10sec-Freezing issue

Patch 2.7 live and the 10-sec freezing issue still not fixed…



what do you mean by that, can give more details? Also, It’s better to post on bug report, not on general category.

No matter the location of the post, the problem will not be solved anyway. I’m talking about the random 10-second freeze that happens within the game and will celebrate 1 year without a solution.


I’m assuming your talking about the random freezes that was introduced with S22. I had those random freezes throughout the whole season and it was pretty annoying. Since S22 ended I would assume the random freezes would go away too. I’ve been testing things in non-season for a while now and have not gotten any random freezes so far. There is a chance that maybe this issue is with your computer and/or internet.

Maybe the game does still have random freezing issues and I just havent run into one yet. if I do ill come and edit to share.

Edit: 05/10 Finally saw one of those freezes today, not sure how or why though. Servers needs upgrades man.

I have this issue and most of my friends too. My internet conection is fine for all games that i play, except Diablo 3. My computer has no problem with no othergame that i play, except Diablo 3. i believe that this issue didnt go away like you believe. Blizzard cant fix this and just has nothing to say about it.

For those doesn’t know which issue i’m talking about, click in the link. If you observe the date of the topic is June/20.


I get the 10 sec graphics-freeze 1-2x a day, depending on my activity. It usually happens shortly after I first login, and only when I first enter a new rift.

Been playing off and on all evening, no problems at all.

Isn’t this related to the sound problem? I have not had an issue yet, but I have heard its been causing problems. Though I don’t seem to find the thread I saw the info on at the moment.

I had posted on a thread recently let me find it.

Is this an Area Damage lag issue or a graphical ‘lockup’ freeze?

Can you describe the freeze better please? (how it behaves, is it a hard lock as in ctrl-alt-del won’t work, can’t bring up task manager, even if you can you can’t effect any change etc…)

Just a lil more information please. I know you’re salty and don’t think Blizz will do anything but some of the community members may have found work arounds or know what’s going on and be better able to help if we just get a little more information.

I had encountered this sort of issue during the PTR. But only there. I have never had an issue like it on the live game and so far I haven’t had one since the patch.

So… Not sure what could be causing it. I know the fxmod.dll bug has been causing issues for many. Has to do with sound drivers timing out. You can actually disable the audio and your game should work fine, but that’s not a fix.

Friends, i know that most of you are posting trying help, but there is tons of contents about this issue in a lot of topics… i posted a link sending to the main topic from June/20 and the issue is the same. 10 sec random freezing… its about the “fxmod.dll”… this old issue with no solution for me… its impossible to play freezing all the time…


I can confirm this too, happens (~10 sec freeze) quite frequently to me, both before and now after patch. :frowning:
(note: this is with sound totally disabled in game)


Heh. One more reason to keep my Win10 locked at 1903v2. I ain’t updating until something breaks.

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They’ve been happening long before that. Seasons have nothing to do with it


It can happen anywhere, anytime. Best thing you can do as a SOLO player is hit ESC to Pause as soon as it happens, especially if you’re on HC. It can last from 5 to 20 seconds. The ESC menu will pop up once the freeze has finished, and you can continue playing.

If it happens to you in a group setting, you better hope your buddies don’t leave any monsters hanging around you when it does.

The game freezes and becomes unresponsive no matter what you do.

You should update your Windows… Your windows security is totally broken…

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GIven that I only ever boot into Windows to play games, I’m not really all that worried. The 2004v2 update did fix a lot of the 2004v1 issues, but left Blizzard games somewhat broken thanks to the fmod.dll issue. nVidia’s been in a rut too - their drivers have been semi-broken since 443. Right now the only reason to have a driver later than 442.96 is if you have a 3000 series RTX card.

And some of the security updates can be applied piecemeal, so it isn’t entirely vulnerable. At least it isn’t as bad as the situation with my dentist’s workstations that must be locked to 1903 due to compatibility requirements with their x-ray equipment. I can’t update those machines until Apteryx pushes an update for their TWAIN drivers.

No, that’s something entirely different.

Everything stops moving. After 10-15 seconds it resumes from the point it left off, quickly resolving any button pushes I made during the freeze. CTRL-ALT-DEL works fine. If I hit the Windows button that’ll toast me - giving me a grey screen of death from which there is no escape, forcing a hard reboot.

This doesn’t work for me. Hitting ESC does nothing and doesn’t pause my game when I come out of the freeze.

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While in game…
Go to task manager
Click on details
Find d3/right click/set affinity
Unchecked all cores except 0 and 1.

Not a fix but an easy work around
My game has not froze once as long as I remember to make the core change.


Always works for me. It happened earlier today. Froze for about 8 seconds.

Then I guess you wore that key out. Get a new keyboard.

The point is: All of us are trying to find some solution to this issue, but Blizzard… Its a shame.



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