I mean … is it just work in progress, right?
i saw that too… i wish i didn’t…
umm… yeah
They made the paladin look like the weeknd.
Ok, let me be serious for a bit.
The amazon, Cassia, looks more of a barbarian than the barbarian currently. If there was a female barbarian I’d be quite happy with her having that face.
But the amazon is a warrior too, isn’t she? Yes, however take a look at Cassia in Heroes of the Storm. She has soft facial features despite being 20 years older on there. So there’s your feedback.
Looks like my grandma…But I guess this is the trend in games these day.
Vicarious turned Crash Bandicoot’s early girlfriend into a butch multi-color-haired strong independent woman so I mean… could be on purpose. hope i’m wrong
She looks fine. Like a tough, battle-harden warrior instead of a victoria secret model in battle armour.
Racist? No. In this case, the agenda would be a gender-bending one. Second-wave feminism, where women have to look and act like men, like in the 80s movies with the chicks with short hair, chiseled faces, and large shoulder pads in their jackets to look more masculine. The current embrace of LGBTQ(+alphabet letters) and transgenderism could be a driver for the art.
Personally, I’m not a fan. The old school Amazon was inspired by Greek mythology. These were beautiful warriors, not 'roided up females parading as men. They were products of Greek culture, not this faux image of the damsel in distress that really doesn’t exist, but which activists feel so hellbent on opposing.
I’d prefer if they could embrace real women with their art, while understanding that entertainment and a predominantly male audience wants attractive characters to play (of both sexes), and the ladies who play probably want the same thing. We all want to fantasize about playing as a hero(ine), not the average Joe/Jane. Find inspiration in MMA fighters’ bodies or the Hollywood stuntwomen who do all those flashy moves we model in our games. Yes, they’ll put their hair in tight braids for a fight and lay a ferocious beatdown on an opponent, then sit down a week later with full hair and make-up, with a natural (non-tuba) voice, and give a real, open, and honest, down-to-earth interview. Women are women. They don’t have to look, sound, and act like men to be strong or powerful or heroic.
These tropes really are just stereotypes pushed by people claiming they’re anti-stereotyping.
Edit: The D4 cinematic does a great job with the female rogue who is beautiful, feminine, and deadly. It’s a great direction to take with the art.
Ahh the latest woke trend, lets make game characters as ugly as possible. For the people that dont play games at all to be satisfied and dont go on a rampage on twitter…
Eh no they look like woke trash… Well to me, not saying they dont do it for you
So the discussion went a little bit further than I thought.
I would like to summarize this into an OPINION.
A female warrior could have a feminine aesthetics and be a fearsome, though warrior. She doesn’t have to look like a model with lipstick but also shouldn’t look like most of the male characters in the game. Females are strong even if they retain femininity and vice versa. Which means … I would like to propose a balance instead of woman body and male face. Don’t want to hurt someone but she looks like Necromancer.
I finally found an image showing exactly what you were referring to:
I see what you’re getting at. I could definitely see that argument with the barbarian who’s just missing the goatee to be a cowboy/redneck stereotype. Incidentally, I think he’s probably the best looking of all of them. And the face of the Amazon is not just a little mannish, it’s awful. It’s beyond just being a woke stereotype. It’s just bad art. To be honest, I’m not terribly impressed with any of the campfire close-ups.
I know art is subjective, but I’m not a fan of what I’m seeing. This is the character selection screen where you first enter the game. This is where you type choose what you want to RP as. No one wants to RP as a fugly thing. They really need to go back and redo those faces urgently. As much time as they said they put into staying faithful to the original art, this isn’t even in the same ball park.
shown with strikethrough, 3AM posting with no proofreading =/
Not just the amazon that looks mannish, the assassin looks like Shang Tsung from the first Mortal Kombat movie.
And the sorceres looks like a guy too.
Maybe I’ll be the odd one here but I actually think the Barbarian looks fine. Not quite as ripped as the original or D3’s but I still think the model looks fine. Mt. Arreat is likely to be a more husky/strong figure in general than pure ripped due to heat needs.
Others, to me, are:
Druid is very good
Assassin is okay… not great but not bad
Sorc & Necro are average
Paladin is awesome
Amazon… yeah… redo?
Not seeing that personally.
Sadly, yup.
I’m not against making the Assassin Asian though she looked more Eastern European in the original D2:LOD to me, but at least make her more feminine. Narrow the head to more of a heart-shaped face with a chin for a start. The sorceress is probably the least bad of the females, but she was the most feminine in the original. Now she’s got thunder thighs and a thigh gap (them’s birthin’ hips!) to go with a boyish face. It doesn’t do justice to the original.
I don’t mind the barb. I think the druid looks like a Celtic warrior. I think the Pally’s face needs work. The eyes and nose don’t seem right. And does the necro have a stache? Of the males, he needs the most work. Work with the HotS model for Xul or the D3 necro if you have to, but do justice to the character.
i don’t know about the druid either. Check out his original 3d version… he was much skinnier, hair was short, not wild and didn’t have a goatee, just a small chin strip.
makes sense to me as to why be that skinny, why need to be ripped when you can just bear or wolf through enemies if you need strength. They changed him to look more wild. While the original had a vibe of “looks can be deceiving”.
She can be asian just fine. For me I would rather see her look like someone like Kelly Hu than Shang Tsung
I think we all would =)
Well, look at Cassia from Heroes of the Storm. Kinda looks exactely like her younger version…
I love the way she looks. She’s not meant to be “sexy” or “pretty”, she’s a battle-hardened warrior. She looks like a real person and not an air-brushed model. I desperately hope they don’t cave and give her some stupid accessory like the stiletto boots the DH wears in D3 while backflipping all over Sanctuary.
I’ve waited 30 years for any realistic female characters in video games. I applaud Blizzard for finally making it happen. Please don’t change a thing.