28 Changes In D2: Resurrected [+More Post-Launch]

If that’s all people are talking about, that makes sense! But it’s obvious people and this post are taking his tweet to mean they’ll get changes more like the ones in that list up there. Whatever, I’m just contesting the statement, “Rod’s confirmed more changes after launch!” that’s cropped up a few times here since his tweet. They’re not just talking about console lobbies, dear blash.

Im actually positive it does mean that. Not only does his tweet imply lobbies (in some form) will be coming to console, it also implies that isn’t the only change they are open to either. He responded positively in another tweet to the survey and they made comments multiple times how they take direct advice from community surveys to implement changes. So this isn’t a “take this with a grain of salt” type of scenario, this is a “oh ok its happening its just not official”.

Considering they also made comments about class balancing if they hear more feedback from players about it (which they have). I’d say its not only likely but actually a safe bet some things such as skill balancing, mercenary balancing and stackable runes/gems or charm inventory are coming. I wouldn’t be surprised if we got them all. :smirk: (eventually).

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Kinda weird how you could agree with my first post and then spin around to give the opposite sentiment, but OK!

After scrolling through his tweets, it seems he has committed to addressing some console issues and black bars for widescreen in some way. I definitely don’t see any commitment to implement things that are in the poll list, but it’s possible!

I also would expect more changes that just the lobbies. But your point that we do not have assurance, my point was that regarding the lobbies we (kinda) do. So we will at least get 1 more change to the list.
So technically the more in the title is correct.

But it is just the same raising false hopes.:wink:

But honestly. I would expect them to have a long term plan for this. So either their longterm plan is a one-time release or they are planning some elaborate updates later on with new features, maybe even more content.
So far i have not seen indications for the former, so i am willing to believe that they are having some for of the later on their agenda (depending on sales ofc). Otherwise they would need to do some serious emotion curving beforehand.

I think they’re going for a more middle-ground approach to changes/additions. I definitely wouldn’t expect anything like new content or an expansion. But im fully expecting at least stuff like slight balancing of certain skills and some more QoL features like charm inventory/rune stacking.

I actually bought and didn’t refund WC3R. since WC3 is literally my childhood and i had no choice. And i still get updates for skill and unit balancing from blizzard. and that game was an obvious disaster and didn’t sell much. we can automatically know D2R will be received INFINITELY better than WC3R. So why wouldn’t they give it the same or much more attention post-launch? :smiley: :raised_hands:

Did i just say there wouldn’t be extra content and then make an argument for possibly more content? Yes i think i did. I just made myself more excited. :clown_face:

you seem like you’re just training to rain on the parade here. Not adding anything significant as far as arguments against it. Just saying “woah it isn’t 100% kids so calm down”. :unamused:


You likely still have to go through the battle.net client, which sucks bad. It STILL means without internet you can’t play the game.

They said you’d only have to periodically connect to Bnet to authenticate your version. You won’t need an active internet connection to play SP after launch.

I’d love to see where they said that. It’s the ONLY thing I’m bummed about with the game. My wishlist would be, if the remaster turns out to be a thing of beauty, that the Vicarious visions team does the unreleased 2nd expansion that was planned for d2. I feel like Blizz would only give the ok if it looks like d4 is going to bomb or be dead on arrival.

So i went to google and typed “diablo 2 resurrected offline play” And literally google itself and the top 10 results all confirm it can be played offline. All you need to do is download, authenticate and you’re good to go. Im glad its the only thing you were bummed about. Now you can be on the hype train with me! :smiley:

Source: https://lmgtfy.app/?q=diablo+2+resurrected+offline+play


I agree I love all these new changes, especially adding ladder items to regular MP, as someone who usually goes SSF (solo self founded aka totally solo) I’m excited I’ll be able to use some of the ladder only stuff I was never able to play before (I had dialup as a kid). I hate being “rushed” through content so yeah it’ll be nice to be able to take my time. All the QOL changes imo are great.


Hey you can add text changes to skills, they fixed wrong calculations on fireball, firewall and inferno.

I mentioned in #14 they clearly have a list of all the little bugs like this that they fixed, im betting they’ll release that full list soon. A beta write-up is expected real soon, this coming Tuesday perhaps? :smirk:

I’m also super excited to be able to take my time and get all the Ladder only items. Even with a 6 month ladder you still never had time to get everything. I liked Ladder for the fresh start, not forcing me to play it for the Items.

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Yeah, that’s exactly what Im saying - because a few people are going around saying Rod’s confirmed things his tweet definitely doesnt confirm. Not a huge deal though. And you think a charm inventory is simple qol, so hopefully VV isnt too influenced by people with your perspective!

No, it’s not about security at all. It’s about money. This change completely kills modding, and they don’t want another DotA 2.

Besides, just because you don’t have real life friends or family to play with you doesn’t mean other people don’t play LAN or prefer LAN due to lower lag. Stop projecting and biting and whiteknighting. There’s no reason we should have to go through an online server to play with someone in the same room. That adds unnecessary server load for Blizz and unnecessary lag for the player.

Removing TCP/IP is completely detrimental to the user experience. It’s only beneficial to the company due to the possibility that someone could make a great mod or spin-off and they wouldn’t be able to take a cut.

Everyone i know has internet and has had internet for well over a decade or 2. Not sure what 3rd world country you live in bud.

puts on tinfoil hat

But seriously. why would any company allow anyone to host private servers of a game they are about to release? Thinking they would’ve ever done that is pretty stupid. Not sure why VV ever said they would support mods. Most likely VV said they would and blizz said nope.

no, it isn’t. For .001% of players who somehow can download the game but can’t play with friends online? lol k.

Whether you pay for ultra fast speed or have no internet at all is irrelevant, why go through an internet service to play with someone in your own room? WHY?

dumb argument. It doesn’t matter if it takes you 3 days to download the game at low speed. But it matters if you lag even just 0.1 sec.

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reason could be to be able to continue playing the closed battlenet char and not need to make new one for local play

You can get high speed internet from anywhere on earth starting very soon. Your argument holds zero weight for what year it is. Would’ve been a giant deal 10+ years ago.

It wasn’t a huge deal and complaining that a small minority of people can’t hook up computers locally isn’t “destroying the user experience” like you’re attempting to argue. Is it a tiny negative? sure. Still tiny though.

Wait until you see the survey they sent out :slight_smile:

So it isn’t just a rumor? TurdFergusson claimed he got one but won’t post links. Can you post screenshots of any of it or list the questions? would greatly appreciate it. TY. <3