A "Re" Without The "Master" - Alpha Review & Attitude Concerns

Yes, thats one of the reasons. I also want to compete against people for loot in multiplayer lobbies, especially against the people that want personal loot.

And they did do a fair compromise on QoL. The game had very good reception.

You’ll just force them into private games and everyone will basically play SP again for the first few months of a ladder. Yawn.

I’d like to see the reception that the game got from new players. A lot of people said streamers that were new were uninterested in the game and turned it off after playing for a short period of time.

I love D2, don’t get me wrong, but there is a lot of room for improvement. This is why I suggested two different realms.

Of course new players won’t like it. They would need a complete overhaul of every aspect of the game for new players to like it. That isn’t the point of the remaster.

Basically they would need to make D4 to attract new players. Oh wait, they are doing that.


That’s not true at all. A few QoL things like charm inventory and stackables could go a long way. You’re just against a realm for these new players and people that want more QoL for no good reason.

I plan on bringing people like my younger brother and uncle into the game and I want them to enjoy it. If you don’t think Blizzard is going to target a new audience also, you’re out of your mind. They even mentioned bringing the game to a new generation in the trailer and they did that survey asking about other QoL features.

TLDR if you want the old game, go play the old game

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I assume that you are talking about D2R on PC.

In contrast, D2 & D2:LoD on PC which has a much smaller playerbase than what D2R has 32 battlenet servers:

4 regions (US East, US West, Europe, Asia) X 2 games (D2 and D2:Lod) X 4 game modes (softcore ladder, hardcore ladder, softcore non-ladder, hardcore non-ladder) = 32 servers.

Why should we care if D2R has more than 8 PC servers (in your calculation) when there are currently 32 for battlenet alone across the world for D2/D2:LoD?

Once you start counting all the D2/D2:LoD mods out there, there are 100s of servers.

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Even if I’m quite confident in Blizzard’s plan for D2R at this stage, this is the only point which keeps me into a doubt.

I hope business and new players generation won’t make Blizzard transform the game into something bad (not enough old but not enough modern).

Uh no. Not having a charm inventory isn’t what’s turning them off from the game. It would however cause a lot of problems with the current design.



Blockquote “The loyalty of a purist is extremely easily lost. Lightning looks off? Refund. Changed the character models or clothing? Refund. Auto-gold? Refund. Other prospective changes in the wings? REFUND! Gems look bad? Gloves look weird? These aren’t my spell effects? Refund, refund, refund. The smallest changes and flaws are causing a barrage of threads, refund threats and general outrage from this so-called “die hard fan” demographic. If you were to change the game any further, it would get worse.”

I would be very interested to see what quantitative or qualitative evidence you have to support this statement.

I have worked supporting multiple AAA, in some cases, 10 year old games and the purists were the literal last people to simply cancel on a whim, they were absolutely the people to instead threaten for years and years on the forums to cancel on a whim in a vain attempt to gain traction over the games development.

That’s not the only thing I said, I said smaller changes like that could go a long way in making the game feel better. It’s really not that hard to do and it won’t cause many problems because it’s already done in multiplayer mods such as PD2 and PoD. Charms were never even in D2 until LoD.

I sincerely hope that D2R devs doesnt get affected , and surely i believe they wont. They should listen to people like MrLama and BT that has WAY MORE YEARS behind this game then anyone else. Theyr opinions staying true to the game matters more then anyone else. I dont care if u was a noob 15 years ago and think ur pro now… Grow up already

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in all seriousness, this. people have a very inflated sense of self, and they expect the game dev’s pr manager to react something like this…

*Some blizz gm bro, sippin coffee, scrollin forums"




chaos ensues, sirens blare. blizzard matrons put pillows over the heads of their blizzard chicklets, simply to save them from the unbearable cold of the sun-less months, nay, years ahead

“Legend says this all could have been prevented, if only we had listened to our one customer out of millions who posted on our forums that one time”

It depends on how it is implemented. Certain implementations actually nerf character’s power and make the game harder. As an example, a charm inventory could be half the size of the current player inventory and be designed so charms only work in that inventory.

All of these changes add up. They would have to make combat smoother and get rid of DR and AR to appeal to new players. At that point the game is seriously changing the game.

All of these “small” changes are cumulative.


I dislike the charm inventory because for me it doesn’t make sense, who would carry a bag of charms around + inventory + cube, charms were always a trade off to me. People who say they had to run full inventory are exaggerating, you could hold off, they just didn’t want to slow down the dps/mf even a little.

That’s why I’m in the boat that if you want a charm inventory it’s just a portion allowed in your current inventory.

What makes Mr. Llama so special? The fact that he has an audience now? He mainly speedruns the game and doesn’t do much end game stuff. If he does do endgame, he plays with mods like Plugy generally.

I mean most people did tend to run with a nearly full inventory though. Some chose to only leave enough room for a cube or else they had 8x empty slots total. So they would get what 2 more gcs and 2 more scs if they did implement a charm inventory? I don’t see that as very game changing.

Have any of you guys that are against a charm inventory actually played a server that had it? It feels amazing.

Those are actual things that would affect the gameplay too much. A charm inventory isn’t nearly the same as getting rid of DR and AR…

? Not sure what you mean, if it was a separate inventory you have the whole old inventory for items now greatly increasing your carrying capacity + not loosing any buffs. It’s a giant change.