For a 1 month season.
If they decide to keep it in future seasons (S30 and beyond), 1 month would be perfect instead of the 3 month projected season length.
For a 1 month season.
If they decide to keep it in future seasons (S30 and beyond), 1 month would be perfect instead of the 3 month projected season length.
One month is still 28 days of nothing to do.
Well, they expect you to play D4 in those 28 days so…
Maybe they are hoping we will go play Diablo Immortal after we hit 800 ten hours after the season launches?
shifting almost all the power from paragon to gear is the best thing they could come up with
I pace myself plus I shoot for the Achievement LB. I won’t hit P800 until end of Week 1. I’ll goof around for another week, then I have 2 weeks to go play something else before the next season starts.
hmmm. Trying to think of another RPG that doesn’t have power increased by leveling. On top of that, most of our power still comes from gear rather than paragon.
why? wont we gain power from lvling in d3 after the cap?
i dont know what game youre talking about
it sure isnt about d3
How do you get to paragon 800 in 2-3 days without playing 15+ hours/day? You do realize that’s really bad for OLEDs?
Let me tell you something, I am an SSF player since like forever now and I can tell you that it’s quite doable. I mean, I’m by no means a pro player and I still remember that time where I finished a season journey early on, because I was on vacation and had not much to do apart from playing. I think I had sub 30 hours total playtime when I unlocked Guardian and was still below paragon 600. Going from 600 to 800 with a build that beats Guardian? Piece of cake. And I’m a lazy fellow.
Not saying I will try to do that again. Nowadays I have little time to spare, so whatever they decide for the level cap is fine with me. I can do the whole journey like always and will use the whole season to farm mats in fissures, depending on how they feel without those Altar QoL nodes, especially the auto pickup and salvage. I want those. NOW.
But in regards to the cap. If what they wrote in the preview post is true and they plan to analyze and balance during this season then paragon capped at 800 could be a good thing. Because, actually, I don’t want stuff to be balanced around GR135 @ p5000+ and the like. In that regard, I’d rather they find better ways to reward players for leveling. But that’s a different topic altogether.
It takes nowhere near 30+ hours to get to paragon 800. You can do it in under 10.
How to do that solo? In S28 with altar it took roughly 2 hours to get to 70 on T6. T7 is locked until you clear GR30 etc.
You can get to 70 in under 1 hour with no altar and the only requirement to go up to Torment 16 is to be level 70. The only way GR is related to torment is that you have to complete a normal rift to unlock that equivalent GR level so as to not waste keys on doing low level grifts.
(For solo play, for public groups you have to complete an appropriate GR level.)
In groups, yes. Solo is much more difficult. Those videos from streamers showing “practice runs” and getting to 70 in 40 minutes or so rarely apply to live seasons. User @BehindTimes, who’s a speedrunner, has many posts debunking this claim.
Meaning it does apply on occasion so my statement that it CAN be done is factual.
Sure, Kargon. Have the last word.
Seeing as I’m right I surely should have. Regardless, even if that part of the leveling takes two hours getting to 800 in less than 15 hours is not really top speed, let alone 30+ that’s exceedingly slow.
I can confirm that.
I am casual player it usually takes me around 2hrs to get to 70 with my Wizard (yes I know it is one of the weakest starters - but I don’t care) and then about 10 maybe 20 hrs to hit 800. I think I will time myself next season just to see how long it will take me to get there and show all those people that you don’t need 30+ hrs.
1 to Guardian in ~7h 15m. He was P588.
Of course, completing Guardian is not the most efficient XP/hour but most just stop there.
K. Do a test. Run your favorite build with no gear on and use up all your non-season paragon points. Tell me what’s the highest GR you run. Now run your favorite build with no paragon and even the crappiest pieces of gear that go with your build. Tell me what’s the highest GR you run.
Set bonus’s alone add 10,000% to 75,000% damage. 50,000 main stat from 10,000 paragon won’t even touch that. Most the power in D3 comes from gear. Not from skills. Not from Paragon. It is the reason gear rains from the sky. Have the correct pieces, you Hulk smash. Have the next BIS pieces at all positions and you hit like a wet noodle.
Friend of mine runs solo 1-70 each season using massacre bonus. He is 70 in under an hour each season. Now do a bounty run solo for SJ Haedrig’s, another 45 min. Finish up rest of SJ through A4, 45 min more. 2.5 hours in is totally possible to have 6 piece set.
Now run TX for an hour or 2 farming rift keys until you get the rest of your gear for build. Even crappy non-ancient gear pieces you can run GR75/T16 smoothly and should have already 200-300 paragon at least.
At this point, pro player can be 5 hours in, running T16/GR75+ at around 300 paragon with plenty of GR keys. Would be real easy to get the other 500 paragon in another 5 hours.
Totally possible to hit P800 in less than 10 hours even running solo. I’ll wager if you check the SSF LB’s at 3am P.S.T. after launch day, there will be multiple people with P800.
If I can reach 800 in less than 20 hrs anybody can! I play Wizard only, and I am not skilled. So I drop my massacre constantly. And I tend to go pretty low on difficulty so I don’t die much.
If I can do it playing that bad then anybody can!