A "Re" Without The "Master" - Alpha Review & Attitude Concerns

As a general rule I don’t heed the word of RandomForumPoster97 whose idea of a funny name is a famous dead man’s.

That’s quite a specific general rule, Dri.

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You answered your own question.

After playing the alpha through the end of A2, here are some of my thoughts:

Let’s start with the bad:

-The game almost feels too dark in certain places, I know my eyes are bad, but dang. My brother said the same thing. Yes, I know it gives light radius a purpose, but it feels overdone.
-I still feel the game needs more QoL as it doesn’t feel modern enough. The graphics are excellent, but the gameplay is still very clunky, especially when using a controller. Loot filters would be nice as it’s still hard to pick up certain items with limited inventory space and even with the item spacing and auto gold pickup. I would also like to see items on the ground be toggleable, I shouldn’t have to hold alt.
-Speaking of more QoL, give us a charm inventory please, the basic inventory space feels dreadful. Rune/gem stacking or a currency stash tab should be a thing also.
-The controller needs some work with inventory management, it’s really tedious.

The good:
-The graphics are excellent. My favorite monsters are the unravelers.
-Arcane Sanctuary looks amazing, it’s lit up perfectly.
-It feels like Diablo 2 and I like the QoL features they have added so far.

To sum it up: We need more of the “MASTER” part now. You guys nailed the “Re” part. If purists don’t want more QoL improvements, make a separate realm at this point.

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I don’t consider I’m a “purist”, but I don’t hope for too much QoL anymore, since it could alter the game experience in unexpected ways (as already mentioned in my “Devil wants sacrifices” thread).

Let’s wait & see ^^

Me too :slight_smile:

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What i meant is less played and liked skills can also make a fine build but I do get your point.
Quite frankly after reading some of the arguments im leaning towards some sort of skill balance in the future. I mean they’ll have to be careful with synergy and stuff also not to make first pick skills most powerful but yea why not.

Then I salute you :wink: Old games were totally different and had very few things we can call now QoL bad and good things made games interesting the problem i see recently that people want to eliminate all the downsides and leave only brainless mechanics, I am not talking about you in specific just some of the forum suggestion.
I would hate if the game became streamlined to the point you don’t actually have to think anymore.

And that is something i’d never agree to. Inventory management is a thing regardless what people say. Having limited amount of runes, gems, gear actually has an inpact on economy on ladder.
I’ll be honest i would not mind at all if they introduce it in single player but im mostly ladder person.

That being said I am prepared that Blizzard will introduce more QoL and whether its charm inventory or stackable gems i’ll play it. :hugs:


Why would Blizzard completely overhaul the combat system and fluidness for a remaster?

They can play one of the three other Diablo games that have smoother combat.

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Well that’s why I said they should just do two different servers at this point. There are a lot of people like you that don’t want those things, but there are a lot that do. After playing PD2 for the past few months, the inventory just feels bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I dont think nobody want that.

D2 combat system is alot better than combat system in d3 anyway. They could not even implement crushing blow into Diablo 3 because how bad combat system diablo 3 has.

Yout strikes always hit in d3 which i see as one of the biggest flaws of D3 combat system.

Theres already 8 different servers plus three newer Diablo games. They shouldn’t add more.

There’s not going to be 8 different servers in D2R… There will be more than enough people for two different servers in D2R. Unless you’re referring to the different platforms?

Well you got hardcore, ladder, and Classic.

If they added the charm inventory to nonladder and kept ladder the same, even then no.

Well that’s 3 different servers not 8… I think it will be just fine as current D2 is split into us west, us east, asia, and europe and then into SC/HC/classic on each one. D2R will have global servers. You anti charm inventory people are why a separate realm is needed. lol.

It’s 8 servers.
Regular Classic
Ladder Classic
Regular hardcore classic
Hardcore ladder Classic

Plus 4 for LoD

Oh you’re referring to all of those. Well the argument still stands that current D2 is still split more with the regional servers and D2R won’t be. I was referring to realms in my original post. So instead of 4 different realms, you’d have D2R w/ minimal QoL changes and then a fresh D2R with more changes.

If there were no more Diablo games you might have an argument. But there’s three newer Diablo games for a reason.

One is a mobile game and another is D4 that is years away. Why would a separate realm bother you if you weren’t forced to use it?

Are you just deadset against more people enjoying D2R or what?

I can’t imagine Blizzard splitting players depending on their QoL features choices.

They would have to split between those who want personal loot or not, charms inventory or not, stacked gems or not, etc…
Even a “all or none” isn’t probable at all.

Having read a few articles about D2R on the web, it seems many people are appreciating the actual work because it respects the original game, even with its old-fashioned features.

It seems improbable that Blizzard will try to turn D2R into a modern game. Hopefully.

That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if they would do some minor changes on skills balancing or runewords. And it wouldn’t be a scandal.

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It does affect me. You are taking away resources from the base game. Even if they had unlimited resources, my friends might decide to play the newer version. If the devs stick to the original plan, they just have to suck it up and click more in their inventory (clicking is what we do in PC games). I wouldn’t want to deal with the power creep these changes will add.

And no, they definitely shouldn’t balance the game around controllers.

So you want to force people to play a version of the game that they won’t enjoy as much? Gotcha. That’s so weird. You do realize that they are releasing the game on consoles too right? So, they have to have a version of the game that feels good on a controller. I never understand people that argue against changes that won’t really affect their gameplay.

You think you’ll have more people playing with you if there is just one version of D2R, but as seen by the reddit poll results, people want more QoL stuff and you may just lose out on players if you don’t do enough.