Allow cow level to be made post-King kill

As a hobby farmer, I will never not upvote animal puns. Carry on with the moooooooooos.


Does anybody know where Blizzard is replying? We see all kind of ideas here but there is no reaction. Are they just going to push out what is currently already in?
There is a lot of QoL improvements they still need to add before release in September!

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The purpose of this forum seems not to be the active discussion with the developers.
Instead the developers read what is on the board and occasionally make a statement by various means (e.g. forum post, twitter, interview, game release/patch).

You should not expect a blue post reply to your suggestion. Not saying that it never happens. But odds are not in your favor.

There are multiple reasons for it:

  • more time to work, less time to discuss
  • dedicated pr department has ownership over public statements
  • community discussions stay free of developer influence
  • developer does not need to commit to premature statements
  • if you reply more, people will come only to discuss with you even more

Another possibility, if they are making the change, they could be saving it as part of the juicy steak, err details for an official announcement. :crossed_fingers:

:cow: :cow2:


The secret cow level is a “secret” and so too is the fate of those adventures who sneezed into the wind and accidentally killed the cow king who’s immune system was ill prepared being that his stats were loaded from the nightmare monster tables due to a bug.

I hope they fix this for D2R ugh.

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Bump bump bump. Give us some insight devs.

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Yes please

20 characters


Strongly supporting this Topic!!!


Make Royal Moo’s Drop again.


Uber Cows

In seriousness yes, would be nice to make games after this. My understanding is it won’t be as easy to have an opener like before unless you run with 2+ people.


Yeah, that’s what we’re thinking too. The penalty removal is a must now tbh.


Yeah, a Javazon can can destroy the entire screen with a single shot, including the cow king. Need to remove this limitation.

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Can she though? Cause cow king immune to lightening. One of the reason why people use her for cows.

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wait what? just don’t bring an infinity merc near the cow king and you don’t kill him 1 shot with a javazon

I think the King on hell difficulty is always immune to lightning.

Another point worth mentioning is that this is a grindy/repetitive loot based game. To get locked out of the only Easter egg level because of a mistake or a griefer, just doesn’t make sense. Leaving this in the remaster on purpose would be a terrible choice/oversight.

I think this is the single most agreed upon change request, and certainly something I hope to test on day one of the beta. The community is pretty clear on this consensus, and if the devs read forums AT ALL, they would remove the penalty.


Agreed. This is something that Path of Diablo did that I liked (along with bigger bags). Given how randomized the loot system is, it seemed odd to make the cow level a one and done thing.

And as mentioned above, there are work arounds.


Silly willy the Inifinity only works for the merc that’s wearing it it wonte drop thee immunity on your Sorc or javazon.

If you kill the King, then next time you enter the Cow level, there are just Normal cows you cant slay and they MOO non stop :wink:

wtf?!? conviction aura 100% works for your spells that is why light sorcs use a merc with it

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