10 WD GR 150, 3 Crusaders GR 150 in Non-Season

That is not what that sentence means at all. That is some weapons grade pretzel grammar to get that from what the dude wrote in the first place.

No, no you don’t.

Ah, I see the Fun Police are up to their old antics. Suddenly WDs are strong, but some people think that’s bad for “balance” or some other made up reason. And all of this after Blizzard released a blog discussing their approach to balance.

Those of you saying that we should just enjoy the game, have fun, don’t worry too much about how strong WDs are, you’re in the right. I’m glad WDs are super strong. Next patch, I hope DHs and Necros are super strong, too. No doubt the Fun Police will have something to say about that, too.


What class can do solo indicates what it can do in group. If it is total trash for solo it is not good for group.

And you are only twisting the argument by giving it a negative name, “fun police”.

You’d have to be able to scale down some things to make it more equal, otherwise you’ll end up in a never ending buff cycle. Tell me, if there wasn’t this never ending cycle, would barbs have been in such a bad spot for so long? Sure, they could have gotten buffed, but then they would probably be overbuffed, and another class would be screaming for buffs, eventually cycling back to barbs. In the end, by scaling back some things, other things may shine.

Aov crus, rend barb and wd SB are all overperforming by blizzards own words, with varied levels of op. Scaling some of that back will not kill the builds, but close the gap to the ones that are just below them.

Could you just believe us that the ones restricting your “fun” do it from the view of enabling fun for everyone. Crusader is my main, and I want aov nerfed, while still wanting buffs to other crus builds. Barb is my second main, where I feel frenzy is fairly balanced now, while rend is op. Hota and slam are also closing in, but rend is quite far above those two.


That logic is ridiculous: Nerf things in order to make other things feel strong, until the cycle begins anew? No thanks.

Nope. They have not, in fact, said that. If you read the balance blog, you might have seen this:

Assuming a player is at 5000 Paragon, here’s where all the classes landed, on average , a few weeks into Patch 2.6.7 for non-Seasonal play , aggregated across player leaderboard data world-wide:

Barbarian Crusader Demon Hunter Monk Necromancer Witch Doctor Wizard
GR Avg. 130 138 125 130 123 130 130

And you might remember this:

The “ideal” class set performance for Diablo III is approximately Greater Rift 130, solo, and assumes the character has 5000 Paragon levels .

Okay. Let’s look at those two quotes again.

Where does Barb fall? Ah, right on target. Not even in the +1/2 zone, and certainly not in the +3/4 warning zone.

Right on target.

Crusader was addressed via Heaven’s Fury, though they also admit they’re unsure if that did the job. WD’s were adjusted from the 2.6.8 PTR and we don’t have nearly enough data to determine where they fit into Blizzard’s ideal balance model.

So, my advice to everyone is: Don’t worry about it.

Play the game, have fun, and enjoy it when your class is strong and efficient.

As for this:


Instead, buff underperforming builds/sets/classes to the same levels that Saders, Barbs, and WDs can enjoy. That’s how you “enable fun for everyone,” and it sure beats the Fun Police method.


Blizzard has given their thoughts on game balance. As evidenced by the recent nerfs, they apparently do not share your attitude of “only buff, never nerf”. They are clear in that they will continue to nerf and buff.

Yes and have you seen their updated post where they acknowledge that their tables used had “byproduct” due to how early their dataset was and issues with class popularity.

For your convenience, she posted (I added the underline to highlight key points):

"This is why we take multiple rounds of data for our own testing and observation. We can’t rely on one snap shot. However, the nature of my job, unfortunately, often leads to the requests I make for

data winding up wildly out of date by the time I can acquire approvals, get things localized, and get them published. "

And later in that post wrote:

“Again, the data provided was meant to be an example, not “snap shot of truth.”

For the non-season data, it was taken in early December and there were only two days that existed for patch 2.6.7a/leaderboard reset prior to S19 start . It is my understanding that Blizzard will continue to analyze the data with more mature data and multiple metrics to decide nerf/buffs going forward.


They also said the the aim for a 10k paragon player was roughly 141, with some levels higher for good measure, 2-3 levels above was okayish, above that it would be a bit too high.

Then for what reason do they nerf builds like chantadoo, thorns necro?, because they dont want builds at that level.

You may want to take another look at that, there are several 135 clears at around 4-5k paragon (eu side), that seems a bit higher than what they suggested right?

No it’s not. Even though they favor group play they will never completely gimp solo play because the game would empty out like an airlock with a farting Klingon. Therefore they bloody well do balance the game for solo play as well as group play and you’d better learn to accept it.

I’m sorry are you possibly talking about some other game? Since when is a zdps toon good at solo play? When did a RGK with absolutely no trash clearing become good for solo play?

I suspect that Blizzard now has a “new” target for top end clears of GR 144.

I suspect it was less an intended target as a default caused by unintended consequences. As in “H-h-h-how ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree?”

I suspect that you are right. At this point, I think that Blizzard would be reluctant to get top clears down to GR 141 with their stated nerf/buff tolerances. Also, the 5K paragon target of GR 130 can not be what they are currently going with as Nev even mentioned that clears improved with time as players optimized their builds and practice over the next 2.5 months.

Sometimes i think it would be best if blizzard never say anything ever.
When they do they are quoted for ever as if its set in stone .

There will be times when player will clear higher and sometimes not

When ZDPS toon did anything without DPS friend?

Most popular solo build for DH is Impale. Go figure.

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Are you having trouble keeping up with your claims.? I reinterate What zdps toon is good in solo play?

Your idea of a RGK is a DH impale? It sucks. It’s the not worst choice among two of the worst solo classes.

Exactly. You come to my point. DH Impale is low for solo and that is why it is low in group. If it could do 140 Solo with 5K Paragons everyone would use it in group.

Still dodging the point. What zdps toon is good in solo? Also the Zuni poison dart was the best solo witch doctor build last season but wasn’t good for groups. It didn’t fit the meta. The best solo DH was Natalya rapid fire not DH impale. Your premise is provably false.

I am not going to defend something I did not say. You can argue with yourself as much as you want.

No ZDPS toon is good for solo and I never said it was.
I did not say that Imaple is the best I said it is most popular.

Go ahead tell me you didn’t say what you just said.
“If it’s total trash for solo it’s not good for group”

ZDPS is not trash for solo it is not existent. And you know exactly what I wanted to say. But still you troll.

How about nobody cares what you two are discussing. End the argument please.