Adventure Mode: Game Menu Background & Starting Town

I didn’t want to put this in the Bug Report forum. Even though it may be considered a “bug”, it is not game-breaking. It’s more of an annoyance.


  1. When in the Game Menu for Adventure Mode, the background no longer reflects the starting town.
    • If the Menu background is for Act V, when I enter the game I'm in Act II.
    • If the background is for Act II the starting town is Act IV, etc.
  2. The background and starting town changes every time I Leave Game and then Start Game. Not on the hour.

I have tested this on the Asia Region, Europe Region and Americas Region.

I have not tested this in non-Season.


On my end, it still appears to work correctly, and I cannot replicate your issue.

As it’s currently Act V, I tried an existing character in SSF, SSFHC, SC, and HC. I also tried creating a new character in each, and every time it was an Act V background and Act V starting act.

I’d guess I’d just suggest the normal things of validating your game files.


I assume you mean Scan and Repair.

I decided to make this 2-minute video:

It seems I was mistaken about this. As can be seen in the video.

Like I said in the OP, it’s not game-breaking, just a minor annoyance. If no one else is experiencing this, I’ll just have to live with it.


OK, now I see the issue.

It’s just something off on their end, and when I happened to test earlier today, when it was Act V, it gave me Act V, whereas you were getting Act II when you tried Act V, but that was much earlier.


10:12 AM EST: Screen - Act V, Game - Act V
2:03 PM EST: Screen - Act IV, Game - Act V
3:40 PM EST: Screen - Act II, Game - Act II
4:52 PM EST: Screen - Act I, Game - Act III/IV

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12 years of playing ROS and didn’t know this was a thing. LOL, guess my wife is right and I am not observant.

Watching the video, neither the background nor the act changed for your 2 size sample, but background and the act weren’t the same act.


I see it all the time. An example, my character is next to my banner and the background is act two. I click on start game and I start in act five.

The crazy thing. I will be in act one the whole time I am doing rifts, greater rifts, farming for vision portals, doing bounties, etc. When I log back in, my character should have act one as my background right? Nope it’s act four. Oh great I have to port to act one. So I click on start and I am in act three.

It’s completely friggen random. I don’t know if that is a bug that was never fixed or completely intentional for some odd reason.

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In Campaign Mode, when you’re on the Menu, the background reflects the current Act you’re working on. This does not change until you complete all the Quests for that Act and move on to the next Act. At that point, the Menu background will reflect the subsequent Act you’re then working on.

In Adventure Mode, the Menu background reflects the Act that will be the Starting Town for the hour. It changes every hour on the hour. (Or, it’s supposed to).

Exactly. Which is why I corrected myself in Post #3:

For the record

I’ve only noticed this since I started cleaning up my Season Stashes to prepare for the Season end tonight. Friday I cleaned up the Asia Region. Yesterday I cleaned up the Europe Region. This morning I cleaned up the Americas Region.

Before that, I had not noticed issues with the Menu backgrounds and the Starting Towns.

And I should know. I have a habit, when running Rifts, of leaving a game and restarting on the hour. It may not matter. But, I like changing starting towns and refreshing the game. Every time I Leave Game after the hour, I can see which town I will start in.

I hadn’t played in a week or two when I started cleaning out my Stash last Friday. So, I don’t know exactly when the issue began.

I’m glad to know I’m not the only one though.

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Remember this ?



That was actually the thread that taught me about the Menu backgrounds reflecting the current Starting Town in Adventure Mode. Before that, I just thought the Menu backgrounds were picked randomly. I admit, I didn’t fully understand what @HalfWolf was reporting.

That was 5 years ago. Since then, I’ve kept an eye on the Menu backgrounds and the Starting Towns. And I’ve never had an issue with it until now.

BTW, no…   I did not remember that thread. Thanks for reminding me. It was an interesting re-read.  

Seems to me I’ve seen it now and then… earlier today for sure… but before also

Your video starts at 11:13 (EDT ?)… I was playing until 11:00 EDT when Europe’s season ended… and did see that de-synch (? is that a word ?) this morning… but I’ve seen it now and then also in the past. It doesn’t really bother me so… I just ignore it.

Cheers !

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Yes…   on both accounts.


  • Sync is the preferred abbreviation for synchronize.
  • Desync is the preferred abbreviation for desynchronize meaning “not synchronized”.

British spelling

  • Synchronise (Sync)
  • Desynchronise (Desync)

Since it’s after 8 PM EDT (5 PM PDT) I went into the Americas Region to empty my Demon Hunter’s Inventory to make sure she was naked for Rebirth this Friday.

When I got to the Game Menu the background was for Act I. When I entered the game I found myself in Act I.

So, everything seems to be working as intended…   For now.

Of course, I didn’t test this earlier in Season. And this time I was in non-Season. Therefore, I’m not sure if that makes a difference.

I’m not going to worry about it anymore.

Thanks for the responses!