Angels in Diablo 4?

In the vanilla game I only expect to see and deal with Inarius. In the expansions I expect to destroy the High Heavens and the angels, as well as destroying the Burning Hells and the demons.

why do you always have to troll?

Truth be told, it’d be so weird to me if Inarius had any major part in the campaign, unless he had some help that is. But time will most certainly tell on that.

i really want to meet him tho
he is kinda a part of lilith’s legend and could make for a great escalation of the story

Well, it would definitely make an interesting meeting; especially seeing his mindset after a few millenniums of captivity and torture.

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Order is a time-based situation, within the framework of eternal chaos.
Angels are there to persue order within chaos, not to cancel chaos.

The way I look at it, Mephisto has been missing in action for at least 40 years by the time D4 rolls around. His underlings would be infighting vying for power and control. Torturing and keeping an eye in Inarius is the last thing they would be doing.

I am certain he has escaped and is part of the reason why Lilith has returned.

Wow that’s a hot take
But it would explain why we won’t see his prison

That is certainly a possibility. However, I don’t think he escaped before the start of Diablo 4. If anything, I wouldn’t be surprise if we were tasked with meeting him in his prison. After all, it is stated that we would be going to Hell in Diablo 4, I can’t think of any better reason to go to Hell, besides meeting Inarius.

yea but also the devs clearly stated that we WONT be any near his prison xD

Not exactly:
The question that was asked was:

That question was pertaining to the previous Diablo games. So it’s still very much possible for us to go to Inarius’s prison in Diablo 4.

then i clearly misunderstood the question

That’s another reason as to why I don’t think Inarius managed to free himself, I mean it’d be difficult for him to even do so after so many years of torture and mutilation, unless he had some help. The only major spots in Hell that we’ve been to, were Diablo’s realm in both Diablo 2 and 3 (Chaos Sanctuary and Diablo’s shadow Realm in Diablo 3), and Baal’s realm in Diablo 2 (the hellforge is located in the Realm of Destruction). We’ve yet to enter Mephisto’s Realm of Hatred (which also happens to be the captial of Hell).

If we were ever to enter Mephisto’s realm for any kind of reason, it would be to go to Inarius’s prison, and the only reason to go there would be to meet the angel. At least that’s my line of thought.

I think he has and thus why we are in the predicament we are in.

Which part? Because it’s all plausible.

I think Andariel and Duriel are the main culprits (as they are actually confirmed to be active), followed by perhaps Azmodan and Belial.

No you did not. The question was asked of the D4 lead developer in the D4 lighting round. It would have been a total waste of time to ask him about the other instalments. Anyone who plays Diablo knows that we never had any contact with Inarius. Anyone who has never played Diablo would most likely have no idea what he was talking about. It is also a good practice to reference the entire statement not just a few words. “Our Diablo Adventures” is likely referring to our adventures in the world of D4. The part that some leave out is his next statement: “we were thinking about messing with you." He is talking about D4 not the other instalments.

I’m not sure the twins are enough of a threat alone, or Belial nor Azmodan, who is the most incompetent Demon. Dude couldn’t even complete a coup against Diablo with the res of the Burning Hells at his back.

I just can’t wait to find out. Knowing Blizzard, it will be some cliched predictable story.

Actually a question like that wouldn’t be a waste of time as that confirmed that even during the events of Diablo 1, 2, and 3, Inarius has always remained within Mephisto’s domain. It could’ve been very possible for his prison to have moved locations especially during the events of the dark exile and such. Keep in mind, that not everyone is heavily invested into the lore.

Actually that’s why I’m looking forward to it, because Andariel alone shown enough compentence to hold off the remaining sisterhood of the sightless eye, and Duriel had managed to keep Tyrael of all people subdued. So honestly, I can see them inflicting enough anguish and pain onto the land for the people to suffer immensely from it. As for Belial, I’d say he did a decent job. Azmodan unfortunately falls short, I’d say based on most of the events that happens thus far, that his most redeeming trait is his ability to command scores of enemies. Outside of that, Diablo 3 didn’t do him much justice displaying his “master tactician” ability.

It probably will be, but the speculation is half the fun. Honestly though, if Diablo is the main bad guy, I hope he won’t act until an expansion, rather than act as a surprise final boss as he did in Diablo 3 vanilla.

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That nearly happened actually. In the early development of RoS the main antagonist was Imperius, with Malthael as an accomplice.
So it’s very possible Blizzard will use this character again as an enemy. Not in D4 vanilla but this closing the gates may be to hide something.

About Inarius being the reason to go to Hell in D4, count me in ! Though I wouldn’t necessary bet on it, there could be may other plot reasons to go there.

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