Allow cow level to be made post-King kill

Only solution I would be okay with is making it so that the creator has to kill the king, and it would be that specific creator that can’t make the portals anymore, it does not hurt others involved. You could still screw up and kill the cow king but that’s on you.

If you’re gunna make this change, you might as well just get rid of the penalty altogether


+1 <3 moo00OOO00oooo

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Ya I don’t care for the change either, but you could just punish the individual who kills the king and not the party, still has consequence but you can’t be griefed. Although you would need to punish the cow king killer or decrease his drop chance with him, otherwise the king will be taken down many more times.

I think maybe you were the one that didn’t watch it because they SPECIFICALLY mentioned the Cow King as something they were still deciding whether it would be changed or not.

Cow king drop isn’t even that good? let people farm him if they want!


You never wanted to get all dressed up in leather? :smiley:

I feel like somewhere The Cow King is out there… saying moo.

Moo moo moo… moo


i’m on the fence. If you allow it, then killing king isn’t special and becomes meaningless.

Keeping it as is, makes people fear the king.

Keep it special, don’t change it.

Look, us even talking about it 20 years later means it had and has meaning.

It never was special and it was meaningless. No one uses the cow king set.

People don’t fear the cow king. They fear 7 others who want to grief and kill king and then troll chat saying you can never make the level again.

Of course this decision has meaning. The whole game has meaning. But killing the king simply does not prevent you from creating the level again on a level 1 toon. It’s not “special”, it’s annoying and bad design.

Good thing there is a Remaster coming that can fix these annoying and bad designs. And there is a community forum helping the designers identify things they might’ve missed!

This is a QoL change that has workaround in place already and does not impact core gameplay in the slightest.


Sorry I’m just laughing now :joy: :joy: :joy:
Remember to open your window and turn your volume to max.

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You can maybe do infinite solo cows. But the second you enter a public cow game, you’re no longer in control of the kings death. Seems odd to have to even worry about it.

And before you say just play solo, well it’s a multiplayer game, you shouldn’t have to default to solo grinding.

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Yeah, I have to admit, that’s really a bit off… I did not think of that, because I never actually had problems with that in BNET… maybe I was just lucky

Actually you’re the one who didn’t watch the interview, because they said, explicitely, very clearly, that it was OK to make changes for things that people have found workarounds for.

Their stated example was the shared stash. They said it was OK to add the shared stash because people were using mule characters anyway.

The same logic applies here. The Cow Level workaround is to use… well, mule characters to open the portal and then switch back. Exact same situation. It should be OK to just remove the restriction then.


Unfortunately, they ruined Cow Level shortly after they ruined powerleveling and introduced skill tiers. Baal gives more xp now (throne room to be precise).

But yes, I agree. Restricting access to Cow Level does not serve any purpose.


Hopefully the measures they take can eliminate at least maphack type programs, that alone will slow down bots besides in fixed areas like nihl.

I remember farming cows in the 90’s :slight_smile:
I would love for it to be that way again.


Yeah that’s gonna end up being a thing, that was such a bad mechanic in the original one… having anxiety every time you opened a cow game as the host… piss on that noise…

We need access to Cow’s and Nilathak at all times… cause as soon as you kill Nilathak on Hell mode, your pindle runs are toast on that character and that sucks @$$ as well.


As others have stated, there had already been a work around in the form of an “Alt” toon that created the portal for you. If we’re getting rid of the need for mules then we should get rid of cow level slaves as well. In diablo 3 wymsyshire was repeatable, so this isn’t a new concept. Another alternative is to have it to where your ability to create the portal after killing the king would reset after a specified amount of time like a WoW instance or Raid reset, whether its weekly or if your super hash, after every ladder reset.

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no. just no. stop changing the way the game functions. if you want cow level to be viable again for XP, then yes, sure fix something like that. If you want them to take away the fear of killing the king, then no, deal with it.

There’s no reason to even play cow level anyways with better places to farm. Zero. There’s zero reason to change it.