10 WD GR 150, 3 Crusaders GR 150 in Non-Season

Edited with updated leaderboard data.

I just wanted to draw attention to the fact that GR 150 has been solo cleared in non-season for 10 witch doctors and 3 crusaders. These are all high paragon playes. The lowest paragon for a GR 150 WD clear is 8822. GR 150 crusaders are higher paragon (11302-12379).

Considering the nerfs to thorns necromancer and wizards, these clears are high.


I believe there is a bug with the new set and bane of the stricken allowing them to kill the RG early.

RIP Zuni …:worried:
Solo 150 Soon…

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As much as I love seeing the WD strong, that’s a little over kill, considering where Wizard and Demon Hunter are…you know…trash


I’m fine with WD having its time in the limelight, though this might be a bit too much.

one gripe i have is that mana regen which used to be the gearing focal point is no longer that important for the build. I feel like the transfer of power to the base bonus was too much…

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Agree’d, but its not fair when the wizards new :dragon: hydra legendaries got nerfed to the point they barley do GR 120. 147 compared to 120 is a massive difference.

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Top clears so far in US (3/6/2020, 9:30 ET USA):

Barb: 140 GR, 6016 Paragon
Crus: 141 GR, 8129 Paragon
DH: 126 GR, 7290 Paragon
Monk: 137 GR, 11,036 Paragon
Necro: 125 GR, 6286 Paragon
WD: 142 GR, 7918 Paragon
Wiz: 136 GR, 5022 Paragon

In the US, Barb, Crus and WD are just about even.

DH and Necro are way underperforming. I suspect this will be addressed in the next patch when they get new sets.


Lol, LoD Hydra has cleared a 137 so far. This build is completely balanced with where Blizzard wants builds to be. It will clear a 141 minimum with more fishing and better gear

WD is way overturned along with a few other builds that need nerfs.

WD needed some help.

I don’t advise nerfing it until I have played with WD. Currently, I am a Monk at GR 50. And since I have dedicated my life to slaving for the Federal Reserve, I anticipate GR 147 completion with Monk in about 5 years.

Have patience with me, and thank you.


Where is the 137 hydra build? I dont see it on the leaderboards at all. Then again I also dont see the WD 147 clear… Are people looking at china’s leaderboards?

Top clear is a lousy metric for balance. They really need to look at the whole scale to remove the outliers and see how the majority are doing with a build.

Also the leader boards are screwed right now so people are using examples from youtube videos that may not be after the patch. Take everything with a star freighter of salt.


Wizard clear 마법사: 종합 - 순위 - 디아블로 III

Witch Doctor clears



That and look at the paragon levels.

One question because I seriously haven’t had time to log on for than 2 minutes the last ten days.
Have the patch given the new cubing as well? If so it may even more askew to look at those numbers.
DH, Necro and monk apart. That monk has the highest paragon levels of all!
Anyway statistics needs large populations not some few samples.

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Leave the WD alone. What is it with people always calling for nerfs? Is it because “OMG, someone is doing some thing I can’t do, so it needs a nerf!”


No, that’s only for seasonal play so it’s not active for noon-seasonal (currently season 20 isn’t active)

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Cookie for you. :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Because you have to also use nerfs for balance. Otherwise you always buff classes and taking that approach would have let us clear solo GRift 150s with any class in like 3 minutes after we hit level 70.

This would remove all the fun in the game cause you are done before you even begin.


That makes as much sense as hubcaps on a tractor. Buff something so we can nerf it?

btw - look at the paragon levels of the WDs’ people are complaining about…that just might have something to do with it?


Personally I want to see blackthorns allow players to jump to a GR150 and clear it but only as long as they have no paragon. I’m just weird that way.

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It wasn’t buffed just to nerf it later. It’s hard to correctly judge the power of a brand new set so they have to start somewhere. If the set is too strong then it gets nerfed

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