28 Changes In D2: Resurrected [+More Post-Launch]

All networking is done on the client computers though.

From what I read years ago this made making hacks much easier because the communication system ran the same as with battlenet but it was way less secure and they could see both sides of the conversation easily.

that changed slightly in 1.10 with the warden system added to battlenet which is why the hacks changed a lot during that time and right at 1.10 launch they decreased.

we don’t know to what extent tcp/ip by hackers and if we did we could make much more informed opinions on the matter but as it is now i say with how small of the player base that ever used it in d2lod it’s worth leaving out and coming up with a better solution for adding mod support if they want online mod support to be a part of d2.

Again what could be hacked if the only delta between TCP/IP and Lobby joining is you manually put in the host ip, your character is stored locally, and some other misc game session data doesn’t need to be dealt with(like ladder). It’s really not that difficult to deduce no expoitation could be derived from having offline multiplayer.

It was simply taken out to make the game less appealing to people that want to steal it.

knowing how a host and client talk to each other is kind of everything in hacking network attached devices. And unless they make an entirely different method for tcp/ip computers to talk it would be giving away huge chunks of that.

Remember, this isn’t Diablo 3, the game simulation is all ran on the host with some prediction on the client. The battle net doesn’t run the simulation. It just puts people in a game. The same amount of reverse engineering can happen in either game flow.

when playing on bnet the blizzard servers are the host and they don’t have access to them. when playing on tcp/ip the host and client are both at the hands of the people.

In the original game, the battle.net never ran the game simulation, no matter if it was closed or open realms. The only delta between open and closed realms was closed realms had the player stored in the cloud and open realm had the player stored on the clients PC.

Again it wasn’t until Diablo 3 the game simulation ran in the cloud. Some other small bits like item pick rates and such would get values from the server in close realm matches and would stomp over local values but it was very small things like that in Diablo 2.

Not sure if you would consider significant censorship as a change. At this point I’m starting to think they’re going to try to release the game as T for Teen and not Mature maybe to appeal to a larger audience? Is this possibly related to the lawsuit against blizzard and blizzard has changed direction? Who knows ???

While not going into detail there are dozens of examples of nudity and mature content censorship.

Significant? No. there is no “significant” censorship in D2:R. There is a lot more gore and blood with infinitely more detail. So they removed some boobs, butt and did some slight Woke-modifications to a few of the classes? i care way more about the gore and blood than the sexual stuff or if the assassin is white or asian. Call me crazy. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Mindblast soon BM in pvp, rofl
Blizzard, please, put WSG back !

or just ban it in pvp like they have banned other things

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If WSG is not back, yes mindblast will be BM.
But if it’s the case, trapsin, ghost-sin, or w/e-sin will loose a very powerfull mechanic.

you could say the same for zons not being able to use slow missiles but i don’t think that has made zons useless in pvp

Slow missile annihilate any ranged build.
Mindblast with perma-stunlock will annihilate everything.

Btw, why do you want WSG being removal since it s just a positive “bug” to reduce an overpowered mechanic ?
And mindblast being BM will just encourage trapsin to spam trap and teleport. Only defensiv position.

because removing bugs will either lead to them fixing things to work without bugs or it just removes an undocumented unintended mechanic being used against newer players who haven’t been playing as long as us.

Oh i see.
Let me guess.

You want personnal loot, bigger inventory, stacking gems, charm inventory too ?

yes, no, no, and no .

PL worst idea ever for a game such Diablo II.

Btw, you can wait for d4. Or just go PoE.
Don’t kill our game. We all know you’ll play it for 1 year MAXIMUM, before leaving for an other game or Diablo 4. And you’ll leave us with your casuals gamebreaking changes.

:raised_back_of_hand: i uhh… i do actually. :grimacing: :laughing:

Honestly David i don’t think anything is nearly set in stone yet. Especially with blizzards new survey going out about so many additional QoL as well as tons of ladder-specific stuff. I honestly think they’ll reverse this WSG decision before launch or shortly after once they read through all the feedback. Remember that they actually removed the WSG before and then re-added it back once they received a ton of backlash. Just sayin. :man_shrugging:

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played d2 for 21 years now i don’t plan to stop at 22 but thanks for knowing that

And you ask for personnal loot ? rofl
And things like WSG being removed ? :upside_down_face: