No, nothing I’ve said is an exaggeration. I will with no uncertainty reach paragon 800 and have completed the season journey by season start Saturday at which point I have no reasons to keep playing as gear alone is not fun.
I’d love to do solo self found, but this season I will be doing a regular playthrough because of the Paragon cap. I think it will be really interesting to join groups and all be at the same paragon.
Another happy by-product of this is that it’ll be very easy to find games. We won’t have to skip all over the place looking for the correct GR since everyone will be about at the same place, give or take 10 levels maybe. This will of course expand as the season gets longer. But for the first few weeks it will be a very enjoyable group finding experience.
Is that because you can’t bot all the way to 10k? If that’s reason why you don’t continue after completing season journey then it’s good thing.
So now you’re going entirely off the reservation I see.
Eh I’ve seen this compromise around and I just see it as a bad take. You don’t adjust an entire experience leveling system just because you implement a bad cap. 800 is just bad and we shouldn’t go adjusting the base game because of that.
I know you’re likely trying to reasonably compromise here, but it’s just not a beneficial one. It’s like going back to the old Paragon 100 cap days. Let’s just hope they don’t bring it back in future seasons and get the drift when it’s a ghost town in under a month.
It isn’t “just because” though. Even without the paragon cap, XP gain should be slowed down significantly.
Unfortunately, for a game like D3, simply slowing down the leveling or slowing down the item drop rate breaks the game far harder than it fixes it. To put these rates back where they should be, they would have to totally redesign the game. And that ain’t gonna happen.
I don’t really know why people are so upset. All this does is shift power gain to rely on RNG a little more. This is Diablo, that’s how it should be in the first place.
It’s a great move because anybody at any time can get a GG drop that will be a whole lot more meaningful than it would be if they were 2,000 paragon points behind the curve. When somebody is that far behind they don’t want to play because they’ll never catch up. So this is going to expand the player base and increase engagement on a positive way.
Not to mention how easy it will be to find public games now. People won’t be jumping around all over the place trying to find people within their paragon range doing the GR level they want.
This is such a great idea on multiple levels. And it’s going to drastically increase the overall health of the game.
Yes, I am just being reasonable here and willing to compromise. Since taht would be better than just paragon 800 that I will fly to really quickly. But yeah, I agree that ideally it should just be higher.
It has never been that in D3 though. Going that route after a decade+ is bound to not be well received.
It will for sure significantly reduce my engagement.
Can’t say I see much difference being 100 hours behind in paragon or being 100 hours behind in gear, end result you’re still 100 hours behind.
That is a D2 philosophy, where the process of getting something is the focal point. D3’s focal point is placing a purpose with gained powers hence GR pushing/higher difficulty contents, which is a step forward. The speedier gear drops & easiness of acquiring power was a result of metrics hence player base demands.
D4 has D2 elements and look where did that take it? One of biggest flop AAA titles in history. Hanging on things of the past wont move this title forward.
Why does POE succeed? Why does POE 2 so hyped? Its another D2 philosophy influenced franchise, yet it does NOT ask you to “log off” (Time to stop) after you assembled your build. Unlike D4 which claims to “return to its roots”
If you want a dead D3 server, just say so.
Exactly this.
D3 is what it is, its boarder line “bandaidable” but beyond repair. Forcingly steer in the opposite direction causes more problems than solving it.
It depends on gameplay hours though. How many hours a week do you spend on D3?
800 paragon gets rid of the grindy bits of the season… it will probably put too much emphasis on fishing (would be nice if they could they could tone that down) but otherwise, as a low play time casual I am happy.
D3 was already great because it fit around other things.
You need to weigh between fishing and consistency gained from higher paragons. Time consumed in fishing gains paragons. Blizzard already reduced the level of undesirable GR elements to a degree but they wont totally remove fishing. Consistency raised from higher paragon cap will be more beneficial. End of day its not about how much you play, its about what you do with fixed hrs. Increased your productivity, not playing time. Realistic higher paragon cap is more psychological than real barrier.
Diablo is also about leveling. D1, it took a while to get to level 60. D2 it took a long time to hit 99. In both games, you improved over long stretches by loot hunting AND leveling. The problem with the P800 cap is you hit the level cap very quickly (less than 20 hours played for most players), and the game simply devolves into pure loot grinding which is not Diablo.
If I am P4000 and get a Primal trifecta Squirts, I would be just as happy as being P800 and finding it. I would argue upgrades are more appreciated the more you play (irregardless of paragon) since they are fewer and farther in between.
So people still won’t play this season, as botters and no-lifers will be way ahead in gear a week or 2 into the season. Casuals will still be far behind as it does take more than casual hours to get well rolled ancients.
It will actually take longer now as players are going to have to stop and do a gear check on the other players. It will be easier for people with crap gear to try to leech as not everyone is going to gear check.
If you are a hyper casual, I guess. Setting the end game bar at the casual/super casual level is going to be terrible long term.
This is one area I disagree with you. Diablo is about being a carrot on a stick. This is a huge reason why I believe Diablo 4 is failing, because it’s taking the wrong lesson from the previous games. And its why Diablo 3 started off awful. It’s not about Paragon, it’s not about gear. It’s about a constant feeling of getting stronger. You need to keep the player engaged roughly every 15 minutes, give or take. That means getting stronger, be it a level or finding new gear every 15 minutes. Once you exceed 15 minutes, a player’s attention will drift away from the game.
With Diablo 4, you hit Level 80, and most likely you’re never finding gear again. Yet you’re only 1/3rd of the way through the leveling process in terms of time. And leveling there doesn’t really give you anything except a few hp.
Now, in terms of paragon, it comes down to how much paragon is needed to give a feeling of power increase to keep that carrot on a stick.
Which is why previous Diablo games have always done well and are addictive. You get random progression through gear and a more steady progression through leveling. You work towards leveling with intermittent bursts of “ooh wow! look what I found!”. That back and forth makes the game interesting. Take one away and the other one gets boring much faster.
Eventually, you will hit the wall where progression on both slow down tremendously. For D1, D2, D3ROS, this doesn’t happen until dozens or hundreds of hours for most people.
That is a pretty good carrot on the stick.
This is why I still don’t own D4. I was afraid they would make many of the same mistakes they did with D3V. D3V, you hit level 60 fairly fast, less than 10 hours and the game devolved into loot hunting. Unfortunately, upgrades also dropped off incredibly fast and the game devolved into a RMAH farming simulator. Apparently, D4 has the same problem: loot hunt and leveling die off too fast with no other real end game, so it gets stale very fast.
No it shouldn’t. Diablo 3 fixed the issue that progress is entirely up to RNG and you want to break it again.
This guy gets it^^
Why do you want to do most boring activity in the game for 15+ hours/day?
Did you quote the right post?
There is no connection between your comment and the quoted post?
First, you’re the only one that has stated 15+ hours playing a day as a thing, secondly, clearly I wouldn’t play if I didn’t enjoy it.
Your arguments are getting more and more delusional.