10sec-Freezing issue

It happens when I play FB Wizard and GoD Demon hunter.

But you “LOSE” sound.

This happens when I solo a leapquake barb. Quit blaming it on firebirds. I’ve seen it happen on every stream too.

Friend, if Blizzard dosent know what is causing th problem, how do we will know?

Started to get these 10 freeze last season after a big windows 10 update, was anyoing as hell to play my znec/god dh with these freezes. I played with sound off for a long time becuase i get anoyed with too much of the sounds and i enjoy mostly listening to music while i play so i played with sound off.

But these freezes went away last season after i put sound on but with all vaules put down to "1 " so i dont hear anything, plus i put sound channels down from 128bit to lowest 16bit.
This 99.99% fixed it for me. Stoped having freezes in last season and in this new season not had any of them while playing my god dh, or my firebird wiz. Only had hard crash to desktop a 2-3 times during the season launch weekend.

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Unfortunately, the level of the volume has no effect on the cause, but disabling the sound apparently does for some.

This more likely is what helped you. And as I said before in another thread, its not bits. Its channels. Lowering the number of channels means the computer doesn’t have to play as many sounds at once. You lose out on some depth, but many people wouldn’t hear the difference anyway, unless they have good quality speakers/headphones.

Only by correlating data to see any similarities in those that are affected.

But the only way to do this, would be to gather a lot of data. That data would need to include everything about your computer such as:

  • Computer type, desktop or laptop, brand, model, etc.
  • CPU - exact model - all settings (overclocked etc)
  • Memory - exact brand, model and speed as well as tweaks.
  • Motherboard - exact brand and model including revision, BIOS version, and any settings other than defaults.
  • Video card, brand, model, hardware version, software installed version, and any settings changed from defaults.
  • Sound card type, connection used, driver installed, settings, etc.
  • Storage drive(s) - types, models, brands
  • Power supply, brand, wattage.
  • Operating system - exact version and list of settings changed from defaults.
  • Drivers along with versions installed.
  • Any software installed that is installed as well as running while game is playing. This includes Antiviruses, music players, chat programs, literally anything running that is not included with default OS install.
  • Keyboards and mice, brands, software installed (if required) and version.
  • Monitor used for the game, model and connection type.
  • Internet used, company, personal router, wired or wireless, etc.
  • Finally, actual game settings, screen resolution, fps settings, video quality, sound, full screen, windowed, full screen windowed, etc.

The more of that sort of data that can be collected, the better our chance of finding a common cause.

For those of you who don’t know, this is resolved with a DLL swap. Specifically the issue has to do with the fmodex64.dll file in the x64 folder.

The problem, along with a link to a google drive with a working fmodex64.dll file was posted on the forums in October 2020. Blizzard has yet to respond to even that post or resolve the issue.

But if you’re tired of experiencing the freezing issue. Look in the General Discussion forums for the DLL file thread. Download it, and swap it out.

Please note, that the bnet client will update your diablo 3 through out the day so you’ll have to do the DLL fix pretty much every time you want to play.

Leave it to the players to fix something and post the fix, that a multi-billion dollar company won’t bother addressing.

It’s funny because all blizzard has to do is take that file and implement it into the client and the issue would be gone.

I hope a D3 developer sees this reply.

Is it just me, or does this freeze ALWAYS happens and I know its time to check for an update. After the update is completed, the game no longer freezes! I’ve checked the D3debug list, I have the same problem with everyone else its the FMOD, sound issue. At least, thats what the D3debuglist is telling me. BUT trust me! go update right after you get a freeze, and it’ll go away until it needs to update again.

And as I have said, why doesn’t everyone have the problem? While it seems a lot of you do, not everyone does so why does it only affect a small portion of the playerbase? I say small, because if it was affecting a large portion, we would hear a LOT more about it.

No matter how many, they should address it. I’m not privy to their inner circle but I have to assume they are either planning to solve it, or back burnered it as long as it isn’t affecting too many people right now.

I would like to know what is actually causing the problem in the first place. Why does mine work fine? I have done no swapping, I update things as they come along, on the latest version of Windows, etc.


Are you working for Blizzard? If yes, fix this issue, please…

If I was I would. But I’m not.

Edit. This was for Stuey, but apparently they deleted their comment. My bad. lol

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From what I can tell based on forum posts lock ups like this have been going on for a very VERY long time. Blizzard never really addressed the issue and I don’t think they ever will. They have never been to concerned about the overall performance of this game in this regard. It’s quite sad really.

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In my opinion, the problem will be solved in the same way that it arose. Microsoft will update Windows in some way that will fix the Blizzard problem. It is a shame that the problem takes too long to be solved and an even greater shame for Blizzard to remain silent about such a situation while there are so many topics related to it on the forum.


I only started having this issue this season, and ALWAYS when a wiz is in the group. I’m fine as long as no wiz joins. Probably why I never noticed it before, until this season wiz was a super rarity and now they are everywhere


This is my experience also.

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This problem is another question. When there is wiz in group, mirror image causes a liitle freeze or video lag. The issue that i reported is old… more then one year.

Just played with a friend of mine finally in a higher rift, and the amount of conflags that were on the screen and the mirror images just causes the game to grind to a halt.

When is this gonna be fixed? Can’t play in higher rifts due to the amount of latency this build is causing, and yet not a peep from the dev team on it.

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If you go to the main forum screen, scroll down the page, you will see more than 100 posts for 1 blue answer. I’m sorry my friend, but we’re just here to open our hearts about the love of playing D3.

Love is such a strong word, its more like tolerate it till D2R comes out. Loved the way it looks and from what LLama described it, plays like D2.

Can’t wait till have actual trading again.