10sec-Freezing issue

Agree 100%. D2R is too expansive in my opinion. I live in Brazil and here, the price is R$180,00. Impossible to buy it. Ridiculous.

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My 2c… No issue with season 22 Barb at T16. Works fine. I have created TWO different Barbs in Season 23, both started acting up at level 33! In combat they drastically slow down & freeze. Season 22 @ T16 is fine immediately afterwards. The issue is Season 23… Tried tech spt, no help. Pretty disgusted that Tech Spt can’t fix after 4 tries…

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The freeze issues have become really prominent for me lately. They started the past week and I never experienced them before.

Reading that these issues started in season 22 makes me link this with the same freezing issues that The Division 2 started having back in January.

Could this ba somewhat related to an external common source like DirectX or Windows?

I am so thankful this fix works.
It works so well, no mini screen freezes.
It works well and doesn’t suck at all!

For what it’s worth… after following the link below, I found the nvidia control panel only had bnet.exe, I added d3.exe to the programs in the control panel & modified the settings (per the link) & it worked up until the 19th and it came back (2 FMOD errors). I saw this link - start the game - alt tab out - open task manager - find diablo3 retail - select go to details - find diablo iii64.exe right click to open “set affinity” and select CPU 0 & 1 (turn off the rest). & it hasn’t locked up since.

Yep I recommended the core change. I guess it doesn’t work for everyone but might as well try it. Every time you log in make the change. I have been asked if this cause performance issues by multiple friends. The answer is no because D3 only uses one core. It can only help you if you other cores are causing the issues.

Task manager>details>find D3/right click>set affinity>select only core 0 and 1.

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Why is this issue blatantly being ignored? is there no moderator, nor dev reading these boards to address major issues? yes, this is major. first week of the season was terrible, then all of a sudden it got better. then, last night, started freezing again. we deserve answers. we deserve a PROVEN solution.

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How often do you get these freezes yourself chris if you don’t make those core changes ?

All the time. In meta groups it is almost instant since I’m pulling huge packs. In solo it has ruined a couple push runs when I have forgotten to apply the core change. For speeds its very random since density is sparatic

I see , I never encountered these freeze issues at all last season ,although alot of friends did ,as a barb player myself I went with the the focus and restraint build last season , you may ask what this has to do with the freezes , well as soon as the new patch went live I equipped my ancient hellfire and was hyped to push the era leaderboards back on the core build , away I went key after key ,freeze after freeze , never really looked into the reasons of the freeze issues until my clan mates asked me to try hc this season, and yep it happened again freeze and rip , so I jumped on my non season barb to get to the bottom of it after I read somewhere that coe was causing the issues , I ran the core build freeze after freeze every run with coe equipped , decided to drop the level down to 135 for further testing and unequip coe and equipped soj for a few runs and not 1 freeze issue in site , tested again with coe and back to the freeze issue , unequipped coe again and was fine , these were multiple grs btw , so I decided to do the fmodex sound file replacement and test again with coe and no problems whatsoever , to me the problem seems to be linked to coe

Maybe you can test it also by not doing the core change and try multiple grs with and without coe ,and see what you think :slight_smile:

It’s not linked to coe since I see more freezing when I’m zbarbing. If anything we can discuss it being linked to the ww ability. Also every single person has had different experiences with the freezes. Ie… frequency, length, and mode of play it happens. Some don’t even have the issue. I know for a fact this started with a windows update awhile back and apparently the d3 files conflicted with the update. The only thing I can think of is everyone’s CPU handles the issue differently since we all run different set ups. So there will be varying experiences If it is related to a CPU performance issue. Or even a sound card which has been discussed. Sound cards vary and will present problems differently.

This fix works for me so I don’t need to test anything else. COE is mandatory for wwrend so I either use it or I don’t play.

I know that coe is mandatory ,all I’m asking you is if you can replicate the freeze issue if you don’t do the core change in every solo gr , and if you do get the freeze issue in every gr , try testing without coe to see if the freezes are still happening , I’m not telling you not to play with coe I’m just asking you to test it , I’m not trying to debate or argue or fix everyone’s problems all I’m asking is for you to test it out with and without if you can replicate the freeze issues without doing the core change

I don’t use COE while zbarbing. It happens with 99% certainty every rift.
And yes I have tested it since I forget from time to time and get rekt in 150s as soon as I go in. Then my group usually needs to RIP and apply the changes.

I understand all that , all I’m asking is for you to test it out in solo on your core barb without making the core changes :grinning:

Test done without COE in a solo 110. Freeze happened about 30 seconds into the rift.

I tried replacing COE with SOJ and this fixed my problem in solo. But I still froze in groups.

Then I tried reducing the sound quality to 16 bit but still had problems. It turns out that is cause I had the sound muted. I turned sound back on and now I can play in groups without freezing again.

Never had this problem before this season.

Just my experience. I was about to quit this season cause this freeze was so frustrating.

Damn ,oh well like you said multiple people are having the issue at different times with different builds etc etc , and also thanks for testing that out , it was an issue for me but obviously not for others, but we shouldn’t be the ones trying to fix these issues in the first place

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If you want to play this game you need to at least try what people recommend or the game is unplayable. This issue will not get fixed. I was about to quit too until some complete random player I got from pub chat told me to try it. It has worked 100% without fail for the last two months. Others have tried this fix and it has not worked so not sure what to tell those players.