10sec-Freezing issue

Well the game did always had random freezes yeah, but like before S22 I usually get them like once or twice every 2 weeks or so. But ever since S22 started i got them like almost everyday or every other day, it was super annoying. So I assumed the S22 theme was causing this. There are other people blaming S22 theme as well. There can be other and more than one reason to why players get random freezes…

Also an update on to my first response on this topic, I ran 4 man group for like another 2 hours last night, still no freezes.

The issue is totally random… sometimes i freeze 5-6x in a GR with 2, 3 friends… Sometimes i dont freeze for a long time playing… But there are freezing. And ALL freezes has exactly 10 seconds of duration. Probably the system response time for some internal error… maybe windows components… maybe some hardware drivers… maybe some D3 content.

Until Blizzard fixes their game, I will not be buying any new games from Blizzard. Can’t justify spending money with a company that does not fix their games. I have not had sound in game for over 2 seasons now because of this issue.


Playing new Firebird…and encountering this issue…please fix it!


Will give this a try. Thanks.

I tried this and it’ s not freezing anymore! Thanks!

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Got this freeze bug in season 22. Had never had these before, and i got them most when iplayed a support znec/zdh. And you get this freeze mostly if you have turned off sound witch i have had for years now. But for me 99% of this went away as long i have the sound on but with all values at " 1 " so i dont hear anything.

As the bug is a happening if you have turned off sound, but you get a frezze when the game bug`s out when its trying to play a sound. But goes away as long you have sound so what ever sound it bugs over gets played.

And the issue remains… dont let the topic dies… lets try some answere from Blizzard… New patch, old problems…

why 0 and 1? are those for some reason preferred by the program?

Modern processers have two threads per processor. I have a 4 processor / 8 thread CPU and Set Affinity lists CPU0 to CPU7. So, 0 and 1 correspond to the threads from the primary processor.

Win10 v1903/1909 is going “End of Service” on 2021-05-11.

You will most likely be “force upgraded” which is why Blizzard needs to fix this issue!


Didnt work! But ty for trying!

Playing Firebird too and im playing in slow motion… a lot of video lag… i have a 1060 - 3g with R7 1700x and 16Gb 2400Mhz

Didnt work for me, but ty for trying!

Here is the workaround but it still really sucks this has been going on for so long and you have to play with no sound!

Ah I forgot Wudi made a video about this. I knew S22 played a part of the constant random freezes… And here I was being told that it had nothing to do with it lol…

I ran into a freeze but my group eventually found out that we had 2 crusaders with area damage on, the usual suspect of lag. Other than that I havent really gotten freezes, even played another hour of firebird wiz solo GR runs last night and no freezes for me.

If that’s the case, why does my 20H2 work fine?

Just saying. I have not had to do any tricks, fixes, nor change CPU affinity.

But that does make me wonder if the CPU matters here.

I AM running an i3 7100… Hmmmmm And with the trick about the affinity change, it makes me wonder if high core counts matter. I mean mine only has 2 physical cores to start with.

Just a thought.

Not when I have Windows Update locked down (that’s the only way to prevent even the usual six month forced update). Thankfully the CVEs are fairly light so far, but 2004v2 may have enough fixes to justify unlocking WU to manually force an update soonish. But not before I clone the drive so I can revert if need be. :slight_smile:

You should never leave your Windows out of date. It is a critical security breach and if something happens to your personal data, Blizzard will not be responsible for it.

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They won’t be responsible for it regardless. lol

That or revert using the Windows 10 tool as long as you don’t delete the Windows.old backup.

I’ve been running on 20H2 since early November I think. Been fine for the most part. No weirdness. Certainly nothing that interferes with my games.

My older i7 gaming tower is still on Windows 7. Probably going to leave it there for better compatibility with some old software I use occasionally.

This has been out for ages. I have a detailed fix which was Covered by wudijo. Blizz don’t care enough about this game to bother fixing it at this point

The fix made by Wudijo dosent work anymore.