A Good Take on Personal Loot & Loud Purists

However, if I join a public game by someone who selected this setting when creating the game, it does affect me. Don’t like to join multiple games until I find a Baalrun with original settings…

You plooters do not see that the many negative effects outweigh the few positive ones.

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why would you not just sort the games to only show ffa? It would be a feature they add to make an optional system work so use it.

Because it’s a not needed addition. You can gear out in 1 week its not hard. Get over it.

If you had your default setting on, you would only see FFA only games to join. The game list would be pre-filtered. Rod has already said that an alternate loot system would be set at game creation and would require opt in.

With the new information about console games/filters, it is clear that the code for this functionality has been already developed for D2R.


and we have seen how passionate u are towards D2R here lemme refresh memory

Yep. It has been going on for a while now.
It should be one of their highest priorities imo.

Personally I have been against a universal implementation from day 1. Separate servers is the right solution to ensure original 1.14 remains playable.

You wouldn’t need to, of course you could filter for FFA.

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I could care less for some kiddo trying to earn money selling items in video games. You know if you want money just go find a job. The real economy needs you badly.

Also, if these 8 people play private games in each kills their boss they will spend about the same time and everyone will get those 5 items for themselves. The only difference here is that the multiplayer is useless and unworthy.

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“Just filter for FFA”
Community is already split in non ladder and ladder. At some point you only play with 7 permanent people because there are so many filters, because Blizzard wanted to do justice to everyone. So why don’t you just play privately with your 7 best friends, where you share everything among you…

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That will result in the exact same split.

The fear about playerbase split is an overreaction imo. It never becomes a problem.

There is also splits between doing Baal runs or cows, or whatever else one might think about. Or even between PvP duels and PvE. Just different activities to do. Not remotely a bad thing.

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I thought FFA looters were the superior players and expert clickers. Just don’t click the ploot games.


The good part about options is that if you believe this, you can still play FFA.

Okay, so… filter it out? Geez.

You might as well say you don’t want PvP, because it affects you if you join a game and all people are doing is dueling.


But, then continuing to post here amongst many who don’t share your agreements really isn’t beneficial then, is it?

I am not even being facetious here. If there is a way (such as seperate, unmergable realms) for everyone to enjoy the experience as they see fit, I am all for it. Posts here are just going to get consumed by troll comments from ultra-purists – which I am not one of. Your voice will go unheard.

Welp - then I stand corrected and I may have mistaken you for someone else. That is my mistake. Seems we are in full agreement.

What do you mean?
We are literally posting on Blizzards forum. For D2R.

That definitely is true. Sadly.

Maybe, but the only thing people can do is try.

Right, I get that part for sure. But, like I said previously, troll comments are just going to consume the majority of any thread from those who only want their way (either FFA or ploot irrelevant – these people exist on both sides).

Doesn’t Blizzard have some sort of official communication line for real feedback that can’t be convoluted? I guess that’s what I am asking. I think the truth is we all could get what we want if more feedback was direct to them rather than in a sea of irrelevant posts. Again – no facetiousness – simply my thoughts,

Mhm… unfortunately - but see #1. I don’t think anything is a lost cause with the appropriate approach.

Same – I don’t think anything is a lost cause with the appropriate approach that can’t be overshadowed by those who even I (who has played d2 since release) think are far too extreme and obsessed.

I don’t think so. People would just spam it.

Well, unless you count becoming a privileged streamer I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well that’s unfortunate….

Shouldn’t need to be a streamer to give good feedback

I’ve always been the first to call out all of these pompous @$$holes in here who think they can just exert their will on everyone

You actually have good ideas.
I think blizzard should have better channels for those to be shared