Amazon face D2 Resurrected

Yes because battle granny is sooo realistic :smiley:


Well they all look very squaresih and very alike which is … strange to me. And why Paladin has an afro? :smiley:


Of course, if she’s not young, she has to be a “granny”. I forgot that women between the ages of 25 and 60 don’t exist. :roll_eyes:


And again, the Sorceress is the only hot one in the group!
I mean c’mon, if that’s not class based discrimination, I don’t know what is.


Age is just a number when you want to whoop some butt. But don’t take my word for it, ask Betty.


Yes. Amazon face needs to be ressurected ))

But then again, who said she is a female in D2R? )


D3 has decent appearance of the characters. They look normal. I don’t know why they made amazon look like 60 years old. The assassin doesn’t look very athletic to be doing kicks. Please fix the assassin appearance! Nooo :frowning: Sorceress looks like a sorceress wow! Barbarian looks awesome! Would be nice to have paladin look like Idris Elba!!


So I have now critically gone through all the models and faces of the characters shown.

I find the Amazon very strong. For me, she is almost the best implementation of all. That’s how I imagine an Amazon. Amazons are considered to be fighting women and are not princesses who should make men’s hearts beat faster.

I also like the Necro, although I could imagine him a little leaner better. He seems a bit too chivalrously trained to me.

The magician seems southern, which I find quite appealing.

The assassin has a strong Asian touch, that can be seen either way.

The Paladin is also respectable, but I always imagine a light-skinned European underneath it in knight times.

The Druid seems to me a little too Viking-like. I imagine a rather wise older slightly elven type under it.

With the barbarian I’m also not quite warm. He seems to be quite well-balanced, almost nice. Sure why not… He must be wild in battle, must not be permanently a guy on 180…

For me, the Amazon is on closer inspection the best implementation with the strong male expression, but still clearly female preferences and no I’m straight, but find this quite very appropriately implemented.

I hope you keep this direction and also clearly shows what Amazon warriors should really be.
Should there also be an Amazon in D4, then a historical background to this strongly masculine acting people would be very welcome to me.

I think it’s exactly these rough edges and the matching stories and features that make these RPG worlds what they are supposed to be.
The boundaries and the contrasts, the friction points and the paths are what I want to have and experience in RPGs, as long as it is brought across authentically and well implemented and is not too wacky.

And the Amazon here as it is portrayed is absolutely not that, but actually hosts massively many great stories around the people.

Bravo Blizz… from me there is the grade perfect for this good visual elaboration of the Amazon.

Oh, and… I’m very curious about the voices that will be given to the heroes.

How will such an Amazon sound vocally?

Translated with DeepL/Translator (free version)


Paladin approves.


:smiley: thanks for making my day :smiley:

Before seeing the character and only reading people’s opinions, I thought it sounded promising to have a dirty alternative looking amazon.

But holy crap, you guys are right, this looks woke AF. A modern misconeption of strength measured purely in masculinity, totally undermining the strength that lies in femininity, and not least balance between the two.

This kind of supression of the feminine has nothing to do with actual feminism, it will only maintain the image of masculinity as being superior.


When D4 was first announced and we were asked for suggestions, many of us asked for a darker game with more realistic graphics. It appears they’re trying to give it to us. And not just in D4.

But, I agree, I was thinking more along the lines of this:

Still, I don’t think they’re that bad…

…until you get up close:

The gameplay animation looks great though. (From what little I’ve seen so far).


I mean i love they’re trying this, its in no way a bad thing, the worst is they mess it up and we still play d2. it’s an only-upside situation.

look at the barb’s face, it looked half done, like half his face was just skin i think he was missing an eye and he had a ponytail on his shoulder.

that fire in andariels lair is blindingly bright. its like way, way, way too bright, relative to other fire shown in like all other areas.

when they got to andariel someone upped the fire brightness / tint like 4x and left it i can’t even see her, char, items, its like super crazy how does anyone else not notice that?

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I truly, truly hope so.


Druid - face more associated with his theme: life/nature, more healthier look
Sorceress - smaller boobs
Paladin - less afro hair and maybe more facial hair
Barbarian - little bit more muscles
Assassin - more agility (smaller boobs)
Amazon - a LOT more feminine face and head


If that is the face they are going for, then I hope they will hire a male voice actor as well. That way we would at least have a real freak in the line up. Like the character Zelda from Pet Sematary.


Every of the character looks more horizontal. The modeler(s) has a thing for thick body type.

The Amazon just looks awful. No one was asking for supermodel looks, but in OG D2, she was younger & less manly. & not modelled after Mel Gibson.


“The Paladin’s hair seems like it came from the the disco era…”

Jesus, it is almost the same hair :smiley:


I was (am) a big fan of the Amazon. I always play my variation of the Sniperzon build. I created the image below for a D2 group game forum I participated in many years ago. (Actually, I stole some DeviantArt images, cropped out the characters, and superimposed them on a forest background.   )

This is what I want my Amazon, Hireling and Valkyrie to look like:


Not ashamed to say that I am superficial and I like my amazon to look somewhat like this: