Allow cow level to be made post-King kill

This seems like a fair compromise, but even that doesn’t seem necessary. I think this is 100% a Quality of Life improvement. I regularly open the portal with one character and kill the king with another.

In password-protected games, you can do this without anyone’s help as the game stays open for a few minutes automatically. In public games, you can just wait till someone joins before swapping characters. Or you can do what a lot of people do and multi-box/multi computer and have both of your characters in game at the same time.

Hopefully the devs address this topic soon. Playing PD2’s new season and not having to worry about killing the cow King is so nice. Gives elemental chars a good place to farm in the beginning of ladder.


Anyone else want to be able to moo after killing King on accident?


Yes I want more MoooOOoOo!
Some people are dumb enough to kill him so why not :rofl:


Yes! They should have done this when they nerfed cows. Still even after the nerf, running cows is a good place for farming items, and I often include cows in my solo Hell Sorc MF runs.
Please release us from this torment, Blizzard. Release the moomoos.


i used to make games clean my inventory/stash then go get the leg. taking care of the time for the game to perm. then make with another character and swap back. it was a big hassle to not worry about killing the king. such pain in the butt. i hope they make this change!


Two things:

  1. Everybody in the killing player’s party is blacklisted from opening the portal, if you left party in time or were sneakily opening solo then you are safe. IIRC you were also safe if you hadn’t killed (Classic)Diablo or (LOD)Baal yet.

  2. Cow drop rates and exp are severely nerfed from what they once were.

That being said, removing the King death penalty is one of the very few changes I would like to see.


Yeah, this is one of the changes that a lot of people are actually okay with. Hopefully they consider changing it. Wish there was more feedback from devs here.


Man, if this guy and I both want this changed, I’m pretty sure the vast, vast majority of players want it changed. Very few changes proposed do I actually want, but this seems like a no brainer.


Patch 1.15a

Cow Level and Uber Trist Balance:

The Cow Level can now be re-opened in a new game even after your character (or party member) has killed the king in a previous game

The Cow level and Uber Tristram minions now gives the correct/fair xp for all levels

I hope same thing happen to D2:R.


One of the few game mechanic changes I’d support.


that game still exists you can litterally install diablo 2 lod and play it right now. Its 100% the orginal game. This is a remaster changes that help the game feel better and more enjoyable threw quality of life is totally fine.


Hopefully Blizzard addresses this during the beta if they don’t respond on here. Let us kill the cow king like before.


after king killed.
can’t open portal again
who can clear cow level an infinite???

I wish they’d address this request already. The more I think about this, the more I want to wait to buy another copy of the game until after release. If a stray death sentry explosion kills the king on accident or a corpse explosion on a necro does and I can’t make cows anymore to farm, that’s pretty lame. Especially if they’re changing the way games are made. It won’t be as easy to open the cow portal on an alternate character. Worse aiming on a console could be a disaster for running cows too, it’s not as accurate as a mouse and keyboard, you may kill the king on accident. I wish they’d give us updates on requests like these and what they’ve changed so far.


Wait, what? How so? Uh oh


From what I understand it will be running on modern Battle Net and that means games won’t remain open if nobody is in them. Whereas, in current D2, games are permed after a few minutes. It will be like D3, where if everybody leaves the game, it closes. That’s what most people are speculating from what’s been said about game creation.

That’s why classic D2R not getting a shared stash doesn’t make sense either.

I wish people would make a bigger fuss about getting more gameplay details instead of complaining over character appearances tbh. I get people are upset over some art, but the gameplay stuff like this is what matters the most.


Ahh yeah you make a great point then. Can’t leave a game open to rejoin with a mule after leaving. That’s messed up if it’s not remedied.


Blizzard needs to release us from this udder nonsense. I’d steak what reputation I have on how much happier the Diablo 2 community would be if this were changed. The drops of cows were nerfed long ago, so it’s not like we can milk cows for the highest level items anyway. We’re all tired of steering clear of the Cow King!

Release the moomoos!


Agreed. It’s “udder” nonsense!