Akkhan Phalanx/Condemn Request List

I tried this but it didn’t work.

And the Shield Bearers Rune? Why isn’t it on your list? I cleared the 150 using Shield Bearers. They hit enemies within 5m and are stackable. This triggers a massive amount of Condemn and solves part of the damage issue when not using Condemn in the skill bar. I think it was necessary to explore all the possibilities. I would like you to analyze my construction and help improve it and not break it. I think everyone focused solely on Bowman and Shield Bearers proved their worth!


I had theory crafted Shield Bearers before the PTR started because I was able to have up to 19 of them on the screen at once. Since the skill is cooldown based, and I learned they only procced Condemn once per cast. It was suboptimal, unless something changed on the last patch update.

How were you spamming Shield Bearers?

EDIT: WOW, the behavior DID change! They are now casting over and over again.

Thanks for pointing this out, we have more testing to do.

First thanks for your attention. Here is my build: d3.maxroll.gg/d3planner/381528651
Akarat’s Champion with Rally forces the cooldown and that way I can maintain high Phalanx stacks. Akkhan’s Addendum grants part of the survival with the Prophet rune. I’m using Guardian’s Jeopardy because the rework was excellent and helps a lot in survival. On the boss Unfortunately it’s fishing. You need a summoning boss to ensure the Phalanx quickly recharge the Akarat Champion and the cycle repeats. You can save any pylon for last and use the elite and their minions to do this job as well. To compensate for the lack of cooldown in the final fight, I used extra cooldown on gear and Warhelm of Kassar on the cube. I hope I have contributed something to improve our Crusader!

Okay Brandao, it’s definitely the strongest Condemn setup, I beat GR136 14:13, not optimized. The Angels in S27 are definitely helping propel your clear to 150. A GR138 for me is difficult, I failed a Festering due not playing it correctly, chasing elites with a small hit box.

I noticed that I don’t have to manually cast Condemn for F&R to stay up, the Phalanx are proccing it too, this is a NEW feature btw.

Stuff is definitely changing and a full re-test of all A6 Phalanx/Condemn is required.

I reviewed your build, here is my input for how to possibly optimize it:

Kassar is isn’t really needed, it only seems to help when you misfire your Avatars. So if you mostly target trash piles, you’ll do just fine without Kassar and can use Taskers. Personally I’m running CC3+Aughild w/ Taskers in cube.

I just want to point out for anyone who has not played this yet… the whole play tactic changes compared to the Bowmen, this build requires a little more effort on the battlefield because you have to carefully manage Avatar placement.

Yes, you did. When i saw your clear on the S27 LB, I glazed over it and assumed you were just maximizing the Angels spam. But you pointing out that the Shield Bearers actually deal damage is huge, because it wasn’t working like that in v1.

You can see the testing I did here:

And the comment was:

So everyone reading this, please explore Shield Bearer. We need to find out:

  • Is RallyI will push it this evening.

On Season, Rally is definitely best due to Angels, on Non-Season we need to figure out if Kassar + Unrelenting can keep up with Akkhan Addendum + Rally. My guess is no. due to the tightness of the 4 Shield Bearers.

I just beat GR138 in 14:31.

It is a fishier build overall. When the conditions are correct, it has the power to do GR140, but I think that Bowmen is the version of the build most players will prefer to play. I think it’s about +4GRs over Bowmen in non-season.

Shield Bearers can cause crazy lag, so it has that going against it.

If they restored Phalanx % / Kassar / Enforcer damage mods, we’ll have strong competition between the major Phalanx runes because this Shield Bearer version does NOT gain the 60% Phalanx from Unrelenting Phalanx. It only carries 30% Phalanx.

So at the moment, I’d say it’s okay to leave this as is, but crank up the overall damage by letting those above modifiers work.

Of course there will be amazing performance with the Rally version in S27 w/ Falling Sword Angels making Shield Bearers the preferred rune for S27.

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There seems to be some glitch when using Unrelenting Phalanx with Shield Bearers. The processing of 8 Shield Bears is really inferior when using the shield. One more thing that needs to be fixed.

Yes, Angels really do increase a lot, but without them you can do over 140 with an average character.

Did you submit a bug report on that? It’s certainly worth doing so.

I believe it only attacks once when you use unrelenting phalanx. Hence why we all wrote it off.

Lol. Pretty sure it’s a bug, not a feature.

This is a massive understatement. Angels are clearing 150 without any supporting damage. Any tests being done right now must exclude angels to produce meaningful results.

Yes, I understand your point of view and I’m already testing without the angels. But believe me, I focused on working the damage with the Phalanx and wasn’t so methodical with the angels. This build is still very strong without the angels!!!
Otherwise I would be focused on using the zDPS build with angels!

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Haha, it’s not really a big deal, since all buttons are practically spammed, but I wonder what else it can trigger, maybe zodiac?

That Shield Bearer / Rally setup was a semi fishy GR138 clear, about 20-25 keys spent. Not very impressive for non-season.

This build is very much up in the air. I expect them to soften Angels a little bit, and restore the Phalanx mods.

Share some updates once you’ve figured out which configuration you like the best.


Another small update on push with Shield Bearers, I’m up to GR139 14:01.

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Okay, so… Shield Bearer does work with Unrelenting Phalanx and is superior to Akkhan’s Addendum. You still take Rally and build defensively.

The lag is insane, worse than before they patched Army of the Dead. The game cannot handle this many simultaneous Condemns.

The rate of Phalanx spammage is off the charts. If there are enough enemies, you can spam a trail of Avatars. Silliness.

To help prevent the game from crapping the bed, use Stone Gaunts in the cube instead of Taskers. You will still break the game… but it is currently the strongest known A6 variant if you fancy that.

IMHO, it cannot launch like this. If they are strapped on time they should restrict the A4 bonus to Bowmen, Bodyguards and Shield Charge.

Then decide how to raise the damage by 9-10GRs.

  • 500% Condemn Bracer, so you can play the old way.
  • Restore: Phalanx %, Kassar and Enforcer, like v1 of PTR
  • Eternal Union w/ 400% Damage Mod

Either way… let’s get it done


That’s really good! In V1 I got to 139 but for some reason I can’t in V2. I think besides the nerff (interaction of Phalanx damage with Condemn) something else broke. But I’m glad you got to that level!

GR140 in 14:26 with Shield Bearer w/ Unrelenting Phalanx.

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I missed your stream…zzzzz

You can view this next clear, this rabbit hole keeps going man lol… changed the Condemn rune and getting better results.

EDIT: Just got the GR141 in 14:51 – Shattering Explosion rune for the win.

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Sir,why shattering Explosion better than Unleashed,didn’t it meant that Unleashed can make a bigger blow to a single target?