phone & PC as an example so I am rather surprised that the number of installation do not far exceed the March 29 numbers. I wonder if many that pre-registered never installed due to predatory p2w and terrible critic/meta critic scores (both critics and user scores).

So i’ve been browsing this forum for a bit and I gotta ask why like every Diablo Immortal post seems to have the same few people pooping on it, or acting like they had no idea it existed until the op mentioned it. Like we get it, you don’t like diablo immortal. why ya gotta go into every post telling everyone how much you totally don’t care about it?