Just a big suggestion to the devs.
While I definitely welcome the addition to the damage modifier on this quiver, this would be a major pain because it would render current versions of It obsolete. This is a problem because the RNG for this item is already ridiculous even when you find a primal. First you have to hope for the right element to roll on it, then you have to get or be able to roll critical chance since it isn’t automatic.
I propose two possible solutions:
1-Make CC an automatic roll on holy point shot.
2-Give is a cube recipe that converts one type of elemental damage bonus to another. This recipe would only change the element, not the percentage (so for example 18% lightning could be changed to 18% cold, but to get 20% cold you would have to reroll it at the mystic).
Such a cube recipe would also have the added benefit of reducing the number of items you would need to store in your stash, thus freeing up space.
My bigger gripe is that a 100% damage buff is only 4.5GR bonus, for a build that probably needs 10 to compete with LoD Rapid Fire. Admittedly, LoD builds should always be the best due to the difficulty of gearing, but still, 100% is not enough IMO.
How about give a chance to new SoJ ? 
Just trying to calculate the possibilities to get the perfect roll of holy point shot after this change.
Basically if the change went live as it is, its gonna be the hardest item to obtain considering it needs to be optimal roll ( that includes CC and elemental as given) not necessary even being primal… a decent ancient would work.
If the seasonal theme was double bounties I would try but without that its gonna consume alot of time reforging and the chances are very slim to get it right.
I agree with the OP. It took me years to obtain a perfect HPS (I have a primal one with Cold damage, critical chance and impale damage)…
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Here I go again. I already had to retire a perfectly rolled, primal Vengeful Wind a couple of patches ago and now I’m going to have to retire a perfectly rolled, primal Holy Point Shot. 
So what’s the point of grinding and spending resources for primals? Suppose I should Just be glad there is no primal, vengeful wind coming out of my backside or things would really stink. 
I am also very concerned that this major change is not going to be RETRO-ACTIVE. I have had my PRIMAL HPS for 2.5 years and never seen a duplicate drop. Now Blizz are goong to render my current one useless? The same thing happened with my YANG’S RECURVE where the newer one (with MS 200% damage was introduced, rendering my inital one with only faster attack speed, useless. I really hope they can make this change RETRO so that my current primal stays up to date and useful - because a duplicate never dropped in over 2 years, so how can I expect to stay useful when my PRIMAL is no longer valid?
Blizz need to stop rendering old items useless because they dont realise it takes us ages of farming and mats to get these items - only to have them rendered useless by a patch with an idea that perhaps should have existed from the start.
Please make the upgrades RETROACTIVE!
Not going to happen. Hey, at least you’ve had a primal HPS, I’ve spent a truckload of mats and bloodshards and bounty mats and NEVER gotten one. Did get a pretty well rolled ancient, and if I could get the same again I’d be happy to FS it.
Then what is the point? If ever once in a while they make something you worked so hard for, uesless - what is the point? Once i get an item that is best in slot, i want it to pave the way forward for me. I want to show it off. Then i gotta start all over again. It is a stupid system!
Yes, I never understood why they made the sets changes retroactive but not the legendaries…
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I would have preferred they increase Impale damage by either:
- Increasing the 6pc damage buff on S6, or (better yet)…
- Increasing the 2pc damage bonus on S6 so that skills like Chakram, Grenades, and Bolas are also viable with S6.
As many here have said, HPS really shouldn’t be touched as it’s so hard to hunt down a good one.
It took years for me to get usable HPS and SOJ. I won’t do it again for sure. Waste of materials.
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I already have a (Primal) Lightning and Ancient Cold HPS, complete with CC and even +Impale damage… Now I have to refarm them both…
On the bright side, I will be playing Necro…
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So let see here they did this to the DH just after the primals came out. I had a Primal bow & quiver. I have had a Ancient dagger & quiver. But wait they told us to bad to sad just farm for the new ones.
They don’t care because they think everybody plays seasons. So they think well you can try and get a new one. Plus I have played all season and have tried to get a ancient holy point all season. I just got one the other day.
The other thing is on the Dead Man’s & Holy Point. They have to many stats on them. More 80% of them you will never ever ever use.
Trying to get that perfect stats is sometime all most impossible. Just trying to get a good CHC sometimes is impossible. I have always said they have it setup if you trying to get a stat you want. The game knows what you want.
I have tried to get like CHC. I re-roll it over a 100 times and only got the CHC maybe 5 or 6 times. Like I said the game knows what you want. It is like we know it and to bad to sad you are not going to get it.
I whole heartily agree, i have a primal soj that i use now it well be useless, please devs make retro on all items.
This has always been how it is when they add a new legendary power to an item or they buff it you only get the change on a new item.
Just deal with it.
and try to remember that the impale build has the single easiest weapon to obtain in the entire game. there are only 2 daggers in the pool so you dont have to use your bounty mats on getting a good dagger. you can use them all on the quiver
happy hunting, i know i will
Loot hunt game. Find another one.
Problem solved.
This is part of the reason that I am reluctant to augment my gear. If I see a build is OP (and likely to be nerfed), I will not augment it.
Some players will get it on the second day. They’re simply that lucky.
Also the reason I don’t bother wasting mats trying to forge a primal.