Angels in Diablo 4?

What we’ve seen in D4 up till now is basically Demons, Demons, Demons… evil Demons have invaded abd flooded Sanctuary, there are legions of Demons to kill, there’s Lilith the main character, and Demon leaders Duriel and Andariel confirmed to appear.

But what about the Angles? Diablo is not Diablo without the Angels as well. Tyriel was our main ally ever since D2, and D3 takes place in Heaven rather than Hell.

What do you think will their be their role this time? Will there be allies again, or antagonists (D3 thought us that actually they aren’t any better than Demons)? Will they even appear?

Thoughts anyone?

Probably not so prominent
Heaven is closed and someone said we will not see inarius’ prison


We have to wait.

The Gates to Heaven are closed, stated in a Pannel.
Now let me lie … but I think it was the World&Lore-Pannel 2019 (pls correct me, if I´m wrong)

So besides from some Renegades, we won´t see too much of them.


Keep also in Mind.

The Decision, that Sanctuary could still exist and wasn´t wiped out after the Sin War, was that Uldyssian sacrificed himself and left the Nephalem back without Power.

But at the End of D3 and the Death of Malthael, Imperius and Tyrael are shocked over the shear Power and the reawakening of the Nephalem.
Wich could even easily lead to a new Decision within the Angiris Coucil, to wipe out Mankind.
Maybe this is the Reason why our Mother Lilith comes back :slight_smile: :sunflower:

She has to defend theyr Childrean once again.


Luis : That’s right. Let’s set the stage a little bit. Alright. Diablo 4 takes place decades after the events of Reaper of Souls. The Malthael’s plans were foiled. The angel of death exacted a terrible toll on humanity; and Sanctuary has suffered great devastation. Entire populations decimated. Cities ravaged. Heaven itself suffered great, great losses causing them to shutter their gates–

John : That’s terrible.

Luis : –and you can imagine what that does to people. Religious schisms, famine, war… basically, humanity left to our own devices; and we know how well we do on our own. :point_left:

John : Not so good.

The other scary part of that is she is Mephisto’s daughter. So she represents a link to an even greater threat: the Greater Evils. So even though she has been summoned for reasons we are not ready to divulge quite yet, we know it can’t be good; and with Heaven having closed out their gates, there is no one to answer our prayers. :point_left:

Even the Horadrim are but mad old men talking to themselves, talking to graves, clutching their bottles as hard as they want to clutch their swords.

Harrison : And also, it’s important to mention it like– since the events of Diablo III, like Heaven closed its gates, phone’s off the hook, they’re not taking our calls. Right? Like… nope, nobody’s answering. Horadrim are incommunicado. So, we are kinda on our own. Yea. Not great.

BlizzCon 2019 Diablo 4: Unveiled Panel


Well, not necessarily. There weren’t any angels in Diablo 1 (beyond mention that is). So it wouldn’t be any surprise if the same were to happen with Diablo 4.

That said, during Blizzconline, it was stated that technically, there will be an angel meddling with Sanctuary after Lilith’s return. As for the identity of said angel, it could be Tyrael (assuming he’s still alive), Inarius (somewhat doutbful unless he receives some major aid), a member of the high heavens and by extent the angiris council, or even an angel who gone rogue.

Honestly, considering that Sanctuary has not only repelled, but also even defeated Hell on multiple occassions, even when facing Hell’s best assaults (with this being known to Heaven), it wouldn’t make sense for Heaven to suddenly vote for Sanctuary’s destruction considering Heaven also suffered some major losses at both Diablo and Malthael’s hands and that Heaven knows that the strength of the Nephalem and that Sanctuary holds more of them (of lesser strength). Not to mention that Heaven isn’t that much stronger than Hell. So unless Heaven and Hell teams up (incredibly unlikely), it wouldn’t make sense for Heaven to choose to attack Sanctuary.

Also, even if we exclude Tyrael, it’s unlikely that Auriel and Itherael would vote on Sanctuary’s destruction, unless they were getting corrupted by a dark influence (similar to what almost happened in the Storm of Light novel).

So based on all of this, I think it’s more likely for Heaven to isolate themselves from Sanctuary (hence the whole close the gates meaning) and try to recover from the damages that they had suffered.


Luis: This is important, because in the mythos of Sanctuary, Lilith is the mother of Humanity. Lilith represents that demonic half that all have in our hearts. In that mythos, she and the angel Inarius, along with other rebel angels and rebel demons tired of this endless eternal conflict created a world that would be free of conflict, called Sanctuary; and along with that, they created the first mortals. That’s the legend. That’s what we heard. The scary part about that is, she knows our hearts. She knows what motivates us, and manipulate us. :point_left:

Who helped bring her back? It was the Triune and who do they worship? The Prime Evils. :point_left:

So, the Sin War — a lot of that took place in Kehjistan. The Mage Clan Wars — all of that kind of thing took place in Kehjistan. There’s a lot of history buried in the sands under Kehjistan; and speaking of buried, we have these ancient Triune Cult ruins that radiate this dark power — sort of thrumming with dark energy; the triune who is responsible for helping Lilith return to Sanctuary, as you saw in our cinematic, they also worship the Prime Evils; and they are hastening their master’s return to Sanctuary. :point_left: - Harrison Pink, World and Lore, 2019.


Santuary and the Humans where even the Reason, Diablo could shatter the Gate

The Heavens , sees the Mortal as nothing else as Abominations.

And the Soulstones, made out of the Worldstone (or the Eye of Anu), where even the Reason, that Diablo, weakened after the Fight in Hell ( or the Treachery by his lower Kin) and the fights with the Mortals, where able to use them as a Catalyst to boost his Power.
If the Humans had never done theyr Experiments on them or used them to seal the Demons away, this would have never happend.

So you can be sure, that especialy Imperius over everyone else would blame it on the Abominations, called Mortals.
In Äons of the ethernal War, never anything like this happend.

But then the Humans came along and the Hevans where invaded and many lost they Lives.

Do you really think, someone like Imperius would let this go ? :eyes:

I dont think so.

I remember, that of the Question, if we would see Inarius, there was a clear : NO
Or at least not yet.

Diablo 4 is not about Imperious, he is in heaven behind locked gates. You are interjecting your own speculations into the Diablo 4 storyline. Did they ever mention Imperius in anything? What part of this do you not understand? “Heaven closed its gates, phone’s off the hook, they’re not taking our calls.”

  • Harrison Pink, Blizzcon 2019, World and Lore panel.

Not all of Heaven sees Humanity as abominations. It’s mostly Imperius and Malthael, along with their followers, who see Humanity that way. Auriel and Itherael sees humanity with potential just as Tyrael does, so unless Imperius manages to convince both of them to vote for Humanity’s destruction, which would probably be as easy as convincing Diablo and his brothers not to kill anyone ever again, Heaven’s not attacking anyone. Remember, Imperius doesn’t rule Heaven, he can’t act unless it’s in agreement among the other council members (Auriel and Itherael).

Heaven won’t act against Humanity unless Imperius decides to break from the High Heavens in order to lead an attack (which is unlikely as Imperius values the High Heaven laws above nearly all else). Honestly if Imperius was that willing to destroy Sanctuary, to even the point of defying the ancient laws of the High Heavens, then rather than trying to stop Malthael, Imperius would’ve simply joined Malthael instead.

Besides, Heaven has a lot more to worry about than exterminating Humanity. The return of Diablo and the other great evils. Since Malthael destroyed the Black Soulstone and was slain soonafter, that freed the Great Evils. Which is another reason as to why Heaven wouldn’t waste time and resource on fighting Sanctuary, when they could use that time to recover their forces before Diablo and the others are revived.

As far as I’m aware of, they hadn’t said that we won’t see Inarius in Diablo 4. Instead what was said during BlizzConline was that we’ve never been close to Inarius’s prison in the previous Diablo games, which is accurate as Inarius would be somewhere in Mephisto’s domain, and the only great evils domains we’ve visited in the Diablo games were Baal’s and Diablo’s.

But beyond that, they’ve never stated that we won’t see Inarius, unless I missed something.

It was in the Q&A after Min 27 :slight_smile: :sunflower:

We only saw Diablo´s Santuary
If you want to call this already his Domain … after all its in the Outscirts of the Hell and not even in the lower Realms.

And Baal´s havn´t seen a thing.
We where only on the Areat.

The questions were pertaining to D4. Luis is the game Director for D4 and they showed a very short image of Inarius in the D4 clip. So when he was asked about Diablo adventures I think this is in reference our adventures in D4. He even said “we were thinking about messing with you.” BlizzConline 2021 - Diablo Q&A - YouTube

Don´t start crying, man

I only take what the Lore offers.
If you don´t like it, thats on you.

So reject everything that they have already said about Diablo 4, got it. Have fun.

Sure. And you wanne tell me now, that you know the whole Storyline for D4 Vanilla and the next 4 Addons ?

If you’re talking about the 2021 Blizzconline, then no they never said no to Inarius being in Diablo 4.

The question was:

Were we ever close to Inarius’ prison during our Diablo Adventures?”

That question had to do with Where inarius was imprisoned as well as whether we were ever close to it in Diablo 1, 2, and 3. Which is understandably no, as Inarius’s prison would be located in Mephisto’s domain, the realm of Hate, somewhere we’ve never been to in the previous games.

The Hellforge where we destroyed Mephisto’s and Diablo’s soulstone in Diablo 2, is located in Baal’s Domain.

Taken from the Book of Cain:

“He spoke of the Hellforge, located in the deepist pit of the Realm of Destruction. It was here that the demnoic smiths forged Hell’s most powerful weapons. Thus, it was said that the dread Hellforge held many unholy anvils, and among them was the Anvil of Annihilation. It was upon this anvil that angelic weapons and artifacts were destroyed. Legends held that anything broken upon the Anvil of Annihilation, no matter how powerful, would be forever negated.”

Now I’m sure if we ever saw the hellforge again in a future Diablo game, it’d be far more glorified than how we saw it in Diablo 2, similar to how different the Pandemonium fortress looks in Diablo 3 compared to how it looked in Diablo 2.

That specific question was pertaining to the previous games. As I said, the question itself had nothing to do with whether or not we’ll see Inarius in Diablo 4, but rather if we’ve ever been close to Inarius’s prison.

On the other hand, if the question was instead:

Will we get close to Inarius’s prison during our Diablo Adventures.”

Then I’d be inclined to agree, as that would pertain to Diablo 4 as well.

Yea.Back in the Days they just wanted to bring out a quick cool Story to play.
Pretty sure they didn´t took into account, that it had so many Holes.

Also in Diablo 1 with the Cornerstones of the World, even if not totally Cannon.
They where made out of the Worldstone, like the Soulstones or other Artifacts, like the Fragment of Destiny and the first Way, to Mule between your Charakters.

Given how important the Worldstone itself is, as it is the Eye of Anu, the whole ethernal Conflict centers around …
And that the Humans are just mining it …

Kinda feels weird.

And in the year of the golden light, it was so decreed that a great cathedral be raised. The cornerstone of this holy place was to be carved from the translucent stone Antyrael, named for the angel who shared his power with the Horadrim.
In the year of drawing shadows, the ground shook and the cathedral shattered and fell. As the building of catacombs and castles began and man stood against the ravages of the Sin War, the ruins were scavenged for their stones. And so it was that the cornerstone vanished from the eyes of man.
The stone was of this world – and of all worlds – as the light is both within all things and beyond all things. Light and unity are the products of this holy foundation, a unity of purpose and a unity of possession.

Yes quite a number of things were either retconned or never confirmed to be canon in the Diablo franchise. For example, when Lilith was added to the Diablo franchise via the Pandemonium Event in Diablo 2, rather than being the Daughter of Mephisto; she was instead titled as Andariel’s mother who was enraged at Andariel’s death and as such revived Diablo and his brothers with powerful dark magic. This would later be retconned with with several other medias, such as the Sin War Trilogy, along with the eventual release of Diablo 3.

But the question is, is there even an Angiris Council anymore? Malthael is gone, Tyrael is not an angel anymore, so there’s only three of them left, two of witch supported mankind in the past.

Logic wise, they were talking about Inarius?

Btw, was Inarius an Archangel? As powerful as Tyrael and other members of Angiris Council?

It’s not impossible. Although, if I were to be honest, I don’t think it would be Inarius as he should still be imprisoned and tortured. As such, unless Inarius managed to win some powerful 3rd party to his side, I don’t see him escaping anytime soon, let alone being able to meddle with Sanctuary. But all in all, they very may well have could been talking about Inarius.

Also Yes, he was considered an archangel, although he likely fell short in comparison to Tyrael and the other members of the Angiris Council.

Diablo 4 is all about horses.