28 Changes In D2: Resurrected [+More Post-Launch]

i like the changes to D2R, except maybe the removal of TCP/IP. i personally wont play any mods but i know multiplayer mods were a big part for lots of people in D2.

I dont care who will refund because of too much changes or too little changes.
I will get used to the new character faces and then I will enjoy the game as it is, VV has done an amazing job.

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Lol no. It has 19:9 right now o_0. Even the Beta had 19:9. You are really… well… stupid is the wrong word… but i search a word like that…

practice a little more for pvp? saye the gamebreaking wsg bug user :wink:

the load screens is no big deal, it dont work like it did before.

for example: you wont activate duriel until the loading is done now, this is something that they changed after the alpha.

  1. Global servers (don’t have to switch servers to play with others)

Well, based on the beta, if I wanted to join a US based game and was on EU, I had to exit Diablo, go to the b.net launcher and change the realm.
I think the “Global” system is just for having all characters on the same “Ladder” system and be able to trade between “Realms” ?

True, defense isn’t very good in D2, but an extra 2,000 defense definitely makes enough of a difference to tip the scales with peoples decisions is what im saying. not that it was crazy OP, just that it limited decisions based upon it.

lol dont bother talking to that guy, he just repeats himself claiming hes right based on nothing. Arguing with a brick wall.

The load screens aren’t THAT bad, but they definitely need to be reduced. Which they said they would by release. I don’t see there being 5-10s load screens to enter a cave on launch. lol

i was talking about how it used to be with US east, US west. ect. and how you needed to make completely new characters to play with someone there.


that was beta only


Are we really going to have to just monitor twitter for any actual real time updates to D2R? Damnit i hate twitter. lol. Why can’t Rod (or anyone on the team) just make comments in the official forums ffs? :unamused:


Yeah true. Imho, that made it really good, because it was still rewarding for me, to farm a normal eth armour in lower kurast in singleplayer. (I am „only“ still missing the Lo rune for fortitude lol)

agree with you there i never use twitter for anything other than entering contests up until this last week when now i need to read through Rod’s twitter and pez’s reddit posts for any d2r info because they seem to dislike the forums.


Some monsters can stun players so that bug is used in PvE as well.

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yea i know. just a bit too good. :grimacing:

well pez actually posted a few great updates to reddit from his personal account. Which is also dumb… haha. Like cmon man what are these official forums even for if the developers and workers at blizzard don’t even use them? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Cheaters gonna cheat. :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys, this meant they were just not going to consider changes until post launch. This statement is definitely not a promise for more changes post launch. He was just replying directly to this console lobby issue, saying “no, nothing at least until after launch.” There may be more, but it’s a misunderstanding to take his comment as some promise or assurance of changes post launch.

i dont think its a “promise” of more changes, no. But i think its an extremely strong indication there ARE going to be changes post launch. And he also responded positively to the recent survey results that were sent to him. Hopefully he incorporates some of those popular change requests post-launch. :slight_smile:

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Your title reading “* more * coming post launch” seems to indicate some assurance, but ook!

Yes because we do have assurance. We just don’t have anything official. Either way, were definitely getting more changes post-launch.

dun dun dun. wats missing?

I hope you’re right, and this is also for PC.
Since the question is:
“I’m not able to play with my friends from another region on consoles? Is this a beta only thing or it’ll be the same on full release?”
And reply from Rod:
“Beta only”

This could me, that it’s just for consoles that will work like that?
But really hope that I can join a US game and EU game right after, without the need to restart Diablo :smiley:

i would think they are going to remove the region selection on pc too as places like Australia, South and Central America and other various places got servers but never had region drop downs for those servers so presumably the servers were connected together during the open test.

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It’s possible, but the whole point of my first response here, which you seemed to understand a post ago, was it’d be a mistake to take Rod’s tweet to mean there will definitely be changes post launch. Simple point. Are you going off of some other assurance?

We practically have the assurance that console lobbies will come post launch.

I do not see any way for this game to stay healthy on consoles without proper join game mechanics.

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