A Good Take on Personal Loot & Loud Purists

Either droprates stay the same for everyone and it destroys the market economy completely cuz there are 8 times more items or Ploot means an empty ground. In an 8-player game if a Boss usually drops 5 items, 5 guys see just one item and 3 guys see nothing. Not funny at all. Imagine a guy in your game finds a high rune and you just had no chance to grab that rune because it didnt show up for you. Frustrating isnt it?

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Exactly microna and I’m his goons will be here instantly wanting increase drops. If a high rune drops for one it needs to drop for everyone.

They themselves have already said that.

This is what people are asking for except based on a binomial distribution. In FFA loot, at least 3 players get nothing. Total drops stay the same.

I and others do not want the drops rates changed and have said so. If I had said that Blizzard should increase the drop rates, there would be a quote to prove it. There is no quote because none exist.

Also, Rod has even state that if an alternate loot system were ever introduced it would be at game creation, meaning no change in total drops between the 2 systems.

They have a shared loot tab. Looks like it already isn’t a remaster by your disdainful standards.

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Better than always zero chances 100% of the time.

Everyone should still see the items.

This would have no effect on the economy.

Not really different from FFA.

Everyone should see the private items of others? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I dont get this.

And if someone grabs the rune instead of me because he is faster THAT IS actually different and absolutely fine cuz I had the opportunity and I was too slow. Sh*t happens.

Items are not private. They are just temporarily allocated.

It is relevant to see what dropped, and others picked up, so you can potentially trade
And it is relevant see what dropped, in case the person it got allocated to does not pick it up, allowing you to grab it instead.

So I may see all of my party members get a high rune droped and I can just watch and hope nobody picks up within 5 seconds? Convinces me less and less.

Yep. Brutal, the way D2 is supposed to be. Also like FFA when a high rune drops nearby another player.


You can’t compare that! In FFA-system you have the option of being the fastest and you can even exert direct influence. In the ploot-system you have no chance at all, are even more dependent on luck and then have to watch what others get for free while they leech.

I dont think anyone really cares what another random on YouTube has to say that needs to remain relevant (and I say this from both an FFA and ploot perspective – meaningless on both avenues).

I’d be curious to know – hows that lobbying to Blizzard for your own server so you can have all the changes you want? Have you finally started this yet, or are we just here to repeat ourselves in hopes you’ll gain a listening following for a universal implementation for your agenda (you won’t)?

Most plooters themselves don’t agree with you.

Correct - it’s called the one who took the risk (i.e. close to the monster killed – no GR 150 and unlimited pillaging from the entrance) gets the reward.

There are winners and losers in life no matter how many trophies anyone on earth may have received simply for showing up.

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So do another run. May the odds be forever in your favour.

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Given that personal loot would be an OPTION, it wouldn’t affect anyone wanting those 2 things you list here.

Further… I have seen far more anger and dismissiveness overall from the ones who don’t want personal loot and/or other changes than those who do. It’s not even close.


We’re angry it seems :wink:

All the opposite in fact :joy:

Yea nah… umad like crazy

You don’t get everything you want in life. You don’t have the slightest clue how ploot breaks d2. Is the core part of the game to have FFA.

You lost buddy.