A "Re" Without The "Master" - Alpha Review & Attitude Concerns

Why is increasing your carrying capacity a bad thing? If it would make you feel better, they could do something where only potions go into the charm inventory also. Anyways, this talk should go into the charm inventory topic, I’ll bump that post.

Yes, but as I said, lack of a charm inventory isn’t the reason new players are turned off from the game. Charms barely affect new characters. The tradeoff with them is most noticeable when grinding through hell the first time.

Adding a charm inventory would affect the current game a lot though.

I didn’t say it was the reason why new players would be turned off. I listed it as one of several reasons and yes it would affect them more late game.

Did you see any brand new players complaining about the charms? They probably dont even know what a charm inventory is. Yes there are tons of reasons new players would be turned off. It’s definitely not justification to completely change the gamearound.

You make it seem like if they just add gem stacking, personal loot, charm inventory, basically everything in Blizzard’s survey, suddenly new players would like the game.

It’s just an old game and would take a lot more than that to be a modern AAA release.

Those things would go a long way in attracting new players though. That is the point. Of course new players weren’t complaining about charms yet, as the alpha didn’t go far enough to where you want to carry a lot of charms. There were many comments on Dbrunski’s stream about stackables and a charm inventory however… they were most likely from older players though. We will see what Blizzard does though and what results they got from their survey.

I’m also fine with them launching with the features that they have now and seeing what people think over the first ladder or two, but if they want to attract new players, they’re going to have to make the game feel a bit more modern.

I do. But an amazing idea would be to upgrade graphics… Oh, wait… ^^

It doesn’t help to say “play old D2” neither “play D3 or wait D4”.

The problem is that everyone wants his own bundle of changes. Nothing less, but nothing more. How can Blizzard handle this ?

Btw, a poll with a few thousands respondants isn’t enough to know what should be done or not. Indeed, you can have more than 50% people wanting X feature and more than 50% people wanting Y feature, it doesn’t mean that people wanting X+Y combination would be >50%.
And I don’t even speak about people who may want X+Y+Z+… then realise they haven’t a good feeling with the game, for a strange reason.

you do have some points in there
and i can understand it very well, but the thing is, it is named remaster not remake, its d2 with make up and not a new game, i can understand those who arent used to this kind of genre it will be less attractive than it is for the die hard fans, not sure if i will include my self in there as i dont intend to ask for a refund unless they really flop it up like making hydra into free walking summon.
you also talked about a tutorial for new players as they dont know what to do in the beginning, but that already has a fix, one i never really liked, u get 3 chances to reset your character and you can farm/trade your way to a token of absolution. it in my mind makes it “okay” to Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub it all up because there are no big consequenses but that is from the view om someone who has played the game for tons of hours, so for a new player that free reset of stat and skill points will be a fine tutorial, they will learn that perhaps corpse explosion wasnt the skill for them, and when they get the reset they can try something else, there are also already skills that has synergy with eachother

and your rant about the purists well i do get it, people yelling for a refund because of a loss off of a under bewb is just nuts. i on the other hand think its okay to voice the opinion of it, i for example dont like the look of the amazon she looks more like man than a woman and abit too old compared to the looks of the original. changes arent nessesarily bad but they arent always good either. i accept some changes and voice my opinion on others. hopefully peoples opinions has an affect on what will be done. both yours and mine has value.

yes i have played Path of Diablo, and in there it works, but that is because of the other changes that has been made, there is content alot stronger than baal there, that making the extra room for more damage charms it dosent even it out the new content is still stronger even after the extra charm space, so the charm inventory there cant be compared to what it would be like to have it here

If you were not in the Tech Alpha you can’t make a fair post about it.

Anyone that was in the Tech Alpha can make a post in that forum to truthfully discuss the game.

that would make it harder, but the trade off between loot and having the charms in the inventory would be gone, the balance you have to keep with inventory space regarding charms and possible loot space is something i personally valued. it made you have to think about what to pick up and what not to pick up, especially in a run with many others

I was in the Alpha but thanks for necroing this old thread I guess?

I have zero interest in discussing exclusively with others who were in the Alpha. I never found that productive, and I disagree that having played it is a requirement for anything whatsoever.

I’m curious, why? It seems to me that’d be more productive… no one commenting on an abstract.

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He all ready shed light on it in his post. He simply stated everything i have been saying and even shed more light onto the behavior of the purist. Attacking streamers new players and old. The purist threaten refund after refund. I am pretty sure that the general thought between the people who did play either new or old was simply the game is dated and once you get past the shiny graphics thats it and i have been saying that the entire time on this forum. Once the nostalgia wears off this game offers very little and its clear to him and anyone else who played the game… they needed a remake not a remaster. THe purist have proven to be extremely toxic and blizzard making the game for this crowd is not going to end well. If i was a streamer i wouldnt be caught dead posting on these forums after what we saw the purist do to the alpha crowd! Which brings us to the BETA your going to pretty much get this exact same feedback from the beta streamers and the people who play multiplayer beta…
Am i shocked by this NOT ALL! Again i watched this game have a mass exodus many moons ago because of purist and history is repeating its self. Everything he said is pure and true things i have been trying to hammer home! but this guy is a streamer and his opinion actually has clout and he told it like it is the same things i have been pretty much saying. So when BETA multiplayer comes out expect more threads like this! Its also going to get worse in the multiplayer beta mark my words purist

If you don’t like the game, just don’t buy it. It’s that simple. They aren’t making a new game, they are re-releasing an old one. If you didn’t like the old one, why would you pre-purchase the remaster? It sounds odd to me.

It’s like hanging out in the Tarkov forums, complaining that it is outdated and broken because it isn’t like Battlefield or Call of Duty, or vise-versa.

They are different games. Diablo 2 is also a different game, in a good way. Let it be as great as it has been, and if you don’t like the game then play one of the sequels. There are plenty of options out there.


Waiting for mods I know! Path or project

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LOL @ “users leaving in droves” argument.

so users are leaving a 2 decade old F2P game and that is a problem why? they bought the preorders for D2R already so blizz has their money.

Thanks for the $40 go play your old school game boy and leave modern gaming to the rest of us.

Because I don’t believe that having played the Alpha makes you in any way shape or form better placed to feedback the game. I have seen people who watched streams without playing form better and more thorough opinions than people who actually played it.

While there are some subjects you can only really get a good feel for by playing, I would say 99% of what was in the Alpha and current perceived problems are things you can simply observe by watching someone else play.

You don’t need to have played the Alpha to see that some effect colors look off, or some animations look a bit stiff and clunky, so and so forth.

To a lesser degree I do not like the implication that having played the Alpha makes me (or anyone else) “better” or “more of an expert” or “more suitable to discuss” or whatever else. I won the Alpha lottery. Big woopedy woo.

That doesn’t mean things can’t be improved. Changes were made to Spyro, Crash, Resident Evil and even Destroy All Humans! to make the games play better than they did originally. So this argument is flawed at best.

if blizzrd mess this up god dam right i will refund. they have or ready said they are not try to fix d2.

Didn’t blizz hire a outside company to do the remaster though?

I know it’s a pretty well known company known for porting games to other systems, I just can’t remember their name right now.