Angels in Diablo 4?

Oh, I certainly expect us coming to blows with Imperius eventually (whether it be a Diablo 4 expansion, or a game installment after Diablo 4). As I don’t think he’ll ever change his views on humanity. However, if he still follows Heaven’s laws, then he won’t be able to force an attack unless he get the consent of the Angiris Council.

As for Inarius, I also don’t expect Inarius to be the sole reason for the character to go to Hell. However, if we were to travel to Mephisto’s domain, the Realm of Hatred, also the capital of Hell, then I can see us venturing to Inarius’s prison for some reason and meeting the Angel.

Or not.

Might be also a nice twist, if he isn´t there anymore

That’s possible and it would fall in line with what Beefhammer stated. Personally I think he’d still be there, unless he’s gotten help, as I don’t expect Inarius doing much after perhaps thousands of years of torture and mutilation.

But hey, nearly anything is possible.

On his own, it wouldn´t be possible.

But Izual was once twisted …
And Andariel, after her treacery, already tryed to get Diablo´s favour back, with her guarding the monestry.

so there are a lot of possibilities, how this could went.

i think hell has enough dungeon masters but the ones we know already^^

Elizabeth: Yeah. Okay, cool. Next question is “No diablo game is complete without the Lords of Hell. Can we expect to see the unholy triumvirate?”

Harrison: The unholy triumvirate? That’s awesome. Rad. Yeah, just like Sean and Jesse said earlier, like that Soulstone is shattered. Those sort of essences have been scattered to the cosmic winds. You have seen Duriel. So that’s one of them, and we know from history… History has shown that when the essences are scattered, even when they’re defeated, they do find their way back. But it’s important to remember that Lilith is here, and now there’s a power vacuum. She is the ascendant power. She’s the tornado at our doorstep right now. There’s a hurricane off in the distance that we should probably be aware of, but Lilith is here, and she is in charge.

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Yes, I’m aware of what’s been said. However, that doesn’t necessarily answer my hope. It’s simply stating that there’s a far worse evil (A number of great evils actually fit that bill) than Lilith out there and waiting, which isn’t too surprising. I’m just hoping that if Diablo’s involved, he’s simply manipulating things from the shadows and we won’t actively face him in the base campaign of Diablo 4.

In short, I’d like for the eventual fight with Diablo to have a much better build up in Diablo 4, than it did in Diablo 3.

I kind of forgot to make my point ^^ I wanted to say that their original intent for RoS shows Blizzard doesn’t care much about character consistency. They dropped Imperius as a RoS villain because they already had Malthael and no need for two in one expansion, not because Imperius would never have betrayed the Council. All to say that maybe there is/has been a civil war in the Heavens, hence why their gates are closed.

It’s kind of the same for Inarius. If Blizzard wants him out for plot reasons, they wouldn’t shy away from it because of lore/logic. But I also hope he’s still in there and the “technical” angelic meddling Luis referred to involves another character.


Indeed. Everything that I speculate about is usually within reason of already established lore and/or character consistency. However, if Blizzard wants to, they are more than capable to overwrite or retcon existing lore in order to establish new lore points. It’s been done before, so it wouldn’t be a stretch if it were done again. Personally, I’d hope that they refrain from having any major retcons or inconsistencies to the lore, and instead expand the lore without such things, however, you are absolutely correct in saying that it’s still possible.

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Historically only 2 have meddled in our business, one hasn’t been seen in over 3000 years and the other is a mortal. The rest are basically too weak to stand up to Imperius. I don’t believe for a second any other angels would be interfering especially after Imperius closed the gates to us.

That actually brings up a fair question imo. Who voted to have the High Heavens shut their gates to Sanctuary? Obviously I can see Imperius initiated the vote, but did Auriel and Itherael voted in agreement, or did Imperius actually force the action without taking the rest of the Angiris council votes in consideration? So many questions, so little answers.

Imperius, while a huge dick, seems to be a stickler for rules and procedure. I mean he could have overruled the Council and wiped out humanity but he lost the vote and let us live.

I’m pretty sure he put it to a vote and the closing the door won without coercion. Now, if that is the case, do Auriel and/or Itherael have the will to go against the council’s wishes?

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While Auriel tries to see the good in Humanity, she’s no Tyrael (someone who time and time again, had fought tooth and nail for Sanctuary’s survival). If it’s decided that the High Heavens shut it’s door to Sanctuary, I doubt she’d be willing to bend and/or break the rules in order to assist Sanctuary as Tyrael had done before.

Also considering Tyrael was the only one to he lend aid, I doubt the others would.

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You don’t need to confront Imperius to help humanity. Tyrael did it for centuries before they fought each other.
The fact that the gates are closes even vouch for this idea. An angel in Sanctuary would be on his own, without having to answer to Heaven in any way.

Tyrael didn’t but none of the other angles had the spine to go against Imperius or the Council. Besides, I never said they had to fight Imperius.

I believe that Beefhammer’s point was that most, if not all, of the angels residing in the High Heavens follow the edict of the Heavens as well as the Angiris Council to the letter. So if the council decides to shut it’s gates and no longer interfere with Sanctuary, the rest of Heaven would follow suit. If an angel were to have the guts, along with a strong enough love for Sanctuary, to actually defy Heaven’s law, they’d have to do so indirectly and without getting caught; otherwise they’d risk their own judgement and eventual annihilation at Imperius’s command.

Or it is one who was on Santuary the whole Time or at least for quite some Time.
Lilith might have slaughtered all the Renegades once.
But it is nowhere stated, that after this Events other Angels or Demons might have tryed to escape the ethernal Conflict.

Trag’Oul (lit. The One Who is Forever, among other translations of the name) is an ancient and mysterious dragon-like being who guards Sanctuary and maintains the Balance between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, intent on keeping Sanctuary free from angelic and demonic influences. His fate is tied to that of Sanctuary.

So there might be a Chance, that there are still a few Refugees, frome the War on Santuary, hiding somewhere far away or beeing sealed once a long time ago.

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Except most of Malthael’s host. Thousands of angels have defied the Council in RoS.
Besides, it’s possible many “lost” angels have long been hiding in Sanctuary, maybe some Inarius followers like Balbero is suggesting.

That’s what (on other things) I’m considering, an self-exiled angel going on a personal mission on Sanctuary and acting from the shadows. Not necessary for the love of humanity by the way…
As for getting caught, the risk is zero since the gates are closed.

Not likely as after the events of the Sin War, the Eternal Conflict came to a grinding halt. Diablo, Baal, and Mephisto no longer waged an open war against the High Heavens and instead focused on the corruption of mankind. As a result the Lesser Evils grew frustrated by the Prime Evils unwillingness to continue the direct battle against the High Heavens, which would eventually lead to the Dark Exile. There was no grand battle being fought, that would have disheartened demons or angels enough to attempt to escape from. With the exception of the angels and demons left behind at pandemonium (as they weren’t inform of the current events), there were no angel and demons actively battling, at least until the events of Diablo 2 (Tyrael vs Diablo and Baal) and 3 (Tyrael vs many Demons, various angels vs various demons in act 4 and 5).

It wouldn’t be zero, as a missing angel would be noticed by those within the High Heavens even if Heaven’s gates are closed (it’d probably be even more noticeable with the gates closed), and in the event that the Angel is caught, they would likely face judgement.