2.7.4 Akkhan Rework

The concept of Condemns exploding everywhere your Phalanx Avatars attack (assuming Judgment is in effect on the enemies) sounds cool.

But overall… this rework to Akkhan has me thinking no thanks.

You lose the 50% RCR, so you can’t spam Condemn yourself anymore. It feels like you’re just running around casting Judgment and hoping your Avatars (probably Archers) get buffed Condemn damage.

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Blizzard,plz go on keep Baleful Remnant away from Akkhan condenm,it must recall a large number of Phalanx Avatars lag the game.Buff Akkhan 6p bounus plz,2000% now,and
Phalanx Avatars cast condemn triple bounus.(we should not encourage the Cru cast condemn,he looks like a commander and a Presiding judge,you removed Akkhan 2p 50%RCR bounus,so Cru have not enough energy to cast condemn himself,he prefer command the Phalanx Avatars to cast condenm)
Inadditon,we must make Eternity Union and Warhelm Kassar more attraction,according to the PTR Ladder,we noticed that Warhelm Kassar replace by Aughild and Eternity Union replace by Bastions of Will easily,we must promote their Phalanx Avatar damage,to make sure players are willing to use these Phalanx Avatars key items.

Its hard to guess how it will feel until we get our hands on it. Ive been pleasantly surprised in the past on changes. The loss of RCR does seem very unnecessary, though.

Ya. Getting to experiment with it could lead to some unforseen combinations from myself, but at the moment, it looks like you’ll want to use some combination of

  • Blade of Prophecy
  • Baleful Remnant
  • Frydehr’s Wrath
  • Unrelenting Phalanx

Could another weapon or shield pop up and emerge into the meta? Sure. A lot of creative people out there who think of stuff I wouldn’t ever.

But a cursory reflection on the Akkhan rework has me thinking we want to buff Condemn damage and get as many Phalanx Avatars attacking as possible (Tasker n Theo probably being mandatory).

Good news is we might not need to stack a metric ton of CDR anymore to keep Akarat up. But our skills are either all high resource cost or high cooldown cost or require an item that doesn’t appear to fit into this rework to really shine.

So I’m seriously dreading we’re just going to be spamming Judgment while our pets do all the damage.

It’s okay to not spam Condemn, you may not even need it equipped on the skill bar. With presence of Phalanx you’re doing less than 10% of the total damage. Save the Wrath.

Look at this concept for a journey into the potentially unusual:

My point about you not being able to cast Condemn yourself anymore means you’re not doing anything. You just run around trying not to die.

What kind of gameplay is that for an Action RPG?

They need to give us something more to do than casting Judgment and summoning Avatars.

That is kinda what Inna monk is about. You got punish to keep up toughness though. And you need to use judgement on enemies

Necromance from various games says hi? Its a pet build, you action is managing those avatars.

1 slot competition in cube. Wonder if its UP or BR.

Who makes you not do anything? You suddenly lose your free will, if you try to play the new Akkhan set? Or I don’t realy know what you’re on about. Why people instantly think, that a pet build is nothing but standing around waiting. Here your Phalanx avatars not even doing dmg on their own. They just prock Condemn. There are plenty of skills that will fit into the build, to play more actively.

Keeping punish stacks up, it will play somewhat like inna. Use generator to buff yourself, use judgement, use laws or whatever else skills you need

Than you’re not just standing around doing nothing.

Exactly. I really look forward to see the new sets in action

Im guessing Blade of Prophecy + Frydehers…with Baleful Remnant so you can have an army…if they proc condemn
Because Eternal Union makes them last forever, you can have 32 men following you lol!!

Ironic that Sader is the ultimate pet master by numbers

Baleful Remnant: affix mech
The special affix spawned [Avatars]do not benefit from runes, but do benefit from [Eternal Union] and [Unrelenting Phalanx]. No more than 30 can be summoned at a time. Each of them deals 100% damage as [Physical] per attack.

Regarding RCR
We have to see if these triggered Condemn actually use wrath…it sounds like the Condemn is a proc…so you are not casting it

Once again, the whole point is, YOU do no damage yourself in the current set design. You have no reason to cast anything besides Judgment and buffs. And you really can’t cast anything besides Judgment and your buffs as it is since we no longer have high RCR/CDR.

This is an extremely boring playstyle to me, and I am sure I am not alone.

Things could change, but I am imagining a setup that involves:

  • Phalanx
  • Akarat’s Champion
  • Judgment
  • Law of (insert your choice)
  • Falling Sword?
    – Does no damage, but may be able to help you get a few more Avatars out
  • Condemn?
    – Doesn’t sound like it’s needed on the skill bar, however, maybe selecting a specific rune will be important (i.e., we may still want Unleashed, or maybe we want SE for max AoE potential)
  • Zeal?
    – Maybe add more attack speed with Zeal stacks… once again… boring… does zero damage, and is just a buff to yourself
  • Iron Skin?
    – Handy for a lot of Crusader builds cause 50% DR is kind of a big deal

And obviously y’all can choose whatever you want.

But listing the options out myself makes it seem doubtful I will be doing anything besides casting Judgment, casting a buff, or summoning Avatars

The developers used to agree this was an extremely horrible gameplay design. I still think it is.

We ll see on ptr, lots of what ifs and questions to be answered

Another confuseing thing(for me atleast) is the wording of the 4p bonus.

“and also apply Condemn when attacking enemies that is affected by Judgment.”

Where do they apply Condemn? On us, on themselfs or on the enemy? Thats not clear. If I’m correct everyone seems to think its going to be applied to enemies(me too). But the tooltip dosen’t states that specificly. It’s just: When enemy Judged->Condemn applied. But where?

This just blew my mind. If the Crusader actually released the Condemns… that’d take the set and theorycrafting in an unexpected direction – especially if there is an ICD on Condemn releases, like Heaven’s Fury / Ivory Tower has, we may be better off with Furnace and a smaller Avatar count. If we’re limited to 5 Condemns per second, the GR gains would be small (~7-8GRS).

Quite honestly this would feel like Invoker Slash w/ Omnislash and Area Damage, higher base damage but very slow stricken stacking.

I’m not sure how I feel about this considering the Invoker Slash example.

LoN Bombardment (Pig Sticker) = Akkhan Condemn (gameplay is very similar)
Invoker Slash = Roland Sweep (gameplay) .
Seeker Hammerdin = Unique
LoD Blessed Shield = Unique
AoV Heaven’s Fury / Ivory = Unique
AoV Heaven’s Fury / Pig Sticker = Unique
AoV Fist of Heavens = Unique


PTR goes up today.

Lots of questions will be answered.

The verbiage seems to say to me the enemies being attacked are having the Condemn “applied” to them. Which makes it seem like they’d be the ones exploding.

I base this on Blade of Prophecy’s verbiage:

Two Condemned enemies also trigger Condemn’s explosion

So I’m reading Akkhan in the similar way.

But we’ll find out in the next several hours the exact mechanics.

Akkhan-Set need a damage buff for Phalanx Avatars or LOD with Phalanx will be stronger.

Actually i wulould first buff supporting legendarys. But then it would maybe more OP. Specialy LoD variant.