A "Re" Without The "Master" - Alpha Review & Attitude Concerns

Hire is not quite the right word. VV is now part of Blizzard.

VV was a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Publishing (the actual studio part not the stock holding Activision/Blizzard part). That started in 2005 when Activision bought them.

January 2021 VV (about 200 people) became a part of Blizzard and are now Blizzard employees.


Interesting post thanks for your analysis! :heart:

I wondered how many employees considering they were also on D4 as well as the news about teams being required to work on cod. Good to know.

My point exactly. They’re trying to market this game to people whose loyalty is lost at the slightest change and who immediately threaten a refund if their precious game is altered in any way.

It would be better to market the game to absolutely everyone including people who want change. This will result in more players, more sales, and less angry whining.


Anyone here ever seen PoE without a loot filter check it out its funny.

This is no Point…

because they want to change an existing game (which is the best of its kind in my opinion) into something else. That’s not the goal of a remaster. And it’s not necessary either.
I have quite understanding for certain small changes! but the bulk of what is demanded here ! is just stupid and runs counter to what diablo 2 stands for.
If you don’t like it as it is, play something else.


Actually remasters can have huge changes to them. There’s no rule anywhere that says they can’t, and tons of remasters have huge changes.

Like the SaGa Frontier remaster that launched a couple weeks ago, that has new story, new characters, gameplay balance fixes and much more.

So… you’re wrong? Sorry!

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for me a remaster is an upgrade of the visuals and the sound. Nothing more. And that’s all the developers wanted to change. Except for small QoL changes.
And you all come with massive gameplay changes that should NOT be part of a remaster but a remake. And that change the feeling of the game fundamentally.
And I’m not arguing about that either.
You have a different opinion? I have no problem with that. But that doesn’t make your opinion correct.

Well we will see what happens. IF only finally something would happen! I don’t want to wait anymore…I want to finally get started!


What a remaster is for you is irrelevant, what a remaster is to the industry is “whatever they want it to be”.

So they can make major changes, and this would still be a remaster. Your opinion is irrelevant, is the point. You’re allowed not to want changes, but saying there can’t be changes because it’s a remaster is Objectively, Measurably, Wrong.

If you don’t want changes, say “I don’t want changes”. Don’t say “because it’s a remaster” because that is misusing and misunderstanding the word.

Remake and remaster are basically interchangeable for game companies. They’re fancy buzzwords to get you hype, they have no official gaming definition and remasters frequently have major changes, and remakes frequently have few changes.

It’s dumb, but that’s how it is.


then they should NOT specify REMASTER as a selling point!
If they had written the word REMAKE I would not have bought the game.
i would have waited to see what EXACTLY they change until i buy.

and something like that IS important because remake and remaster is fĂźr me not the same. and for many others either im sure.

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Why should they not?

The word remaster means whatever the game publisher wants it to. It does not mean what YOU say it means, or think it means.

SaGa Frontier Remaster. Released a few weeks ago. Includes new characters, new story, major gameplay changes, better graphics, the total.

Kingdom Hearts has also had numerous remasters that featured MAJOR changes to core gameplay, like how I and II completely changed how item crafting works and added extra hoops and requirements to it, among countless other changes. Birth by Sleep also used its remaster to nerf several bosses, change a few calculations in the gameplay, add a brand new story segment, include extra content…

Maybe you should have waited before preordering in the first place?

Remaster doesn’t mean what you think it does. Remaster doesn’t mean ANYTHING, officially. It’s a word companies can use without any oversight, and it can mean whatever they want it to.

Don’t blame this on anyone else.

You preordered a game based on a word in its description that you didn’t understand.

Don’t preorder a game unless you’re 100% sure you’ll like it no matter what happens.

sorry but JUST NO. That makes no sense.
a remaster is a remaster
a remake is a remake
a new game is a new game

and these are 3 DIFFERENT things.
VV said at the announcement it will be a remaster where nothing is changed that changes the gameplay and old school Feeling.
sure they can do what they want but then the announcement would be a lie and I wouldn’t have bought it.

but i can say what i want anyway and it gets twisted around in my mouth.
anyway. time to eat. Have a nice evening. :slight_smile:


There’s no twisting involved. Again, read my post, I just gave you plenty of proof that some remasters release with MAJOR changes.

It just doesn’t mean what you think it does, sorry.

They could change this game as much as they want and legally it would still be a remaster because 1. they said so, and 2. because there is no enforced, legal meaning to the word remaster (or remake) in the video game industry.

Remaster and remake are terms they imported from films and recordings, where their meaning is much more obvious and fixed. For video game publishers and companies? It doesn’t matter. Remaster means whatever they want it to. So does remake.

You chose to believe an unofficial definition with no backing or enforcement and now you’re potentially going to be mad that a game you ordered before it even came out might not respect the made up definition of a word you thought had a definition. It just doesn’t. Every single game studio uses the word remaster differently and multiple interviews have been conducted where even Capcom and Square Enix admit outright that they use different definitions of the words remaster and remake.

It’s all subjective.

so why is you definition the right one? it sure sound like you belive it is


What definition?

I’m telling you there is no official definition and companies use it however they want, including in ways that contradict each other.

That’s not a definition, that’s a statement that there is no definition and you can look at released remasters as proof of this.

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so if som realeased remasters is (a total remake) how does that proof anything?


It proves game companies do not respect any particular definition, and that there is no legal repercussion for using the word however one pleases.

I know you love attacking me specifically but please take five seconds to actually read and understand what I’m saying.

There is no official, legally recognized and enforced definition for remaster, or remake, in the video game industry. You can call your game anything you want, as a game company/publisher/studio and there will be no consequences or enforcement towards a specific definition of the words.

So the words get used in all kinds of ways, many of which are incompatible with each other. This isn’t an opinion, and it isn’t a definition, it’s objective proof that the words get used however people want, and there’s no official meaning.

Maybe in the future some board will go “OK enough is enough, let’s put a definition to it and force people to respect it”. Until they do, there isn’t one.

It’s bloody 2021. What people would NOT be playing on widescreen? I am sorry but this is ridiculous.

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Apologies if this point has been made (I didn’t read all 200 posts, as you can imagine).

I generally find that the people who feel most outnumbered tend to shout the loudest. In this case, I think the “purist” opinion is a tiny fraction of the D2 population, but I have seen the most flame and “loud” posts from that small contingent.

Most players are open to small QoL improvements, and the Alpha is designed to find small things like what you mentioned in terms of graphics. It’ll work out :slight_smile:

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